- Abernethy, Dr., 51.
- Ackworth School, 13.
- Aikin, Dr., 12.
- Alcohol and endurance, 72, 75.
- Alcohol and genius, 80, 91, 94.
- Ale, use of, 12, 73, 101.
- American Health and Temperance Association, 118.
- Animals, experiments upon, 111, 117.
- Anti-Corn-Law League, 40, 102.
- Anti-Teapot Society, 120.
- Apprentices, 13.
- Arctic weather, 67.
- Artists and temperance, 42.
- Assam tea, 19, 20, 22.
- Band of Hope Chronicle, 39.
- Banks, Collingwood, 42.
- Barnett, Miss, 132.
- Beer-gardens, 10.
- Beer, use of, 12, 73, 101.
- Betel, 107.
- Beverley, Dr., 74.
- Blackwood's Magazine, 102.
- Blue Ribbon meetings, 35.
- Blyth, Dr. Wynter, 72.
- Boswell, 81, 82.
- Botanical Gardens, 19.
- Bowles, 84.
- Bright, John, 13.
- Brotherton, Joseph, 39.
- Bryant, William Cullen, 93.
- Buckle, 66, 93, 119.
- Burns, 80.
- Byrom, John, 13.
- Cakes and tea, 9.
- Camellia, the, 18.
- Capel, Hon. Reginald, 60.
- Carlyle, Dr. Alexander, 8.
- Carlyon, Dr., 52.
- Catherine, Princess, 6.
- Centlivre, Mrs., 5.
- Ceylon tea, 21.
- Chadwick, Rev. Dr., 99.
- Chambers, Dr. King, 18, 60, 63.
- Chambers's Journal, 143.
- Chapel-debts, 44.
- Charles II., 6.
- China, use of tea in, 17, 50, 58, 59, 34.
- Priests as tea-gatherers, 25.
- Public-houses, 10.
- Quaker School, 13.
- Queen, the, 71.
- Race, deterioration of the, 109.
- Railway stations, tea at, 56, 60.
- Read's Weekly Journal, 8.
- "Recreative Science," 50.
- Rhind, Dr., 22.
- Ritchie, Leitch, 143.
- Rolleston, Professor, 118.
- Rose, Sir Philip, 78.
- Royalty, influence of, 6.
- Rugge, Thomas, 4.
- Rum-punch, 80.
- Russia, tea in, 19, 56, 57, 59.
- Scandal, 119.
- Scotland, 84.
- Servants, use of tea by, 8.
- Sheldrick, R. N., 46.
- Sherlock, F., 81.
- Siam, tea in, 50.
- Sigmond, Dr., 47, 53, 59.
- Sims, G. R., 80, 95, 100.
- Sinclair, Dr., 117.
- Smith, Dr. Edward, 15, 18, 30, 61.
- Soldiers, tea for, 67, 68, 69, 70.
- Solly, Rev. Henry, 97.
- South Sea Bubblers, 6.
- Southey, 79.
- Spirits, value of, 68.
- St. James's Gazette, 128.
- Stables, Dr. Gordon, 83.
- Stimulants, necessity of, 129.
- Swift, Dean, 6.
- Tea a cause of intemperance, 116.
- Tea a poison, 111, 117.
- Tea adulterated, 135.
- Tea and cake, 9.
- Tea as a revolutionary agent, 47.
- Tea as a stimulant, 79.
- Tea, benefits of, 3, 16, 47, 70, 99, 102, 106, 130, 131.
- Tea, cold,