This type was set up by Chinese compositors. Second proofs contained 268 errors! Transcriber’s Note: The errors mentioned in the errata have been changed, along with the following: Page 7 | general inpression changed to general impression | | to strangers, changed to to strangers. | Page 10 | gem-studied changed to gem-studded | Page 15 | length of whch changed to length of which | | 300 miles changed to 300 miles. | Page 16 | in the the station changed to in the station | Page 17 | Petrovski zavod changed to Petrovski Zavod | | conspiritors changed to conspirators | Page 19 | clad in skins changed to clad in skins. | Page 20 | and Chinese changed to and Chinese. | Page 21 | chimnies changed to chimneys | | we passed over changed to we passed over. | | trace of show changed to trace of snow | Page 22 | Few birds changed to Few birds. | Page 24 | even precarious, changed to even precarious. | Page 25 | P & O. steamer changed to P. & O. steamer |