1 | Triarthrus becki Green. Diagram of limb to show nomenclature employed | 20 |
2 | Neolenus serratus (Rominger). Two thoracic appendages | 24 |
3 | The same. An exopodite | 26 |
4 | The same. A so-called "epipodite" | 26 |
5 | The same. The so-called "exites" | 29 |
6 | The same. A cephalic limb | 29 |
7 | The same. Restoration of a transverse section | 30 |
8 | The same. Restoration of the ventral surface | 31 |
9 | Isotelus. Restoration of the ventral surface | 38 |
10 | Triarthrus becki Green. Restoration of the ventral surface | 41 |
11 | The same. Median appendage | 44 |
12 | Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green. Slice showing an exopodite | 49 |
13 | Calymene senaria Conrad. Slice showing cephalic coxopodites | 53 |
14 | The same. Another similar slice | 53 |
15 | The same. Slice showing method of articulation of the appendages | 53 |
16 | The same. Restoration of the ventral surface | 55 |
17 | Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green. Slice showing the method of articulation of the appendages | 58 |
18 | The same. Slice showing an exopodite above an endopodite | 58 |
19 | The same. Restoration of a transverse section | 60 |
20 | Cryptolithus tessellatus Green. Restoration of the ventral surface | 63 |
21 | Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green. Slice showing the abdominal sheath | 79 |
22 | The same. Slice showing the large alimentary canal | 79 |
23 | Calymene senaria Green. Slice showing the large alimentary canal | 79[15] |
24 | Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green. Restoration of a longitudinal section | 81 |
25 | Cryptolithus tessellatus Green. Cheek showing the genal cÆca | 84 |
26 | IllÆnus. Volborth's figure of the heart | 85 |
27 | Heart of Apus | 85 |
28 | Isotelus gigas Dekay. The Panderian organs | 91 |
29 | Ceraurus pleurexanthemus Green. Restoration, showing heart, alimentary canal, and extensor muscles | 93 |
30 | The same. Longitudinal section of cephalon | 95 |
31 | Nileus armadillo Dalman. Moberg's figure of the muscle-scars | 95 |
32 | Marrella splendens Walcott. Restoration of the ventral surface | 116 |
33 | Triarthrus becki Green. Appendage of the anterior part of the thorax | 126 |
34 | Apus. Appendage from the anterior part of the trunk | 127 |
35 | Weymouthia nobilis (Ford) | 138 |
36 | Naraoia compacta Walcott | 145 |
37 | Pagetia clytia Walcott | 145 |
38 | Asaphiscus wheeleri Meek | 145 |
Frontispiece. Charles Emerson Beecher, 1896. Plates 1-5. Photographs of Triarthrus becki, made by C. E. Beecher. Plate 6. Photographs of Triarthrus becki (figs. 1-3), Acidaspis trentonensis (fig. 6), and Cryptolithus tessellatus (fig. 7), made by C. E. Beecher. Photographs of the endopodites of a probable species of Calymene (figs. 4, 5) Plates 7-8. Photographs of Cryptolithus tessellatus, made by C. E. Beecher. Plate 9. Drawings of Cryptolithus tessellatus, made by C. E. Beecher or under his direction. Plate 10. Photographs of Isotelus latus and I. maximus, made by C. E. Beecher. Plate 11. Drawing of a restoration of Ceraurus pleurexanthemus, made by Elvira Wood.