

No attempt will be made to pass in review all of the subclasses of the arachnids. Some of the Merostomata are so obviously trilobite-like that it would seem that their relationship could easily be proved. The task has not yet been satisfactorily accomplished, however, and new information seems only to add to the difficulties.

So far as I know, the AraneÆ have not previously been compared directly with trilobites, although such treatment consists merely in calling attention to their crustacean affinities, as has often been done.

Carpenter's excellent summary (1903, p. 347) of the relationship of the Arachnida to the trilobites may well be quoted at this point:

The discussion in a former section of this essay on the relationship between the various orders of Arachnida led to the conclusion that the primitive arachnids were aquatic animals, breathing by means of appendicular gills. Naturally, therefore, we compare the arachnids with the Crustacea rather than with the Insecta. The immediate progenitors of the Arachnida appear to have possessed a head with four pairs of limbs, a thorax with three segments, and an abdomen with thirteen segments and' a telson, only six of which can be clearly shown by comparative morphology to have carried appendicular gills. But embryological evidence enables us to postulate with confidence still more remote ancestors in which the head carried well developed compound eyes and five pairs of appendages, while it may be supposed that all the abdominal segments, except the anal, bore limbs. In these very ancient arthropods, all the limbs, except the feelers, had ambulatory and branchial branches; and one important feature in the evolution of the Arachnida must have been the division of labour between the anterior and posterior limbs, the former becoming specialized for locomotion, the latter for breathing. Another was the loss of feelers and the degeneration of the compound eyes. Thus we are led to trace the Arachnida (including the Merostomata and Xiphosura) back to ancestors which can not be regarded as arachnids, but which were identical with the primitive trilobites, and near the ancestral stock of the whole crustacean class.


While no one having any real knowledge of the Trilobita has adopted Lankester's scheme of the inclusion of the group as the primitive grade in the Arachnida, reference to it may not be amiss. This theory is best set forth in the EncyclopÆdia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, under the article on Arachnida. It is there pointed out that the primitive arachnid, like the primitive crustacean, should be an animal without a fixed number of somites, and without definitely grouped tagmata. As Lankester words it, they should be anomomeristic and anomotagmatic. The trilobites are such animals, and he considers them Arachnida and not Crustacea for the following reasons:

Firstly and chiefly, because they have only one pair (apart from the eyes) of pre-oral appendages. "This fact renders their association with the Crustacea impossible, if classification is to be the expression of genetic affinity inferred from structural coincidence."

Secondly, the lateral eyes resemble no known eyes so closely as the lateral eyes of Limulus.

Thirdly, the trilobation of the head and body, due to the expansion and flattening of the sides or pleura, is like that of Limulus, but "no crustacean exhibits this trilobite form."

Fourthly, there is a tendency to form a pygidial or telsonic shield, "a fusion of the posterior somites of the body, which is precisely identical in character with the metasomatic carapace of Limulus." No crustacean shows metasomatic fusion of segments.

Fifthly, a large post-anal spine is developed "in some trilobites" (he refers to a figure of Dalmanites).

Sixthly, there are frequently lateral spines on the pleura as in Limulus. No crustacean has lateral pleural spines.

These points may be taken up in order.

1. If trilobites have one appendage-bearing segment in front of the mouth, they are Arachnida; if two, Crustacea. This is based on the idea that in the course of evolution of the Arthropoda, the mouth has shifted backward from a terminal position, and that as a pair of appendages is passed, they lose their function as mouth-parts and eventually become simple tactile organs. Thus arise the chelicerÆ of most arachnids, and the two pairs of tactile antennÆ of most Crustacea. This theory is excellent, and the rule holds well for modern forms, but as shown by the varying length of the hypostoma in different trilobites, the position of the mouth had not become fixed in that group. In some trilobites, like Triarthrus, the gnathobases of the second pair of appendages still function, but in all, so far as known, the mouth was back of the points of attachment of at least two pairs of appendages, and in some at least, back of the points of attachment of four pairs. As pointed out in the case of Calymene and Ceraurus, the trilobites show a tendency toward the degeneration of the first and second pairs of biramous appendages, particularly of the gnathobases. They are in just that stage of the backward movement of the mouth when the function of the antennÆ as mandibles has not yet been lost. If the presence of functional gnathobases back of the mouth, rather than the points of attachment in front of the mouth, is to be the guide, then Triarthrus might be classed as an arachnid and Calymene and Isotelus as crustaceans. In other words, the rule breaks down in this primitive group.

