Acapulco, 269 AcrÉ, 281 Activities classified, 4 Adams, 220 Aden, 354 Adjustment to environment, 86 Afghanistan, 355 Alaska, 254 Alberta, 265 Alexandria, 384 Alfa, 124 Algeria, 385 Altitude, effects of, 32 Aluminium, 179 Amazon River, 53 Amber, 146 Ambergris, 204 American Indians, 86 Amritsar, 362 Amsterdam, 318 Anaconda, 250 Anchovy, 207 Angora wool, 115 Anthracite coal, 224 Appalachian region, 222 Arabia, 354 Argentina, 291 Arid region of U.S., 240 Arkwright, 108 Asian Rivers, navigation of, 53 Asphalt, 157 Assiniboia, 265 Astrakhan, 347 Athens, 341 Atlanta, 239 Atlantic coast-plain, 213, 221 Attar-of-roses, 338 Australia, 392 Austria-Hungary, 335 Bagdad, 354 Baltimore, 217 Baluchistan, 357 Barbados, 273 Barley, 101 Barmen-Elberfeld, 308 Batavia, 364 Bauxite, 179 Beef, exports of U.S., 244 Beginnings of cities, 82 Belgium, 313 Belgrade, 341 Bengal, 361 Benzine, 156 Bergen, 312 Berlin, 308 Bermuda, 273 Bessemer-steel boilers, 63 Big tree, 198 Billiton, 364 Birmingham, Eng., 302 Bismarck Archipelago, 397 Black walnut, 199 Blende, 182 Bluefish, 206 Boers, 86 Bogota, 277 Bohemian glass, 336 Boise City, 250 Bokhara, 347 Bolivia, 280 Bombay, 362 Bosnia, 337 Boston, 215 Boxwood, 200 Brass, 178 Breakfast, travels of a, 1 Bremen, 308 Brenner Pass, 66 Brick tea, 134 Bridgeport, 221 British Columbia, 265 Bronze Age, 181 Brussels, 316 Budapest, 337 Buenos Aires, 293 Buffalo, 225 Bulgaria, 338 Burlington, 237 Burma, British, 362 Burr clover, 34 Butte, 250 Cacao, 134 Cairo, 384 Calcutta, 123 California fruits, 251 Callao, 279 Camel's hair, 116 Camphor, 378 Canada, 261 Canadian Pacific Railway, 263 Canal, Chesapeake & Ohio, 56 CaÑons, effects of, 18 Canton, 374 Caoutchouc, 141 Capacity of locomotives, 63, 64 Cape Nome, 254 Cape of Good Hope, 387 Cape Town, 389 Caravan tea, 134 Carpet wools, 112 Cashmere shawls, 363 Cattle-growing, 240 CavitÉ, 258 Cereals, 88 Charleston, 218 Cheviot, 112 Cheyenne, 244 Chicago River, 228 Chicory, 131 Chile, 281 Chinook winds, 261 Chocolate, 136 Cigars, manufacture of, 137 Cincinnati, 236 Cities, growth of, 83 Clearing-houses, 215 Climate, 29 Clipper ship, 44 Cloth, antiquity of, 105 Coal, 148, 257, 258, 264, 265, 268, 298, 323, 333, 344, 365, 368, 379 Coast commerce of U.S., 222 Coastplains, 22 Coca, 278 Cocoa, 134 Cocoon silk, 119 Cod fisheries, 204 Coke, 151 Colombia, 275 Columbus, voyages of, 11 Commerce in Western Europe, 13 Competition and pools, 67 Constantinople, 340 Copal, 146 Copenhagen, 313 Copper, 159, 162, 177, 248, 266, 279, 344, 379 Cordage, 122 Corn, oil of, 100 Cotton, 106, 238, 269, 289, 302, 306, 326 Cotton crop, distribution of, 239 Creosote, 145 Cripple Creek, 248 Crompton, 108 Crusades, wars of, 8 Currant grapes, 341 Da Gama, voyage of, 11 Dammar, 146 Davenport, 237 Deadwood, 250 Demerara, 286 Denmark, 312 Denver, 250 Detroit, 230 Diamonds, 388 Dias, voyage of, 11 Divi-divi, 285 Division of industries, 41 Dubuque, 237 Dutch East Indies, 364 Eastern Turkestan, 376 Ebony, 200 Economic regions of U.S., 213 Ecuador, 279 Egypt, 381 Electric railways, 76 Eminent domain, 76 Exchange of products, 5 Fairs, 346 Fall River, 220 Felt hats, 209 Fertility of irrigated regions, 33 Feudalism, 7 Fiji Islands, 396 Fisheries, 266 Fish hatcheries, 207 Flax, 120, 300, 314, 343 Forced draught, 63 Forest areas, 193, 261, 288, 299, 310 Fort Dearborn, 228 France, 320 French India, 365 Galveston, 238 Gasoline, 156 Geneva, 334 German Empire, 303 Gold, 166, 172, 248, 264, 268, 286, 344, 379, 395 Grain elevators, 94 Grape industry in New York, 36 Graphite, 153 Grasses, 88 Great Britain, 295 