Water recreation The Glen Canyon of the Colorado River is an unusually placid, 162-mile reach from Hite, Utah, to Lees Ferry, Arizona. Major John Wesley Powell, who headed the first expedition down the river in 1869, named it Glen Canyon because of the occasional oak glens along its banks and at its junctions with tributaries. The 186-mile-long Glen Canyon Reservoir (Lake Powell) will extend upstream into Cataract Canyon. The lake and adjoining lands have been established as the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area under the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior. This is the status of Lake Mead and its environs behind Hoover Dam. The Park Service will soon undertake construction of recreational facilities for public use as Lake Powell begins to fill in 1962. The Glen Canyon Recreation Area promises to become one of the Nation’s outstanding tourist attractions. Lake Powell, behind Glen Canyon Dam, will be flanked by varied and beautiful scenery. The first placement of concrete—June 17, 1960. Aerial view of dam and town HIGHWAYS TO GLEN CANYON DAM.—Excellent, new, paved highways have been built to the Glen Canyon damsite. A 76-mile highway through the highly scenic area has been built from Kanab, Utah, to the damsite. A new 25-mile highway extends northward from Bitter Springs to the damsite. Both of these highway links connect with the Glen Canyon Bridge to form a new link in U.S. Highway 89. The Glen Canyon Bridge was completed in February 1959. DISTANCES TO GLEN CANYON FROM: | Kanab, Utah | 76 miles | Flagstaff, Arizona | 135 miles | (Flagstaff and Marysvale, Utah, 190 miles from the damsite, are nearest railheads.) | Cedar City, Utah | 161 miles | Phoenix, Arizona | 300 miles | Salt Lake City, Utah | 384 miles | National Parks: | | Zion | 100 miles | | Bryce | 138 miles | | Grand Canyon, North Rim | 124 miles | | Grand Canyon, South Rim | 142 miles | • Two 16 mm. color, sound films, Canyon Conquest and Key to the Future, are available upon request for showing to school and civic groups, clubs, and other public gatherings. Both films show men and machines at work on this challenging Reclamation project. Send your requests to: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 360, Salt Lake City 10, Utah. Eastern area residents may write to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Washington 25, D.C. [1961—REVISED] U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1960 OF—574577 Glen Canyon Dam Questions and Answers QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GLEN CANYON DAM U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, STUART L. UDALL, SECRETARY BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, FLOYD E. DOMINY, COMMISSIONER - THE DAM
- Q. When was Glen Canyon investigated as a potential damsite?
- A. First in 1921, then again in 1946 and in subsequent years.
- Q. When was Glen Canyon Dam authorized for construction?
- A. April 11, 1956, as part of the Colorado River Storage Project.
- Q. When did work actually begin?
- A. The first blast was detonated on October 15, 1956.
- Q. When is the dam scheduled to be finished?
- A. Construction of the dam and powerplant is scheduled for completion in March 1964.
- Q. When is the first power scheduled to be generated?
- A. The first power should go on the line in the spring of 1964.
- Q. What are the coffer dams?
- A. Large, temporary earth dams across the floor of the canyon and located upstream and downstream from the foundation and keyway areas which mark the axis of the dam.
- Q. Why are coffer dams built?
- A. To divert the Colorado River around the damsite through huge diversion tunnels and to keep water out of the work areas during construction of the dam and powerplant. The deepest excavation to bedrock in the dam foundation is 137 feet below the former river level.
- Length (West) 2,749 feet
- Length (East) 3,011 feet
- Diameter (lined) of both tunnels 41 feet
- Q. Why does the west diversion tunnel carry the most water?
- A. Because the intake of the west tunnel is 34 feet lower than the intake of the east tunnel.
- Q. Where are the spillway intakes located?
- A. They are just upstream from the keyways, one on each rim of the canyon.
- Q. Where will the spillways discharge?
- A. Steep, inclined tunnels will extend from the spillway intakes to intersect with the diversion tunnels far below. Thus, water going through the spillways will emerge from the diversion tunnels as the river water now does.
- Q. What is the maximum combined capacity of the two spillways?
- A. 276,000 cubic feet per second.
- Q. Where will the powerplant be located?
- A. On the upstream side of the Glen Canyon Bridge just below the dam. The powerhouse will extend across the canyon floor parallel to the bridge.
- Q. How large will the powerplant be?
- A. The powerhouse structure will be about 665 feet long and about 160 feet, or 16 stories high, above the downstream river level. Eight generating units will be installed. The rated capacity will be 900,000 kw for the powerplant.
- Q. What are the square columns between the dam and the powerplant?
- A. These huge concrete piers will support the 15-foot diameter penstock pipes which will carry water from the reservoir through the dam and into the turbines in the powerplant.
