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The Worth Knowing Series forms a much needed in-between link to the larger Nature Library books and the handy, but necessarily limited, Pocket Nature Guides. Each of these four volumes covers the most interesting American varieties of the subject treated. A general introduction to each subject is followed by detailed descriptions of the most interesting families, and of the more important members in each group. EACH VOLUME, NET, $1.60 THE BIRD STUDY BOOKBy T. GILBERT PEARSON The idea here is to present a bird book in which the beginner or the child can get in simple language the fundamental facts of bird study. Mr. Pearson, as Secretary of the National Association of Audubon Societies, is one of the best informed writers on birds in America. He is just the author to kindle enthusiasm. A few of the questions and subjects suggested by a reading of “The Bird Study Book” are: How to get on neighborly terms with the birds. Do birds have more than one mate? Bird spinsters. What bird is called the “Outcast”? What birds winter in your particular locality? How many birds are there in the world? Birds that are no more—the story of the Labrador Duck, the Great Auk, the Wild Pigeon. All about bird boxes. Colored Frontispiece THE TREE GUIDEBy JULIA ELLEN ROGERS, Author of “The Tree Book” THE TREE GUIDE is uniform in style and size with the well-known pocket Bird Guides which have become so universally popular. It contains illustrations and descriptions of the trees of the country. The descriptions include the range, the classification, the distinctive features such as flowers, leaves, fruit, etc., and all other marks that lead to an easy identification of the tree. An ideal volume for expert naturalist or amateur for field work or even more exhaustive study. 32 illustrations in color; many in black and white. Cloth, net, $1.00; Leather, net, $1.25 THE BUTTERFLY GUIDEBy Dr. W. J. HOLLAND This is the first Butterfly Book of pocket size giving each species in its natural colors. It is uniform in style and binding to the popular Pocket Nature Guides series, and makes a valuable companion volume to these books. Dr. Holland, Director of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, is the greatest butterfly authority in the country, and has had more experience in the mounting and artistic posing of moths and butterflies than any other living man. The plates in the Pocket Guide are entirely new and reproduced by a special process under Dr. Holland’s personal supervision, from specimens in his own collection. This book is the most authoritative and valuable guide for field use ever published. It makes the identification of our common butterflies a simple matter for amateurs. Illustrations of 250 butterflies in their natural colors. Index. Boxed. Flexible Linen, net, $1.00; Full Limp Leather, net, $1.25 FLOWER GUIDEBy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. A guide to the common wild flowers found in the Eastern and Middle States. Wild Flower Guide is the same size and scope as Bird Guide. It has had an extraordinary sale and has been adopted and used in quantities in many of our leading colleges and schools. The COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS, 192 in number, are beautiful, artistic and accurate reproductions from oil paintings; the finest series ever made. The text tells where each is found, when it blooms, whether in woods, fields, swamps, etc., the height that the plant attains, whether it is self-fertilized or cross fertilized by insects and how; in fact it gives a great deal more information than one would think possible in a book to fit comfortably in the pocket. Bound in Cloth, 75c.; in Leather, $1.00; postage 5c. NATURE STUDIES—IN FIELD AND WOODBy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. This book is destined to be one of the most important that the author has written. Absorbingly interesting in itself, yet its greatest value will lie in the fact that it will lead the reader to realize how blind he has been to the many wonderful things that are happening on every hand. 112 pages; size—5½ × 7½ in. 40 illustrations in color, and black and white. 60c. net; postage 10c. WATER BIRDSBy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. This book is uniform in size and scope with LAND BIRDS. It includes all of the Water Birds, Game Birds and Birds of Prey, east of the Rockies. Each species is ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR from oil paintings; the bird, its habits and nesting habits are described. The pictures show more than 230 birds in color, every species found in our range. They exceed in number those in any other bird book. In quality they cannot be surpassed—exquisite gems, each with an attractive background, typical of the habitat of the species. “LAND BIRDS” and “WATER BIRDS” are the only books regardless of price, that describe and show in color every bird. 250 pages, neatly boxed. Bound in Flexible Linen, net, $1.00; in Leather, net, $1.25; postage 5c. NATURE STUDIES—BIRDSBy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. Just the sort of reading that will start the young folks along the right paths in the study of birds. True stories of bird life as narrated in an interesting form by Uncle George to Dorothy and Dick. Size—5½ × 7½ in.; 112 pages. Illustrations—Forty in color. Neatly bound in Gray Cloth. 60c. net; postage 10c. WESTERN BIRD GUIDEBIRDS OF THE ROCKIES AND WEST TO THE PACIFIC A companion volume to the Eastern Pocket Guides. With notes on all the land and water birds in the Rockies and west to the Pacific Coast, and a colored illustration of each bird. It completes the Pocket Bird Guide Series for the United States. 