The Editor of the following pages has no desire to offer them in competition with the numerous and useful Handbooks on Illumination already published. All those that the writer has met with—some eight or ten—have been almost exclusively directed to the study of Missal Painting and Illuminating on the most minute scale. The exceptions to this rule are a few occasional remarks, merely hinting at the larger and more popular style. The principal omission, however, which this little book is designed to supply, is the emblematic branch of the subject. Amateurs most generally confine themselves to illuminating texts of Holy Scripture on a large scale, to assist in which numerous printed outlines are now published. But, from complete ignorance of the rules of ecclesiastical colouring, the amateur not only becomes hopelessly bewildered as to what colour to select for particular words, but, in falling back upon his own taste for guidance, commits errors which destroy the emblematic beauty of his work. The significance of colour is greater than is generally supposed, and will be found a subject of much interest. Such sacred symbols as could easily be introduced into illuminated scrolls have been described, in the hope that, by their assistance, a taste for strictly appropriate ornamentation may be more largely cultivated, to the exclusion of those unmeaning and tawdry decorations which offend the eye. Instead of furnishing copies of antique capitals, of which so many excellent collections now abound, it has been thought more useful to supply the reader with some specimens of emblematic letters (which may suggest other similar designs), suitable for particular texts, several of which are also subjoined. The instructions for the mechanical part of the work are given on the authority of experience, while the significations of colours and emblems have been carefully collected from larger and standard publications. F. M. R. A Selected List of Requisite Materials.
ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE. (Including Photograph.) No. 10. "I am come that ye might have life." ONE SHILLING AND SIXPENCE EACH. (Including Directions for Colouring.)
TWO SHILLINGS. (Including Photographs.)
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