Great Central Plain, 22 Great Lakes, 227 Great Salt Lake, 247 Greece, 340 Griqualand West, 388 Guam, 258 Guatemala, 270 Guayaquil, 280 Guiana, 286 Gulf coast, 237 Gums, 141 Gutta-percha, 144 Halibut, 256 Halifax, 264 Hamburg, 308 Hamilton, 265 Hanse League, 13 Hargreaves, 109 Hartford, 221 Hawaiian Islands, 255 Helena, 250 Hematite, 163 Henequen, 122 Herodotus quoted, 106 Herring fisheries, 205 Herzegovina, 337 Hickory, 199 Hilo, 256 Hodeida, 130 Holland, 316 Houston, 238 Hudson's Bay Company, 208, 262 Iloilo, 258 Inclination of axis, 36 Indianapolis, 237 Inland waters, 50 Intermontane valleys, 18 Interstate Commerce Commission, 76 Iodine, 282 Iquique, 283 Iran plateau, 349 Ireland, 265 Irkutsk, 347 Iron, 162, 236, 300, 323 Iron Gate, 338 Italy, 325 Jade, 159 Japan, 375 Java, 364 Joint tariff associations, 72 Kabue, 356 Kansas City, 236 Kashmir, 363 Key West cigars, 137 Khaibar Pass, 356 Khiva, 347 Kiakhta, 347 Kiel, 309 Klondike mines, 254 Kongo River, navigation of, 54 Kongo State, 386 Korea, 376 Lac, 145 Lacquer, 378 La Guaira, 286 Lanolin, 114 Lassa, 374 Las Vegas, 250 Laudanum, 139 Lawrence, 220 Lead, 180 Lead pencils, 153 Leadville, 250 Leather goods, 221 Liechtenstein, 337 Lignum vitÆ, 200 Lithographic stone, 305 Liverpool, 302 Llama, 115 Lobster fisheries, 207 Locomotive, Central-Atlantic type, 64 Logwood, 201 London, 302 Louisville, 237 LourenÇo Marquez, 390 Lowell, 220 Lynn, 221 Macao, 374 Mackerel, 206 Mackintosh, 143 Madagascar, 387 Madras, 363 Magnetite, 163 Maguey sugar, 187 Mahogany, 199 Malay States, Federated, 363 Manchester, Eng., 382 Manchester, N.H., 220 Manchuria, 376 Mandalay, 362 Manganese, 182 Manitoba, 265 Marco Polo, 9 Martinique, 273 MatÉ, 136 Maverick, 240 Melbourne, 395 Memphis, 238 Metals, influence of, in cities, 85 Milan, 328 Mileage books, 72 Millet, 359 Milwaukee, 230 Mingo Junction, 224 Mining, 248 Miquelon, 266 Mississippi River, 52 Mobile, 240 Mocha coffee, 130 Mohair, 115 Mohawk valley, 220 Molasses, 191 Moline, 237 Mongolia, 376 Mont Cenis tunnel, 66 Montenegro, 341 Montreal, 264 Morocco, 384 Mountains, contents of, 17 Moscow, 347 Mulberry, 116 Nagasaki, 380 Nankeen cotton, 108 Nashua, 220 Natural gas, 157 Naval stores, 145 Nearchus, 107 New Brunswick, 264 New Caledonia, 397 New England Plateau, 219 New Guinea, 396 New Haven, 221 New Orleans, 238 New York City, 84, 214, 215, 230, 238, 250 New Zealand, 395 Newfoundland, 266 Nicaragua, 270 Nickel, 182 Nieuwchwang, 374 Nigeria, 387 Nile River, barrage of, 383 Nitrate, 282 Norfolk, 218 Northern Securities Company, 227 Norway, 310 Nova Scotia, 264 Novgorod, 209 Oak, 198 Oats, 101 Ocean steamships, 45 Ogden, 250 Ohio River, 52 Oil of theobroma, 135 Old Government Java, 129 Oleo-resins, 141 Omaha, 236 Ontario, 265 Oregon pine, 252 Ottawa, 265 Oyster fisheries, 207 Pacific Coast lowlands, 250 Paddy, 103 Pago Pago Harbor, 258 ParÁ, 291 Paraffine, 157 Paris, 324 Passes, 19 Pearl Harbor, 256 Peking, 374 Penang, 363 Pepper, 365 Persia, 354 Persian lamb, 208 Peru, 278 Petroleum, 154, 225, 344, 379 Philadelphia, 216 Philippine Islands, 256 Pine, 197 PirÆus, The, 341 Pitch, 145 Plains, 21 Plaiting straw, 124 Ponce, 255 Pools, 68 Population, distribution of, 81 Pork, 234 Port Arthur, 347 Port Huron, 230 Port SaÏd, 384 Port wine, 330 Portland, Me., 217 Portland, Ore., 252 Porto Rico, 254 Portugal, 328 Prince Edward Island, 264 Providence, 221 Punjab, 362 Pyrites, 164 Quicksilver, 180 Rabbit skins, 209 Railway, Canadian Pacific, 263 Rainfall, effects of, 33 Ramie, 123 Rangoon, 362 Raw silk, 118 Rebates, 71 Resins, 141 Rhodesia, 389 