2. Superficially, the eyes of some trilobites do look like those of Limulus, but how close the similarity really was it is impossible to say. The schizochroal eyes were certainly very different, and Watase and Exner both found the structure of the eye of the trilobite unlike that of Limulus.

3. The importance of the trilobate form of the trilobite is very much overestimated. It and the pygidium are due solely to functional requirements. The axial lobe contained practically all the vital organs and the side lobes were mechanical in origin and secondarily protective. That the crustacean is not trilobate is frequently asserted by zoologists, yet every text-book contains a picture of a segment of a lobster with its axial and pleural lobes. It is a fundamental structure among the Crustacea, obscured because most of them are compressed rather than depressed.

4. The pygidium of trilobites is compared with the metasomatic shield of Limulus. No homology, if homology is intended, could be more erroneous. The metasomatic shield of Limulus is, as shown by ontogeny and phylogeny, formed by the fusion of segments formerly free, and includes the segments between the cephalic and anal shields, or what would be known as the thorax of a trilobite. No trilobite has a metasomatic shield. The pygidium of a trilobite, as shown by ontogeny, is built up by growth in front of the anal region, and since the segments were never free, it can not strictly be said to be composed of fused segments. Some Crustacea do form a pygidial shield, as in certain orders of the Isopoda.

5. The post-anal spine of Dalmanites and some other trilobites is similar to that of Limulus, but this seems a point of no especial significance. That a similar spine has not been developed in the Crustacea is probably due to the fact that they do not have the broad depressed shape which makes it so difficult for a Limulus to right itself when once turned on its back. Relatively few trilobites have it, and it is probably correlated with some special adaptation.

6. There is nothing among the trilobites comparable to the movable lateral spines of the metasoma of Limulus.

While, as classifications are made up, the Trilobita must be placed in the Crustacea rather than the Arachnida, there is no reason why both the modern Crustacea and the Arachnida should not be derived from the trilobites.


It has been a custom of long standing to compare the trilobite with Limulus. Packard (1872) gave great vitality to the theory of the close affinity of the two when he described the so called trilobite-stage in the development of Limulus polyphemus. His influence on Walcott's ideas (1881) is obvious. Lankester has gone still further, and associated the Trilobita with the Merostomata in the Arachnida.

The absence of antennules at any stage in development allies Limulus so closely with the Arachnida and separates it so far from the Trilobita that in recent years there has been a tendency to give up the attempt to prove a relationship between the merostomes and trilobites, especially since Clarke and Ruedemann, in their extensive study of the Eurypterida, found nothing to indicate the crustacean nature of that group. A new point of view is, however, presented by the curious Sidneyia inexpectans and Emeraldella brocki described by Walcott from the Middle Cambrian.

Sidneyia inexpectans Walcott.

Illustrated: Walcott, Smithson. Misc. Coll., vol. 57, 1911, p. 21, pl. 2, fig. 1 (not figs. 2, 3); pls. 3-5; pl. 6, fig. 3; pl. 7, fig. 1.

The body of this animal is elongate, somewhat eurypterid-like, but with a broad telson supplied with lateral swimmerets. The cephalon is short, with lateral compound eyes. The trunk consists of eleven segments, the anterior nine of which are conspicuously wider than the two behind them, and the telson consists of a single elongate plate.

On the ventral side of the head there is a large hypostoma and five, pairs of appendages. The first pair are multisegmented antennules. The second pair have not been adequately described. The third are large, complex claws, and the fourth and fifth suggest broad, stocky endopodites. Broad gnathobases are attached to the coxopodites of the third to fifth pairs of appendages and form very strong jaws.