- Q. What are the numerous black spots above the tunnel portals and elsewhere?
- A. These are 8-inch square metal plates on the ends of anchor bolts. The anchor bolts extend into the rock to support the relatively thin outer layers of rock.
- Q. What are the white markings on the canyon walls?
- A. Survey control or reference points which have been painted on the rock.
- Q. Why was the small suspension footbridge built?
- A. More than 2 years was required to build the Glen Canyon Bridge—the highest steel-arch bridge in the world. Therefore, the footbridge was built so workers could cross the 1200-foot wide canyon; otherwise, it was 200 miles around by road.
- Q. How much concrete will the dam contain?
- A. There will be more than 5,000,000 cubic yards of mass concrete in the dam, and about 400,000 additional cubic yards in the powerhouse, tunnels, and other structures at the damsite.
- AGGREGATE (Sand and gravel for the concrete)
- Q. Where does the aggregate used to make concrete come from?
- A. From the streambed of Wahweap Creek, 6 miles from the damsite.
- Q. Is there a conveyor belt from the aggregate plant to the damsite?
- A. No. The aggregate is hauled in large bottom-dump trucks.
- Q. How much cement will be needed?
- A. Approximately 3 million barrels, or 12,000,000 sacks.
- Q. Where does the cement come from?
- A. From a new cement plant constructed by the American Cement Corporation near Clarkdale, Arizona, 188 miles south of the damsite.
- Q. What is pozzolan?
- A. Pozzolan is a cement-like material which occurs in natural deposits.
- Q. Why is pozzolan used?
- A. Pozzolan is cheaper than cement; it reduces shrinkage in concrete and develops less heat in concrete during the curing period.
- Q. Where is it obtained?
- A. Near Flagstaff, Arizona, about 115 miles from the damsite. About 220,000 tons will be used along with 564,000 tons (3,000,000 barrels) of cement.
- Q. What is capacity of the mixing plant?
- A. The maximum capacity is 480 cubic yards per hour, which is mixed in six, 4-cubic yard concrete mixers.
- Q. How large is the mixing plant?
- A. It is 217 feet, or more than 20 stories, in height.
- Q. What will the highlines do?
- A. Their main function is to carry the buckets of concrete from the batch plant to points of placement in the dam and powerplant.
- Q. What is the size and weight of the concrete buckets?
- A. 12 cubic yards. When filled, the buckets weigh 31 tons, 24 tons of which is the concrete carried in the buckets.
- Q. How large are the highlines?
- A. The higher towers are 190 feet tall; the main cable is 4 inches in diameter and about 2,000 feet long.
- Q. Why is the refrigeration plant necessary?
- A. A large amount of heat is produced by the chemical action of cement during the setting of the concrete. The heat must be removed to prevent expansion and cracking of the concrete. The refrigeration plant supplies the slush ice and cold water necessary to reduce this heat.
- Q. How is the heat controlled?
- A. First, the aggregate is sprayed with ice water before going into the mixers. Second, slush ice, along with water, is used in mixing the concrete. Third, cold water is pumped through pipes embedded in the concrete to carry away the heat generated.
- Q. How long will cold water have to be pumped through the cooling tubes in the dam?
- A. Approximately 12 days immediately following placement of the concrete to prevent uncontrolled cracking. Then for about 52 days in the second stage, which may be many months later and which is for the purpose of assuring uniform shrinking of the huge concrete blocks.
- Q. How large are the blocks of concrete placed in the dam?
- A. They vary in size. The largest are 70 feet by 180 feet in area; all blocks will be 7½ feet thick.
- Q. Why are blocks used rather than building the dam as one solid piece?
- A. Primarily, block placement facilitates cooling of the concrete and controls cracking due to contraction of the concrete. After the blocks have set and cooled, a mixture of cement and water (called grout) is pumped under high pressure into cracks between the blocks to form one solid mass of concrete.
- Q. After whom was the town of Page named?
- A. The late John C. Page, who served as Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, from 1937 to 1943.
- Q. Was there a community on the site of Page prior to 1957?
- A. No, nothing but raw desert land like that now surrounding the community.
- Q. What is the elevation of Page?
- A. 4300 feet, or about 500 feet higher than the rim of the canyon.
- Q. What are the extremes of temperature in Page?
- A. 105 degrees in summer; 10 degrees in winter.
- Q. Does Page have overnight accommodations?
- A. Yes, two modern motels are open year around.
- Q. Are there any restaurants?
- A. Yes, there are now four restaurants in Page. In addition, the contractor’s mess hall is open to the public.
DPS, Utah General Depot, 5-61, 100M