: choice of, for marbled leather, 77 : choice of, for modelled leather, 77 in leather hangings and furniture, 82-84 : Japanese school of, 79 : study of, 79 Design and colour: choice of, 76-79 Dijon Museum: examples of carved leather in, 14, 27 Dollage de gants padding, 34 Dyes, 64-74 : aniline, stability of, 64 : superposed, 65, 68, 76 : uncertain effect of, on leather, 77 : vegetable, stability of, 64 Embossed leather, see Modelled leather Encaustic: rubbing leather with, 65, 72-73 England: manufacture of leather hangings and furniture in, 83, 85 Engraved leather, see Cut leather Europe: introduction of decorated leather into, 13, 14, 80 Flanders: manufacture of leather hangings and furniture in, 83, 85 France : introduction of gilt or silvered leather hangings into, 85 : manufacture of leather hangings and furniture in, 85 : popularity of leather hangings and furniture in, 84 Garlande: Jehan de, author, 80 Germany: leather decoration in, 14 Ghadames: leather industry at, 80 Gilding, 74-75, 80-81, 83, 86 : bookbinders’ tools for, 75 : decline of art, 84-86 outline of incrusted mosaic, 63 : process described by Theophilus, 80-81 Gilt leather chairs, 84 Gilt or silvered leather hangings and furniture, 84, 85-86 Gilt panel for painting on, 87-88 Gloves for protecting hands from dyes, 68 Glycerine : colours based on, 67 inks, 72 Gobelin tapestries: leather hangings and furniture replaced by, 84 Gold, 68, 83 groundwork: origin of, 87 leaf, 28, 74-75, 83 leaf: brush for, 42, 58, 59 : grain of, 17 groundwork: pasting inlay on, 59 groundwork: polychrome mosaic on, 58-59 groundwork: tool for sticking inlay on, 59, 60 : paring, for inlay of polychrome mosaic, 58-59 : tanning materials used for, 15 Mosaic, 16, 42-63 bookbinding, 14 : calf leather for, 43, 56 : colouring leather for, 42, 69 : cutting out inlay for, 46-49 for coffers, 78 : incrusted, 62-63 : incrusted, cutting out, 62-63 : incrusted, gilding outline of, 63 : incrusted, outlining, 63 : incrusted, tracing design for, 62 in relief, 61-62 in relief: carving, 61, 62 in relief: colouring, 62 in relief: cowhide for, 61 in relief: cutting out inlay for, 61 in relief: depressing groundwork for inlay of, 61 in relief: leather for, 61 in relief: modelling, 61 in relief: tracing design for, 61 : inserted, 59-60 : inserted, incising leather for, 60 : inserted, outlining, 60 : leather for groundwork of, 17, 42-43 : leather for inlay of, 45 : monochrome, on calf, 45 : morocco leather as groundwork of, 42, 58, 59 : mounting inlay on paper lining for, 45-46 on modelled leather, 59 on modelled leather: paring leather for, 59 : outlining, 52-56 : pasting inlay on groundwork for, 49-50, 59 : paring leather for, 43-44 : pincers for, 50 : polishing, 56, 57 : polychrom
class="pginternal">71 on flesh side of leather, 32, 33 Tracing-point, 15, 20 Tree marbling, 70 : brush for, 70 Turmeric, 66 Van Orley, painter, 83, 87-88 Vaporiser for sprinkling, 71 Varnish : recipe for golden (Boudaroy), 86-87 : recipe for golden (Theophilus), 88 : rubbing leather with, 72-73 : use of, with powder colours, 73-74 Vegetable dyes: stability of, 64 Vellum, 16 : characteristics and methods of decorating, 18 in bookbinding, 18 Venice : introduction of modelled and stamped leather into, 14 : manufacture of leather hangings and furniture in, 83, 85 Vermilion: Chinese, 74 Water-colours, 67 Wax for modelling, 33-34 padding, 34 : rubbing leather with, 72-73 Wheels : outlining, 15, 35, 54, 56, 63 : patterns produced with, 35 Xanthin, 65 Yellows, 66 Zinc: chromate of, 66 Transcriber’s Note: Blank pages have been deleted. Some illustrations have been moved and the corresponding entries in the lists of illustrations updated. Three illustrations have been rotated 90°. Footnotes have been moved to follow the referencing paragraph. The publisher’s inadvertent omissions of important punctuation have been corrected. Duplicative front matter has been removed. The following list indicates any additional changes made. The page number represents that of the original publication and applies in this etext except for footnotes and illustrations since they may have been moved. Key: {<from>}[<to>]: Page Change
- {_To face Page_}[_Page_] 12 painted and gilt calf. Le Roman de Tristan et {Iseul}[Iseut]. 56 of wood covered with embossed leather, cuir {bouill}[bouilli]. 83 of repeating ornament for figures and {landscopes}[landscapes]. |