In a work like the present, where personal impressions are so largely mingled with the results of general and special reading, it is not easy to give the authority for every statement. Specific borrowings are indicated in the text. The author, however, would like to add an acknowledgment of his general obligation to the following: “Recollections.” Lord Morley. “Life of Archbishop Temple.” Seven Friends. “Life of Sir Frank Lockwood.” Augustine Birrell. “Cecil John Rhodes.” Sir Thomas E. Fuller. “Early and Late Work of Aubrey Beardsley.” H. C. Marrillier. “Last Letters of Aubrey Beardsley.” Rev. John Gray. “Fifty-two Years in Fleet Street.” Sir John Robinson. “Life of Lord Courtney.” G. P. Gooch. “Life of an Irishman.” Justin McCarthy. “Memoirs of Eight Parliaments.” Sir H. Lucy. “Men and Manners in Parliament.” Sir H. Lucy. “Portraits of Statesmen.” Justin McCarthy. “Portraits of the Sixties.” Justin McCarthy. “Portraits of the Seventies.” G. W. E. Russell. “Portraits of the Eighties.” Horace G. Hutchinson. “London Days.” Arthur Warren. “Lord Russell of Killowen.” G. Barry O’Brien. “Autobiography.” Herbert Spencer. “Home Life with Herbert Spencer.” “Lectures and Address.” Mandell Creighton. “Mandell Creighton.” Louise Creighton. “Letters of George Meredith.” “George Meredith: His Life and Friends in Relation to His Work.” S. M. Ellis. “Thomas Hardy.” Annie Macdonnell. “Thomas Hardy.” Harold Child. “Figures et CaractÈres.” Henri de Regnier. “Oscar Wilde.” R. H. Sherrard. “A Society Clown.” George Grossmith. “Autobiography.” Richard Corney Grain. “Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving.” Bram Stoker. “G. F. Watts.” G. K. Chesterton. “Life, Letters, and Work of Frederick, Baron Leighton.” Mrs. Russell Barrington. “Life of Lord Randolph Churchill.” Winston Spencer Churchill. “Autobiography.” H. M. Stanley. “Darkest England.” William Booth. “Lord Coleridge.” Ernest Hartley Coleridge. “Bench and Bar.” J. A. Strahan. Some of these portraits originally appeared in The Outlook. |