By CHARLES SCHUCHERT. Trilobites are among the most interesting of invertebrate fossils and have long attracted the attention of amateur collectors and men of science. These "three-lobed minerals" have been mentioned or described in books at least since 1698 and now several thousand species are known to palÆontologists. To this group of students they are the most characteristic animals of the seas of PalÆozoic time, and even though they are usually preserved as dismembered parts, thousands upon thousands of "whole ones" are stored in the museums of the world. By "whole ones" perfect individuals are not meant, for before they became fossils the wear and tear of their time and the process of decomposition had taken away all the softer parts and even most of the harder exterior covering. What is usually preserved and revealed to us when the trilobites weather out of the embrace of their entombing rocks is the test, the hard shell of the upper or dorsal side. From time to time fragments of the under or limb-bearing side had been discovered, first by Elkanah Billings, but before 1876 there was no known place to which one could go to dig out of the ground trilobites retaining the parts of the ventral side. Students of trilobites have always wanted specimens to be delivered to them weathered out of the rock by nature and revealing the ventral anatomy without further work than the collecting, but the wish has never been fulfilled. In the Utica black shales, near Rome, New York, there was finally discovered in 1892 a layer less than ten millimeters thick, bearing hundreds of Triarthrus becki with most of the ventral anatomy intact. The collector's first inkling that such were present in the Utica formation came to him in a chance find in 1884, and for eight years he sought off and on for the stratum whence this specimen came. His long search was finally rewarded by the discovery of the bed, and lo! here were to be had, in golden color, prostrate specimens with the breathing and crawling legs and the long and beautifully curved feeling organs all replaced by iron pyrites. Fool's gold in this case helped to make a palÆontologic paradise. The bed contained not only such specimens of Triarthrus becki, but also, though more rarely, of Cryptolithus tessellatus and exceptionally of Acidaspis trentonensis. This important discovery, which has figured so largely in unraveling the evolution of the Crustacea and even has a bearing on that of most of the Arthropoda, was made by Mr. W. S. Valiant, then curator of the Museum of Rutgers College. There were, however, great material difficulties to overcome before the specimens revealed themselves with all of their information exposed for study. No surgeon was needed, but a worker knowing the great scientific value of what was hidden, and with endless patience and marked skill in preparation of fossils. Much could be revealed with the hammer, because specimens were fairly abundant. A chance fracture at times showed considerable portions, often both antennÆ entire, and more rarely the limbs protruding beyond the test, but the entire detail of any one limb or the variation between the limbs of the head, thorax, and tail was the problem to be solved. No man ever loved a knotty problem more than Charles E. Beecher. Any new puzzle tempted him, and this one of Triarthrus becki interested him most of all and kept him busy for years. From the summer of 1893. when he quarried out two tons of the pay stratum at Rome, until his death in 1904, his The specimens of Triarthrus becki from Rome are pseudomorphs composed of iron pyrites, as has been said, and are buried in a gray-black carbonaceous shale. A little rubbing of the specimens soon makes of them bronze images of the former trilobite and while under preparation they are therefore easily seen. However, as the average individual is under an inch in length and as all the limbs other than the antennÆ are double or biramous, one lying over the other, and the outer one fringed with a filamentous beard, the parts to be revealed by the preparator are so small and delicate that the final touch often obliterates them. These inherent difficulties in the material were finally overcome by endless trials on several thousand specimens, each one of which revealed something of the ventral anatomy. Finally some 500 specimens worthy of detailed preparation were left, and on about 50 of these Beecher's descriptions of Triarthrus and Cryptolithus were based. The black shale in which the specimens are buried is softer than the pseudomorphous trilobites, a condition that is of the greatest value in preparation. With chisel and mallet the trilobites are sought in the slabs of shale and then with sharp chisels of the dental type they are revealed in the rough. At first Beecher sought to clean them further by chemical methods, and together with his friends, the chemist Horace L. Wells, and the petrologist Louis V. Pirsson, several solutions were tried, but in all cases the fossils were so much decomposed as to make them useless in study. Therefore Beecher had to depend wholly oh abrasives