St. John, xv. 5. I am the Vine, ye are the branches. It is hardly necessary to observe that the only ornamentation suitable to a text from Holy Scripture is that which conveys to the mind some religious thought; and such thoughts are naturally suggested by forms that figuratively represent some holy attribute or virtue. Crosses. The first and most obvious of Christian emblems is the Cross, that blessed form which must and should always remind us of the inestimable price of our redemption. As such a remembrance it has been received from the earliest ages of Christianity;[16] and most dear may it always prove to those who love their Saviour's Name! The almost infinitely varying forms of this sacred symbol are divided into two classes, the Latin The Western Church has generally retained the Latin form, while the Greek is more peculiar to the Eastern branch. In all the earlier examples we read that this distinction seems to have been very scrupulously observed.[17] Of Latin crosses, the principal are these:— The plain form (called in heraldry the Passion Cross) resembling, as is generally believed, that on which our Blessed Lord died for us. Sometimes, when intended especially to symbolise sorrow and suffering, the three upper arms are sharp-pointed. The simple cross, raised on three steps, is called the Cross Calvary, the steps being said to typify the three Christian graces, Faith, Hope, and Charity. The Tau Cross, resembling in shape the Greek letter ? (tau); it is also called the Egyptian Cross, and, in heraldry, the Cross Potent, which is the old English word for crutch. The Cross Crosslet, of this form, on our title-page, is taken from the seal of the Latin Convent of St. Salvador, at Jerusalem, but the riband and motto are adopted for the present occasion. St. Philip is sometimes represented with this cross,—on which, indeed, he is believed to have suffered martyrdom,—and St. Anthony so generally, that it is often called after his name. Some old writers on symbolism saw in the Tau Cross the ideal precursor of the real cross—anticipatory, typical—the cross of the Old Testament. It is represented also in religious art as that on which the brazen serpent was hung. St. Andrew's Cross is an emblem of humility as well as of suffering, the Apostle being said to have declared himself unworthy, even in death, to approach the image of his Master's sufferings, and therefore to have entreated that the instrument of his martyrdom might be of a different form. The heraldic term for this cross is saltire. The Patriarchal Cross, formerly borne by Patriarchs and Archbishops; retained now in the Church of Rome, and worn on the robes of Cardinals. This cross is very common in Spain. The most familiar to English eyes is the Cross of St. George, first impaled by Charles I.; to this was afterwards added (on the national flag) the white St. Andrew's, on the union with Scotland; and later still (1801) on the union with Ireland, St. Patrick's "red saltire." And thus the crosses of the "patron saints" peculiar to each kingdom became united in our national flag. One of the best known among Greek crosses is the Maltese, borne by the Knights of Malta. It is often confounded with the following— Cross PattÉe: if the outer lines are curved inwardly, it is called a "PattÉe concave;" if outwardly (a pretty form), "PattÉe convex." This cross is found prefixed to old writings instead of the words "In Christi Nomine." Cross Fleury. Cross BoutonnÉe (like buds), or TrefflÉe (trefoil). Crosslet PattÉe. The term crosslet means a little cross, and also a cross crosslet, i.e. a cross with a short bar transversing each of the arms: these are even sometimes again crossed. Cross PommellÉe (from pomme, an apple). Some examples of both the Latin and the Greek cross are elaborately and beautifully ornamented. It is a remark quoted on good authority, in the Magazine already referred to, that during the Middle Ages, in the Western Church a plain cross was considered as a cross of shame, and an ornamental one as a cross of glory. The Dove. The Dove is the well-known symbol of the Holy Spirit. When thus employed, the head should be encircled with a Divine glory. With the olive-branch, it is the emblem of peace. The dove has also been employed to represent simplicity and purity of heart, and in ancient times was thought an emblem of the soul. The Dove resting on the cross is a modern but beautiful combination of emblems, probably originating in the following lines:— "Shouldst thou not need some mighty charm To win thee to thy Saviour's side, Though He hath deigned with thee to bide? The Spirit must stir the darkling deep, The dove must settle on the cross, Else we should all sin on or sleep With Christ in sight, turning our gain to loss." Christian Year (4th Sunday after Easter.) Triangle, Trefoils, &c. The Triangle (equilateral), trefoil, three circles, or triple triangle, are the emblems of the Holy Trinity. Of the trefoil, which is in fact the shamrock, it is said that St. Patrick, when endeavouring to explain the doctrine of the Holy Trinity in Unity to the heathen in Ireland, suddenly cast his eye on the green leaves at his feet, and plucking one of them, conveyed an idea of his meaning in this simple form. Circle. The Plain Circle, without beginning and without end, was the early symbol of eternity; united with the cross, it typifies eternal life: enclosing a triangle, Three in One. Serpents. The serpent, with its tail in its mouth, has been justly considered an emblem of eternal punishment. The serpent, or dragon, being always the emblem of all wickedness, is to me quite unaccountably a favourite subject for illumination. It has, however, an obvious meaning, represented as flying from the sacred words. The