The first nine segments of the thorax have one pair each of broad filiform branchial appendages, suggestive of the exopodites of trilobites, but no endopodites have been seen. The tenth and eleventh segments seem to lack appendages entirely.

Emeraldella brocki Walcott.

Illustrated: Sidneyia inexpectans Walcott partim, Smithson. Misc. Coll., vol. 57, 1911, pl. 2, figs. 2, 3 (not fig. 1);—Ibid., 1912, p. 206, text fig. 10.

Emeraldella brocki Walcott, Ibid., 1912, p. 203, pl. 30, fig. 2; text fig. 8;—Ibid., vol. 67, 1918, p. 118 (correction).

Emeraldella has much the same shape as Sidneyia and the same number of segments, but instead of a broad flat telson, it has a long Limulus-like spine. The cephalon is about as wide as long, and eyes have not yet been seen. The body consists of eleven segments and a telson (Walcott says twelve and a telson but shows only eleven in the figures). Nine of the segments, as in Sidneyia, are broad, the next two narrow.

The ventral side of the cephalon has a long hypostoma, and five pairs of appendages. The first pair are very long multi segmented antennules and the next four pairs seem to be rather slender, spiniferous, jointed endopodites. Whether or not gnathobases were present is not shown by the figures, but owing to the long hypostoma the appendages are grouped about the mouth. All the segments of the body, unless it were the telson, seem to have borne appendages. On the anterior end, they were clearly biramous (1912, p. 206, text fig. 10), and that they were present along the body is shown by figure 2, plate 30, 1912.

The present state of knowledge of both these peculiar animals leaves much to be desired. The indications are that the cephalic appendages are not biramous, and that only one pair of antennÆ, the first, are developed as tactile organs. The thoracic appendages of Emeraldella are biramous, and also possibly those of Sidneyia. In the latter, the last two abdominal segments seem to have been without appendages, while in Emeraldella at least one branch of each appendage, and possibly both, is retained.

These animals, which may be looked upon as the last survivors of an order of pre-Cambrian arthropods, have the appearance of an eurypterid, but their dominant characteristics are crustacean. The features which suggest the Eurypterida are: elongate, obovate, non-trilobate, tapering body; telson-like posterior segment; marginal, compound, sessile eyes; claw-like third cephalic appendages; and, more particularly, the general resemblance of the test to that of an eurypterid like Strabops. In form, Sidneyia agrees with the theoretical prototype of the Eurypterida reconstructed by Clarke and Ruedemann (Mem. 14, N. Y. State Mus., vol. 1, 1912, p. 124) in its short wide head with marginal eyes, and its undifferentiated body. There is, moreover, no differentiation of the postcephalic appendages.

The crustacean characteristics are seen in the presence of five, instead of six, pairs of appendages on the head, the first of which are multisegmented antennules, and in the biramous appendages on the body of Emeraldella. It should be noted that these latter are typically trilobitic, each consisting of an endopodite with six segments and a setiferous exopodite.

Clarke and Ruedemann (1912, p. 406) have discussed Sidneyia briefly, and conclude:

It seems to us probable that the Limulava [Sidneyia and Amiella] as described are not eurypterids but constitute a primitive order, though exhibiting some remarkable adaptive features. This order possibly belongs to the Merostomata, but is distinctly allied to the crustaceans in such important characters as the structure of the legs and telson, and is therefore much generalized.

The specialization of Sidneyia consists in the remarkable development of a highly complex claw on each of the third cephalic appendages, and in the compound tail-fin, built up of the last segment and one or more pairs of swimmerets. These two characteristics seem to preclude the possibility of deriving the eurypterids from Sidneyia itself, but it seems entirely within reason that they may have been derived from another slightly less specialized member of the same order.

That Sidneyia is descended from any known trilobite seems highly improbable, but that it was descended from the same ancestral stock as the trilobites is, I believe, indicated by the presence of five pairs of appendages on the cephalon and trilobitic legs on the abdomen.

