The great King Saul of Israel was sad, and the sorrow grew and grew until it spread abroad through the whole nation. Even it came to the simple folk who minded sheep and lived in the far hills. "The mighty king is sad," said one who had come from a journey. And the people gathered about him and marveled that a king should sorrow. "The king is sad," said the one. "He has traveled into the great desert, where nothing blooms and there are no rivers." The people stood still and looked off over their stretching pastures, and heard the gush of water brooks. "He sits alone in a dim tent, with his head in his hands," said the one. "His sword rests at his feet. The army goes no more to "Waiting?" said the men. "For one to come," said the other. "Who shall come?" they asked together. "The joy-bringer," said the man. The shepherds looked at one another, and then away; and when they had stood awhile in silence, they moved off after their sheep. The boy David went swiftly. His feet pressed springing grass, he smelt the odor of new-turned earth, and the sound of water was in his ears. He could not think that there were really deserts. But he thought of the sad, lonely king, and wished that he might go to him. He came to where his sheep were feeding, and stood among them and heard their bleating; but he did not think of them. He was looking into the wide sky, and wondering if God would not send his angel to save the king; but there was no sign save the Sometimes there had come to David strange longings for far-off things, and he too had grown sad like the king. But then would he take his harp to the hill and sing of the sweet promise of the perfect gift that was to come from God to the world,—to shepherds and kings and all. And when he had sung so, behold! the peace was again in his heart, and he wished no longer to go seeking, for he knew the gift would surely come. He thought of the king as he sang. "He has forgot the promise; I must go to him and sing," he said. So he rose up in the night, and woke his Day after day he journeyed, passing through sweet fields and pastures. He saw men sowing, and others tending their flocks; and there were mothers with babes in their arms and children about them. "The gift will come to you, and you, and all," he thought, as he passed. He went through the wilderness, and even through the dry desert; but his heart was singing and the thought of the promise was there like living water. Now the king's servants saw him afar off, and they ran out to meet him and knelt at his feet; for when they saw the light on his shining hair, and the harp with living lilies, they thought, "It is God's angel!" But he said to them, "I am only a loving The tent was dim, and the weary king did not stir. The boy knelt down, and stripping off the lilies, he tuned his harp and began to sing. The poet tells how he played for the mighty king; and what do you think it was? Just the tune all his sheep knew; always it brought them, one after one, to the pen door at evening. It was so strange and sweet a tune that quail on the corn lands would each leave its mate to fly after the player; and crickets—it made them so wild with delight they would fight one another. Then he played what sets the field mouse musing, and the cattle to deeper dreaming in the sunny meadows. He sang of green pastures and water Then he sang of the peace that comes to shepherds at evening, when the gentle sheep and sleepy, bleating lambs go home across the sweet wide meadow, and the stars come out in the serene heavens. Then it is to the shepherd as if nature and man and God are all one, and love is all there is in the whole world. At last the boy David sang of the perfect gift that will surely come; and he sang until the evil sorrow itself grew into peace. The king stirred and raised his head. It was to him as if it had rained, and flowers had sprung up in the desert.Contents |
ā—as in fāte. | Ô—as in lÔrd. |
ă—as in ădd. | ŏ—as in nŏt. |
[+a]—as in pref´ [+a]ce. | Ö—similar to u in fur. |
Ä—as in fÄr. | o̅o̅—as in so̅o̅n |
ȧ—as in grȧss. | ŭ—as in ŭs. |
a̤—as in a̤ll. | [+u]—as in [+u]-nite´. |
ē—as in ēve. | ụ—as in fụll. |
[+e]—as in [+e]-vent´. | u—similar to u in fur. |
ĕ—as in ĕnd. | y̆—as in pit´ y̆. |
ẽ—as in hẽr. | eÛ—as in Ûs. |
ī—as in īce. | (prolonged). |
ĭ—as in pĭn. | oi—as in oil. |
ō—as in rōw. | ou—as in out. |
[+o]—as in [+o]-bey´. |
k a guttural sound, similar to aspirated h.
n represents the nasal sound in French, as in ensemble (Än´ sÄn´ b'l).
w̆ similar to v.
Silent letters are italicized. Certain vowels, as a and e, when obscured, are also italicized.
Amphibian (ăm fĭb´ ĭ an) | la̤u´ rĕl |
Angelus (ăn´ g[+e] lŭs) | Liseuse (lĭ´ zeÛz´) |
Antonio Allegri da Corregio | Mignon (m[+e]´ nyÔn´) |
(ăn tō´ nĭ [+o] ăllē´ grĭ dÄ kŏr ĕd´ jō) | Mimi (mē´ m[+e]) |
applause (ăp pla̤z´) | miracles (mĭr´ ȧ k'lz) |
Asola (Ä sō´ lÄ) | mōan´ ĭng |
ăs´ pĭ rā´ tion (shŭn) | musician (m[+u] zĭsh´ an) |
BartolomÉ EstÉban Murillo | myriad (mĭr´ ĭ ad) |
(bÄr tŏl mā´ ĕstā´ bÄn mo̅o̅ rē´ lyō) | mysterious (mĭs tē´ rĭ ŭs) |
Beatrice (bē´ [+a] trĭs) | naught (na̤t) |
Brunhilde (bro̅o̅n´ hĭl´ de) | Niebelungen (nē´ bĕ lụng´ en) |
buoys (boiz) | Odin (ō´ dĭn) |
castle (kăs´ 'l) | Păr´ ȧ dīse |
caverns (kăv´ ẽrnz) | PÄr´ sĭ fȧl |
citrons (sĭt´ rŭnz) | pēal´ ĭng |
crouched (kroucht) | Pĭp´ pȧ |
Dante Gabriel Rossetti | prē´ lūde |
(dăn´ tĕ gā´ brĭ ĕl rŏssĕt´ tē) | probation (pr[+o] bā´ shŭn) |
Earth-dwarfs (ẽrth´-dwa̤rfs´) | quail (kwāl) |
fagots (făg´ ŭtz) | quivered (kwĭv´ ẽrd) |
Faust (foust) | radiance (rā´ dĭ ans) |
Friedrich FrÖe´ bel (frē´ dr[+e]k) | Rĭch´ ard Wăg´ nẽr |
ga̤uz´ y̆ | Saul (sa̤l) |
glēamed | sẽarch´ ĭng |
glĭn´ tẽr ĭng | s[+e] rēne´ |
Goethe (gÖ´ teh) | sĕv´ ẽred |
Hansei (hȧns´ ē) | sheaves (shēvz) |
hedge (hĕj) | Siegfried (sēg´ frĭd) |
hŏl´ ly̆ hŏcks | smēared |
indescribable (ĭn´ d[+e] skrīb´ ȧ b'l) | tadpoles (tăd´ pōlz) |
Innocence (ĭn´ n[+o] sens) | thatched (thătcht) |
Israel (ĭz´ r[+a] ĕl) | trŭn´ d'lĭng |
Jean Baptiste Greuze | vision (vĭzh´ ŭn) |
(zhÄn bȧ' t[+e]st´ gruz) | Watts (wŏtz) |
Jean FranÇois Millet | wearily (wē´ rĭ ly̆) |
(zhÄn frŏn´ swÄ´ m[+e]´ y[+a]´) | weights (wāts) |
Jules le Febvre (zho̅o̅l leh f[+a]vr´) | wĕld |
kĭn´ dẽr gÄr´ tĕn | Wilhelm Meister |
knight (nīt) | (w̆ĭl´ hĕlm mīs´ tẽr) |