95. | The Monuments El-Meghazil at Amrith | 136 |
96. | FaÇade of a Rock-cut Tomb at Jebeil | 138 |
97. | From a Relief at Saida | 141 |
98. | From the monument El-Meghazil at Amrith | 141 |
99. | From Rock-cut Relief at Mashnaka | 142 |
100. | The Mosaic Tabernacle | 143 |
101. | Relief at Thabarieh | 146 |
102. | Vase Discovered in Cyprus | 150 |
103. | Hypothetical Plan and Section of Solomon’s Temple | 151 |
104. | Rock-cut Tomb at Siloam | 158 |
105. | Rock-cut Tomb at Hinnom | 158 |
106. | Tomb at Paphos in Cyprus | 160 |
107. | Cyprian Pilaster Capitals | 161 |
108. | Votive Figure from Cyprus | 162 |
109. | Cyprian Head | 163 |
110. | Rock-cut Tomb at Antiphellos | 164 |
111. | Rock-cut Tomb at Antiphellos | 165 |
112. | Rock-cut Tomb at Myra | 166 |
113. | The so-called Monument of the Harpies at Xanthos | 167 |
114. | Sarcophagus at Antiphellos | 168 |
115. | Rock-cut Tomb at Telmissos | 169 |
116. | Details of Columns from Telmissos, Myra, and Antiphellos | 170 |
117. | The so-called Tomb of Midas | 171 |
118. | Phrygian Rock-cut Tomb near Doganlu | 172 |
119. | The so-called Grave of Tantalos | 174 |
GREECE. | ||
120. | View of the Athenian PropylÆa. Restoration | 175 |
121. | Plan and Section of the Tholos of Atreus | 1 page_277" class="pginternal">277 |
192. | Metope Relief from Selinous | 284 |
193. | Statues from Miletos | 285 |
194. | The Apollo of Thera | 286 |
195. | Archaic Relief from Sparta | 287 |
196. | The Stele of Aristion | 288 |
197. | A Stele found at Orchomenos | 290 |
198. | Head of a Warrior, Selinous | 291 |
199. | Archaistic Artemis, from Pompeii | 292 |
200. | Central Figures from the Western Gable, Ægina | 294 |
201. | Harmodios and Aristogeiton | 297 |
202. | Apollo, after Canachos | 298 |
203. | The Discos-thrower | 302 |
204. | Statuette of the Athene Parthenos | 305 |
205. | Fragment Imitated from the Shield of Athene Parthenos | 306 |
206. | Coins of Elis | 307 |
207. | Demeter and Persephone, from the Parthenon | 311 |
208. | Aphrodite and Peitho, from the Parthenon | 312 |
209. | Fragment from the Frieze of the Cella of the Parthenon | 314 |
210. | Figure from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia | 316 |
211. | Figure from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia | 317 |
212. | Head of Apollo, from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia | 318 |
213. | Metope from the Temple of Zeus, Olympia | 319 |
214. | The Victory of Paionios, Olympia | 320 |
215. | From the Frieze of the Temple at Phigalia | 321 |
216. | Copy of the Doryphoros, Naples | 323 |
217. | Amazon, after Polycleitos | 325 |
218. | Head of Hera, Naples | Fig. I.—The Pyramids of Gizeh. |