Richmond, 221 Riga, 347 Rio Janeiro, 290 River navigation in Europe, 53 Roads, macadamized, 78 Rock Island, 237 Rome, 327 Rotterdam, 318 Roumania, 338 Rubber, 141, 275, 278, 281, 288 Rug wools, 114 Ruhr iron fields, 306 Russia, 343 Sacramento, 252 Sahara, 385 Saigon, 365 Sailing vessels, 47 St. Gotthard tunnel, 66 St. Louis, 234 St. Petersburg, 346 St. Pierre, 266 St. Thomas, 273 Salmon, 205 Salonica, 340 Samoa Islands, 396 San Antonio, 239 San Francisco, 252 San Joaquin valley, 250 San Juan, P.R., 255 San Pedro, 252 Sandarach, 146 Santa FÉ, 250 Santiago, 283 Santos, 290 Saskatchewan, 265 Savannah, 238 Scranton, 224 Seal fisheries, 208 Seasonal rains, 34 Servia, 341 Shad, 256 Shanghai, 374 Sheep-growing, 242 Shell-lac, 145 Shoe manufacture, 221 Siam, 364 Siberia, 347 Silver, 162, 176, 248, 268, 278, 304, 340 Sind, 362 Sioux City, 236 Skagway, 254 Sorghum, 187 Sound Valley, 250 South Bethlehem, 224 South Chicago, 225 Southampton, 302 Spain, 328 Spermaceti, 204 Spokane, 250 Sponge, 208 Steel, Bessemer, 160, 169, 170, 222, 300, 304, 345 Stephenson, 63 Stockholm, 312 Stockton, 252 Sugar, 185, 289, 303, 314, 318, 364 Swash channel, 50 Sweden, 310 Switzerland, 331 Sydney, 395 Tacoma, 252 Tar, 145 Temperate zone, activities of, 32 Textiles, 105 Three-mile fishing limit, 262 Thrown silk, 118 Tobacco, 136, 237, 240, 364, 383 Tokio, 380 Toledo, 225 Topography and trade routes, 24 Toronto, 265 Torrid zone, temperature of, 30 Tortilla, Mexican, 100 Trade routes, ancient, 8 Transcaucasia, 348 Transvaal, 389 Treaty ports, 373 Trebizond, 351 Triple-expansion principle, 45 Tripoli, 386 Tunis, 385 Turf grass, 34 Turkey-in-Europe, 339 Turks invade Europe, 9 Turpentine, 144 Tussar silk, 119 Tutuila, 258 Tweed, 112 Uruguay, 294 Valparaiso, 283 Vancouver, 266 Vanderbilt locomotive fire-box, 64 Vanilla, 268 Vaseline, 157 Venezuela, 285 Vicksburg, 238 Vienna, 337 Virginia City, 250 Vladivostok, 347 Vuelta Abajo, 137 Vulcanized rubber, 142 Wai-wu-pu, 373 Walla Walla, 250 Warsaw, 347 Water-power, 84 Waterproof cloth, 143 Welland Canal, 263 Wellington, 396 Whale fisheries, 203 Wheat, 88, 96, 244, 344, 359, 367 White Pass, 253 Willamette Valley, 250 Winnipeg, 265 Wood-pulp, 124 Wool, 110,115, 117, 244, 251, 292, 297, 323 Yafa, 354 Yokohama, 380 Youngstown, 166 Yucatan, 267 Zinc, 182 Zinfandel, 251 Footnotes: The following, one of many instances, shows the difficulties in fixing rates that will not be unjust to either party: Danville and Lynchburg compete for a certain trade. The Southern Railway passes through both cities, but the Chesapeake & Ohio makes Lynchburg by another route; Danville, therefore, is not a competing point, while Lynchburg is. As a result, the Southern Railway charged $1.08 for a certain traffic from Chicago to Danville and only 72 cents to Lynchburg, some distance beyond, this being the rate over the other road. The matter finally reached the Court of Appeals, and the latter sustained the Southern Railway. The rate to Danville was shown to be not excessive, but if the railway were required to maintain a rate to Lynchburg higher than 72 cents, it would lose all its traffic to that point, amounting to $433,000 yearly. In a case of this kind there can be no help except by a consolidation of the two roads; by virtue of the consolidation all the Lynchburg freight will then go over the line having the easiest haul.
The low average in Australia, India, and Algeria is due mainly to lack of rainfall; in the United States and Russia, mainly to unskilful cultivation. ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. |