255 pages, neatly boxed. Bound in Sock Cloth, net, $1.00; in Leather, net, $1.25; postage 5c. ILLUSTRATED BIRD DICTIONARIESGiving a description and an accurate pen and ink illustration of every bird found east of the Rocky Mountains. With a space after each bird for the student to make his own marginal notes. TWO VOLUMES Each Volume bound in strong, paper covers, 35 cents postpaid. GUIDE TO TAXIDERMYA practical and thorough instructor in the art of mounting birds, mammals, heads, fish, etc. We have an illustrated prospectus for those interested. Fully illustrated; cloth bound; 310 pages. $1.65 postpaid. CAMERA STUDIES OF WILD BIRDS IN THEIR HOMESBy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. “CAMERA STUDIES” has 250 photographs of events right in birds’ homes. These pictures are selected from the author’s collection of over 2,000 bird photographs, this being one of the best collections of pictures of free, living wild birds in existence. Many rare and interesting poses are faithfully shown by the camera. For instance, a pair of adult Chipping Sparrows, standing on a branch by the sides of their four young, are engaged in pulling apart a large worm that was too large to be given whole. The stories accompanying these pictures are as interesting as the photographs and above all they are actual facts. 300 pages, 5½ × 7½ in.; 250 photographs of living, wild birds. Handsomely bound in Cloth, $2.00 net; postage 20c. WILD FLOWERSBy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. A larger and more complete work than Flower Guide, with full-page plates showing 320 Wild Flowers in NATURAL COLORS. An original; beautiful, complete, interesting and accurate work on this most interesting of subjects. 450 pages. Handsomely bound in Cloth, $2.50 net; postage 15c. NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS’ EGGSBy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. This is the only book on the market that gives illustrations of the eggs of all North American birds. Each egg is shown FULL SIZE, photographed directly from an authentic and well-marked specimen. There are a great many full-page plates of nests and eggs in their natural situations. The habitat and habits of each bird are given. It is finely printed on the best of paper and handsomely bound in cloth. 350 pages—6 × 9 inches. $2.50 net; postage 25c. GUIDE TO THE MUSHROOMSBy EMMA TAYLOR COLE Tells HOW, WHEN, and WHERE they grow; how to collect and prepare them for the table; describes the common kinds, both edible and poisonous. Handsomely illustrated with about 70 halftones from photographs of living mushrooms and five PLATES IN COLOR. Uniform with “Wild Flowers.” $1.50 net; postage 10c. GOLDFISH, AQUARIA AND FERNERIESHow to make aquaria. How to fit them up; all about goldfish and fresh water fish that are suitable for the aquarium. Water plants are described, as well as many curiosities that can be kept in the tanks. All these things are FINELY ILLUSTRATED. Cloth bound, 50c.; postage 5c. BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICABy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. This will undoubtedly be THE BIRD BOOK of the year. It is authentic. The author KNOWS birds. He has studied them for thirty years—in the hand, for plumage, and in their haunts, for habits. He has studied them in their homes and has photographed hundreds as they were actually feeding their young. Besides being able to write about these things in an interesting and instructive manner, he is classed as one of the foremost bird artists in America. This rare combination of Artist-Author-Naturalist has produced, in “Birds of Eastern North America,” the ultimate bird book. The descriptive text gives the important and characteristic features in the lives of the various species. The illustrations—well, there are 408 PICTURES IN NATURAL COLORS; they show practically every species, including male, female and young when the plumages differ, and they are perfectly made by the best process. No other one bird book ever had anywhere near as many accurately colored pictures. Bound in cloth, handsomely illuminated in gold; 464 pages (4½ × 6½); 408 colored illustrations; every bird described and pictured. $3.00 net; postage 15c. AMERICAN GAME BIRDSBy CHESTER A. REED, B. S. Certain species and families of our wild birds are classed as game and can, at certain seasons, be legally hunted for sport or for food. A great number of books have been written for sportsmen and by sportsmen, most of them containing but a very few black and white illustrations of some of the species mentioned. As far as we know, AMERICAN GAME BIRDS is the only sportsman’s book illustrating nearly all of these birds in NATURAL COLORS. With it, the novice can identify any game bird he secures or sees, and the old-timer, as well, can see just what sportsmen in other sections of the country are shooting. The illustrations are excellent reproductions by the very best process from water-color paintings made directly from the birds. The text portrays their habits just as truly as the pictures do their appearance, and the two together give the reader a correct impression of each species, such as can be gained in no other way except by long association with the birds. Mr. Reed knows birds as few others do, and has hunted, studied and photographed them from Labrador to Florida, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. More than 100 species illustrated in natural colors. In handsome Paper Covers, 60c. net; postage 5c. |