Molaria and Habelia.

Other so called Merostomata found by Walcott in the Middle Cambrian are the genera Molaria and Habelia, both referred to the Cambrian family AglaspidÆ. These genera seem to conform with Aglaspis of the Upper Cambrian in having a trilobite-like cephalon without facial sutures, a trilobite-like thorax of a small but variable (7-12) number of segments, and a Limulus-like telson. Neither of them has yet been fully described or figured, but (Walcott 1912 A, p. 202) Habelia appears to have five pairs of cephalic appendages, the first two pairs of which are multisegmented antennÆ. The thoracic appendages are likewise none too well known, but they appear to have been biramous. The endopodites are better preserved than the exopodites, but in at least one specimen of Molaria the exopodites are conspicuous.

If these genera are properly described and figured, their appendages are typically crustacean, and fundamentally in agreement with those of Marrella. The relation to the Trilobita is evidently close, the principal differences being the absence of facial sutures and the presence of true antennÆ. I am therefore transferring the AglaspidÆ from the Merostomata to a new subclass under the Crustacea.


The spiders have the head and thorax fused, the abdomen unsegmented except in the most primitive suborder, and so appear even less trilobite-like than the insects. The appendages likewise are highly specialized. The cephalothorax bears six pairs of appendages, the first of which are the pre-oral chelicerÆ, while behind the mouth are the pedipalpi and four pairs of ambulatory legs. The posterior pairs of walking legs belong to the thorax, but the anterior ones are to be homologized with the maxillÆ of Crustacea, so that the spiders are like the trilobites in having functional walking legs on the head.

The chief likenesses are, however, seen in the very young. On the germ band there appear a pair of buds in front of the rudiments of the chelicerÆ which later unite to form the rostrum of the adult. At the time these buds appear, the chelicerÆ are post-oral, but afterward move forward so that both rostrum and chelicerÆ are in front of the mouth. The rostrum is therefore the product of the union of the antennules, and the chelicerÆ are to be homologized with the antennÆ. There seems to be some doubt about the homology of the pedipalps with the mandibles, as at least one investigator claims to have found rudiments of a segment between the one bearing the chelicerÆ and that with the pedipalps.

Jaworowski (Zool. Anzeiger, 1891, p. 173, fig. 4) has figured the pedipalp from the germ band of Trochosa singoriensis, and called attention to the fact that it consists of a coxopodite and two segmented branches which may be interpreted as exopodite and endopodite. He designated as exopodite the longer branch which persists in the adult, but since the ambulatory legs of Crustacea are endopodites, that would seem a more likely interpretation. As the figure is drawn, the so called endopodite would appear to spring from the proximal segment of the "exopodite." If the two terms were interchanged, the homology with the limb of the trilobite or other crustacean would be quite perfect.

In the young, the abdomen is segmented and the anterior segments develop limb-buds, the first pair of which become the lung books and the last two pairs the spinnerets of the adult. There seems to be some question about the number of segments. Montgomery (Jour. Morphology, vol. 20, 1909, p. 337). reviewing the literature, finds that from eight to twelve have been seen in front of the anal segment. The number seem to vary with the species studied. This of course suggests connection with the anomomeristic trilobites.

The oldest true spiders are found in the Pennsylvanian, and several genera are now known. The head and thorax are fused completely, but the abdomen is distinctly segmented. Some of the Anthracomarti resemble the trilobites more closely than do the AraneÆ, as they lack the constriction between the cephalothorax and abdomen. The spiders of the Pennsylvanian have this constriction less perfectly developed than do modern AraneÆ, and occupy an intermediate position in this respect. In the Anthracomarti, the pedipalpi are simple, pediform, and all the appendages have very much the appearance of the coxopodites and endopodites of trilobites. ChelicerÆ are not known, and pleural lobes are well developed in this group. Anthracomarti have not yet been found in strata older than the Pennsylvanian, but they seem to be to a certain extent intermediate between true spiders and the marine arachnid.


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