Lamb. The Lamb is the obvious (and very ancient) type of our Blessed Saviour. It is represented with a nimbus, or glory, containing four rays, one of which is concealed by the head. If each ray contains a cross, it is called a cruciferous nimbus. The rays are the especial mark of a Divine glory, the circlets, or glories, surrounding heads of saints and martyrs never including them. The Lamb bearing a banner, the token of victory, is an emblem of the resurrection. Pelican. The Pelican wounding her own breast to feed her young ones was an ancient symbol of the Great Sacrifice. One or both of these last-named emblems are frequently met with in ancient crosses or crucifixes, the lamb at the foot, and the pelican at the top of the cross. The Good Shepherd, carrying a sheep, is also an ancient emblem. Swords. The Sword is an emblem varying in signification according to the sharpness of its point. That with an acute point is the sword of justice; with the point obtuse, the sword of religion; with no point, the sword of mercy. The flaming sword typifies Divine vengeance. Fish. The Fish is one of the very earliest symbols of our Divine Lord. The five letters of the Greek word for a fish (??T?S) make the initials (in Greek) of the following sentence—Jesus Christ, God's Son, the Saviour (??s??? ???st?? Te?? ???? S?t??). "In this sense," Mrs. Jameson informs us, "we find the fish as a general symbol of the Christian faith upon the sarcophagi of early Christians; on the tombs of the martyrs in the catacombs; on rings, coins, lamps, &c.; and as an ornament in early Flaming Heart. The Flaming Heart expresses fervent piety and love. Anchor. The Anchor is an ancient Christian emblem of firmness, hope, and patience. It is found in the catacombs and ancient Christian gems. Lamp. The Lamp, lantern, or taper, is the old emblem of piety, celestial light, or wisdom. "For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth." (Isa. lxii. 1.) "Let your light so shine before men." (St. Matt. v. 16.) Lilies. The Lily is the emblem of the incarnation, and of purity, always placed in the hand of the angel Gabriel, and often in the hand of the infant Saviour and the Blessed Virgin; sometimes in that of St. Joseph. Lilies of the Valley seem to be peculiarly fitted to represent purity and meekness combined. Violets are a modern emblem of modesty. Fleur-de-lys. The Fleur-de-Lys is considered the conventional form of the lily, and was in the Middle Ages adopted as the emblem of the Blessed Virgin. Some see in the Mother of our Lord a type of the Church on earth—see St. Matt. xii. 49, 50—which gives her emblem a much enlarged significance. Passion-flower. The Passion-flower presents in itself a crowd of emblems, suggestive of the most solemn thoughts, on which we can hardly dwell with sufficient reverence. The Passiflora cÆrulea (common blue Passion-flower) is thus described:—It was discovered in the Brazils, and its wonders were soon proclaimed to Christendom as representing the Passion of our Lord, whence its present appellation. Its leaves are said exactly to resemble the spear that pierced our Saviour's side, while the five points remind us of the five wounds which He endured; the tendrils, the cords that bound, or the whips that scourged, Him; the ten petals, the Apostles, Judas having betrayed, and Peter denied, Him; the pillar in the centre was the cross or tree; the stamens, the hammers; the styles, the nails; the inner circle about the central pillar, the crown of thorns; the radiance, the glory; the white tint, the emblem of purity; and the blue, the type of heaven. On one of the species, the Passiflora alata, red spots are seen on the cross or tree. The flower keeps open three days, and then disappears, denoting the resurrection. As a whole, the passion-flower is an emblem of faith. Pomegranate. The Pomegranate, bursting open, and the seeds visible, was considered (in early art) as an emblem of the future—of hope in immortality. Phoenix. The Phoenix is an ancient symbol of immortality. Palm. The Palm is the well-known symbol of victory after suffering, and of heavenly bliss. Mrs. Jameson remarks that it was the ancient classical symbol of victory and triumph, and was early assumed by the Christians as the universal symbol of martyrdom. Olive Branch. The Olive Branch and the palm were very early emblems of immortality. Crown. The Crown is a Scriptural emblem of the Church. "Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God". (Isa. lxii. 3. See also Zech. ix. 16.) This symbol, placed above the initial letter of a Holy Name, gives it a beautiful and marked significance.[19] It may be appropriately blended with the cross; also with the palm and the lily. The emblems of the four Evangelists are these:—St. Matthew, a winged man (not an angel); St. Mark, a winged lion; St. Luke, a winged ox, or calf; St. John, an eagle. These symbols are taken from the vision of Ezekiel, and from that of St. John in the Revelation.