“Mother, that was Margot!” Mrs. Wadislaw heard but did not comprehend what Adrian was saying. She was flushed and panting from her rush after the retreating train and her nerves were excited. “I’ll never, never—run—for any car—in this world, again!” she gasped. “It’s dangerous, and—so—so uncomfortable. My heart——” “Poor mother! I’m sorry. I’ll get you some water.” The young fellow was excited himself but on quite a different matter; yet he knew that nothing could be done for the present and that the disturbed lady would take no interest in anything until her own agitation was calmed. “No, no. Don’t you leave me. Touch He obeyed her and sat down in the easy-chair beside her. She had been compelled to run else they had been left behind, and she had been hurried from the platform of that last car through the long train to their own reserved seats in the drawing-room car. “It was foolish; doubly so, because trains are so frequent. There was no need for haste, anyway, was there?” “Only this need: that when anybody accepts a dinner invitation one should never keep a hostess waiting.” “But when the hostess is only your own sister, and daughter?” “One should be most punctilious in one’s own family. Oh, yes. It is no laughing matter, my son, and since you have come home and regained your common sense, you must regard all these seeming trifles. Half the disagreements and discomforts of life are due to the fact that even well-bred people “No, indeed!” “Adrian! How can you trifle so? Now when you’ve so lately been restored to me?” “Dearest mother, I am not trifling. I should be, though, if I meant to shine nowhere else than at a fashionable dinner-table. There, don’t look worried. I’ll try not to disgrace you, yet—— Well, I’ve learned a higher view of life than that. But can you hear me now? That was Margot—woodland Margot—who saved my life!” “Nonsense. It couldn’t be.” “It surely was; and I’m going to ask you to excuse me from this one visit so that I can go back and find her.” “Find her? If it were she, and I’m positive you are mistaken, of course she is not in “Yes, mother.” “You must not exaggerate your obligations to those people. They did for you only what anybody would do for a man lost in the woods. By their own admission you were worth a great deal to that farmer. Else he never would have parted with eighty dollars, as he did. I shall always prize the gold piece you brought me; indeed, I mean to have it set in a pin and wear it. But this Maine farmer, or lumberman, or whatever he is, just drop him out of mind. His very name is objectionable to me, and you must never mention it before your father. Years ago there was a—well, something unpleasant with Adrian slipped his arm across the back of the lady’s chair and smiled upon her, lovingly. He was trying his utmost to make up to her and all his family for whatever they had suffered because of his former “misdeeds.” He had come home full of high resolves and had had his sincerity immediately tested by his father’s demanding that: “If you are in earnest, if you intend to do a son’s part by us, go back into the bank and learn a good business. This ‘art’ you talk about, what is it? But the shifty resource of a lot of idle fellows. Get down to business. Dollars are what count, in this world. Put yourself in a place where you can make them, and while I am alive to aid you.” Adrian’s whole nature rebelled against this command, yet he had obeyed it. And he “After all, some of the world’s finest pictures have been done by those whose leisure was scant. If it’s in me it will have to come out. Some time, in some way, I’ll live my own life in spite of all.” It had hurt him, too, a little that his people so discouraged all history of his wanderings. All of his sisters were married and well-connected, and one of them voiced the opinion of all, when she said: “Your running away, or your behaving so that you had to be sent away, is quite disgrace enough. That you are back safe, and sensible, is all any of us care to know.” But because he was forbidden to talk of his forest experiences he dwelt upon them all the more in his own mind; and this afternoon’s glimpse of Margot’s sunny head had awakened all his former interest. Why was she in “Well, I can’t get home till after that wretched dinner, and I should have to wait for the next train, anyway, even if the ‘mater’ would let me off. I’ve promised myself to make her happy, dear little woman, if I can, and sulking over my own disappointments isn’t the way to do that,” he reflected. So he roused himself to talk of other matters, and naturally of the sister at whose home they were to dine. “I don’t see what made Kate ever marry a warden of state’s prison. I should think life in such a place would be hateful.” “That shows how little you know about it, and what a revelation this visit will be to you. Why, my dear, she has a beautiful home, with horses and carriages at her disposal; her apartments are finely furnished “What is that?” “As many servants as she requires, and at no expense to herself. Servants who are absolutely obedient, thoroughly trained, and never ‘giving notice.’” “I do not understand.” “They are the convicts. Why, they even have an orchestra to play at their entertainments, also of convicts; the musical ones to whom the playing is a great reward and treat. I believe they are to play to-night.” “Horror! I hope not. I don’t want to be served by any poor fellow out of a cell.” “You’ll not think about that. Not after a little. I don’t at all, now, though I used to, sometimes, when they were first in office. It’s odd that though they’ve lived at Sing Sing for two years you’ve not been there yet.” “Not so odd, little mother. Kate and I never get along together very well. She’s too dictatorial. Besides, she was always coming “Adrian, for a boy who has ordinary intelligence you do say the strangest things. The office of warden is an honorable one and well paid.” The lad smiled and his mother hastily added: “Besides, it gives an opportunity for befriending the unhappy prisoners. Why, there is a man——” She hesitated, looked fixedly at her son as if considering her next words, then concluded, rather lamely: “But you’ll see.” She opened her novel and began to read and Adrian also busied himself with the evening paper; and presently the station was reached and they left the train. A carriage was in waiting for them, driven by men in livery, and altogether quite smart But as he had been forewarned, there was no suggestion of anything repulsive in the charming apartments they entered, and his sister’s greeting was sufficiently affectionate to make him feel that he had misjudged her in the past. All the guests were in dinner dress and Adrian was appointed to take in his own mother, Kate having decided that this would be a happy surprise to both parties. They had been the last to arrive and as soon as greetings were over the meal was immediately served; but on their way toward the dining-room, Mrs. Wadislaw pressed her son’s arm and nodded significantly toward the leader of the palm-hidden orchestra. “Take a look at that man.” “Yes. Who is he?” “A convict, life sentence. Number 526. He plays divinely, violin. But——” Again she hesitated and looked sharply into Adrian’s face. Should she, or should she not, tell him the rest? Yes. She must; it would be the surest, shortest way of curing his infatuation for those wood people. Her boy had spoken of this Margot as a child, yet with profound love and admiration. It would be as well to nip any nonsense of that sort in the bud. There was only a moment left, they were already taking their places at the elegantly appointed table, and she whispered the rest: “He is in for robbery and manslaughter,—your own father the victim. His name is Philip Romeyn, and your woodland nonpareil is his daughter.” |