applied to the specimens with pieces of rubber. Much of this delicate work was done on a dental lathe, but in the final cleaning most of it was done with patient work by hand. Rubber has the great advantage of being tough and yet much softer than either specimen or shale. As the shale is softer than the iron pyrites, the abrasives (carborundum, emery, or pumice) took away the matrix more quickly than the trilobite itself. When a part was fully developed, the rubbers were cut to smaller and smaller dimensions and the abrading reduced to minute areas. So the work went on and on, helped along from time to time by the dental chisels. Finally Beecher became so expert with these fossils that after one side was developed he would embed the specimen in Canada balsam and fix it on a glass slide, thus enabling him to cut down from the opposite side. This was done especially with Cryptolithus because of the great scarcity of material preserving the limbs, and two of these revealed both sides of the individuals, though they were then hardly thicker than writing paper. Then came illustrations, which at first were camera-lucida drawings in pencil smoothed out with pen and ink. "In some quarters," however, it has been said, "his methods unknown, their results were not accepted; they were regarded as startling, as iconoclastic, and even unreliable." He therefore decided to rework his material and to illustrate his publications with enlarged photographs. The specimens were black, there was little relief between fossil and matrix, and the ammonium chloride process of coating them white and photographing under artificial light was unsuitable. Nevertheless, after many trials, he finally succeeded in making fine enlarged photographs of the trilobites immersed in liquid Canada balsam, with a contact cover of glass through which the picture was taken, the camera standing vertically over the horizontal specimen. Beecher had completed this work in 1903 and in the winter of 1903-1904 was making the drawings, nearly all of which are here reproduced. On Sunday morning, February 14, 1904, as he was working at home on a large wash drawing of Cryptolithus, death came to him suddenly, leaving the trilobite problem but partially solved. When the writer, in the autumn of 1904, succeeded Professor Beecher in the chair of PalÆontology at Yale, he expected to find considerable manuscript relating to the ventral anatomy of the trilobites, but there was only one page. It was Beecher's method first to prepare and thoroughly study the material in hand, then to make the necessary illustrations, and between times to read what others had written. There was no written output until everything had been investigated and read, certain passages being marked for later reference. Then when all was assimilated, he would write the headings of topics as they came to him, later cutting them apart and arranging them in a logical sequence. When the writer visited him in his home in January 1904, he was primed for his final trilobite memoir, but the writing of it had not been begun. The writer has never made the trilobites his special subjects for study as he has the brachiopods, and therefore felt that he should not try to bring to light merely the material things that Beecher had so well wrought out. It seemed at first an impossible task to find the specialist and friend to do Beecher justice, but as the years have passed, one of Beecher's students, always especially interested in trilobites, has grown into a full appreciation of their structures and significance, and to him has fallen the continuation of his master's work. If in the following pages he departs here and there from the accepted interpretation and the results of others, it is because his scientific training, in desiring to see with his own eyes the structures as they are, has led him to accept only those interpretations that are based on tangible evidence as he understands such. Furthermore, in seeking the relationship of the trilobites to the rest of the Arthropoda, his wide study of material and literature, checked up by the ontogeny of fossil and recent forms, has led him in places from the beaten path of supposedly ascertained phylogenies. His results, however, have been won through a detailed study of the interrelations of the Arthropoda, starting from the fact that the Trilobita are chronogenetically the oldest and most primitive. The trilobites are held by him to be the most simple, generalized, ancient Crustacea known, and the progenitors, directly and indirectly, of all Arthropoda. It is now twenty-six years since Professor Beecher began his publications on the class Trilobita, and in commemoration of him and his work, Professor Percy E. Raymond of Harvard University presents this memoir, to bring to fruition the studies and teachings of his honored guide. It has been with Professor Raymond a labor of love, and it is for the writer of this foreword a long-desired memorial to the man to whose position in the Museum and University he had the privilege of succeeding. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. |