[20] Sacred Monograms.Acts, iv. 12. There is none other Name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. It is surprising how much the real meaning of the letters IHS, or IHC, has been lost sight of, emblazoned as it is on the pulpit-coverings, altar-cloths, and windows of our Churches. The interpretation has been guessed at, or supposed to signify the initial letters of the following sentences:—"Jesus Hominum Salvator"—Jesus, Saviour of men. "Inspiration (of the) Holy Spirit;" or, "Jesus Humanitatis Consolator"—Jesus, Comforter of mankind. None of these interpretations are correct. On the tombs of the early Christians, in the Roman catacombs, these letters (??S) were sometimes found (though not so frequently as the next monogram). They are, in the Greek character, the first three letters of the sacred name of Jesus— ??S??S. The third letter, sigma, had in early Greek two forms, C and S; hence the apparent variety in what is really one and the same Monogram. The second Monogram, now rarely seen, but formerly much employed in memorial inscriptions, is called the Cross of Constantine. It consists of the two Greek characters, ? and ?. ? stands for, or is equivalent to, our CH; ?, the Greek rho, is translated by our letter R: thus we have the equivalent of the first three letters of the sacred name of Christ—in Greek, ???S??S. It is related, on the authority of Eusebius, that the Emperor Constantine, while engaged in prayer, suddenly saw this sign in the sky, and that it was also visible to his whole army; over the sign was an inscription signifying "Conquer by this," or, "In this sign thou shalt conquer" (In hoc signo vinces). On the same night the Emperor had a dream—a vision of the Saviour appearing to him with the same sign, commanding him thenceforth to bear it on his banner, whereby he should always be victorious. In obedience to this revelation, the Emperor immediately caused such a banner to be constructed, and afterwards wore the sacred sign upon his helmet. This banner was called a labarum, of which we find the following brief account in Fosbrooke's EncyclopÆdia of Antiquities:— "The name, but not the thing, commences with Constantine. It is a standard, with a cross-piece, from which hung a piece of stuff. The Romans borrowed it from the Germans, Dacians, &c.; and upon coins of Augustus, and the emperors preceding Constantine, it refers to some conquered nation. It had an eagle painted or embroidered, till Constantine, who added the cross, monogram of Jesus Christ, and ? and O" (Alpha and Omega: see Rev. i. 8). "Sometimes, above the flag, was a crown, in the midst of which was the monogram mentioned. From the cross-piece hung a square stuff, upon which Constantine placed the figures of himself and his children in gold." The above is an original example of the two Monograms combined, well suited for illumination. Read thus:[21] "Pater non est Filius. Filius non est Sanctus Spiritus. Sanctus Spiritus non est Pater. Pater est Deus. Filius est Deus. Sanctus Spiritus est Deus." Emblematic Illumination.The accompanying emblematic initial letters are suitable in illuminating the following (and similar) texts of Holy Scripture:— A With the cross and lily, A With the cross, heart, and anchor, B With St. Andrew's cross, C With the cross, D With the wheat and vine, E With the cross and trefoil, F With the shield of faith, G With trefoils, H With lilies of the valley, I With monogram, trefoils, and crown, I With lily, cross, and trefoils, K With the cross and trefoils, L With lilies of the valley (foundation colour red), L With lilies of the valley (foundation colour blue), M With the cross and crown, N "The Night is far spent, the Day is at hand."—Rom. xiii. 12. O With the cross, P With dove and lilies, R With the cross, S With the holy dove, cross, and lilies of the valley, S With St. Andrew's cross and crown, T With the triangles and cross, V With lilies, W[22] With trefoils, Y[23] With the cross, Conclusion.In conclusion, I would suggest an answer to a question sometimes asked—"What is the use of these scrolls?" The first most obvious reply might be—to place on our walls. The questioner persists—"But why?" Let your answer be in the sense of these words: I hope thus to impress more strongly on my mind a particular promise or commandment contained in the Holy Scriptures. I also hope that the same effect may sometimes be produced on the hearts of others, who may often, certainly, have read those words before, yet possibly without much thought; having them thus brought suddenly and in a marked manner before their eyes, deeper reflection may be the profitable result. A commandment, an injunction from God's Word, thus placed before me, may often, I trust, serve as a check in moments of temptation. A promise I know to be of inestimable comfort, as the sick and the dying have testified. No doubt the law of God must be pre-eminently written in the heart,[24] must abide there as its choicest treasure,—"a well of water springing up into eternal life," nourishing the soul at all times; and we have the precious gift of Him Who "bringeth all things to our remembrance."[25] Yet so long as I have eyes through which I may receive holy impressions, I cannot—dare not—despise the humblest means towards so good an end. To look upon a text of Scripture, engraved with fair colours and emblematic adornments, gives me the same feeling of elevating happiness, through the organ of sight, that a melodiously chaunted hymn or anthem conveys through the organ of hearing. "The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the Lord hath made even both of them."[26] And to the young I would earnestly say,—cherish always a feeling of reverence on this subject of illuminating sacred texts. Let it be considered not as a trivial, passing amusement, but, while in practice, as a grave and steady occupation—one to which you are in duty bound, if you undertake it at all, to give your very best attention. No work of yours—nor of any human hand—can be worthy of the subject; in all humility and sincerity keep this truth before you. Strive to enter as fully as possible into the meaning of the inspired words you are delineating; endeavour earnestly and with child-like simplicity to learn the lesson they would teach. Lastly, let your work be as perfect as you can possibly make it, and if the result be pleasing, render thanks to Him who hath bestowed on you the precious talent, and from Whom all good gifts do come. And so, "Whatsoever ye do, Do all to the glory of GOD." |