
01 (return)
[ Die PhÖnizier, und das phÖnizische Alterthum, by F. C. Movers, in five volumes, Berlin, 1841-1856.]

02 (return)
[ History and Antiquities of Phoenicia, by John Kenrick, London, 1855.]

03 (return)
[ Histoire de l’Art dans l’AntiquitÉ, par MM. Perrot et Chipiez, Paris, 1881-7, 4 vols.]

04 (return)
[ Will of William Camden, Clarencieux King-of-Arms, founder of the “Camden Professorship,” 1662.]


11 (return)
[ See Eckhel, Doctr. Num. Vet. p. 441.]

12 (return)
[ {’H ton ‘Aradion paralia}, xvi. 2, § 12.]

13 (return)
[ Pomp. Mel. De Situ Orbis, i. 12.]

14 (return)
[ The tract of white sand (Er-Ramleh) which forms the coast-line of the entire shore from Rhinocolura to Carmel is said to be gradually encroaching, fresh sand being continually brought by the south-west wind from Egypt. “It has buried Ascalon, and in the north, between Joppa and CÆsarÆa, the dunes are said to be as much as three miles wide and 300 feet high” (Grove, in Smith’s Dict. of the Bible, ii. 673).]

15 (return)
[ See Cant. ii. 1; Is. xxxiii. 9; xxxv. 2; lxv. 10.]

16 (return)
[ Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 254.]

17 (return)
[ The Kaneh derives its name from this circumstance, and may be called “the River of Canes.”]

18 (return)
[ Robinson, Biblical Researches, iii. 28, 29.]

19 (return)
[ Grove, l.s.c.]

110 (return)
[ Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 260.]

111 (return)
[ Lynch found it eighteen yards in width in April 1848 (The Jordan and the Dead Sea, p. 64). He found the Belus twice as wide and twice as deep as the Kishon.]

112 (return)
[ A more particular description of these fountains will be given in the description of the city of Tyre, with which they were very closely connected.]

113 (return)
[ Robinson, Biblical Researches, iii. 410.]

114 (return)
[ Robinson, iii. 415.]

115 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 414. Compare Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pp. 524, 665.]

116 (return)
[ Robinson, iii. 420.]

117 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 353.]

118 (return)
[ See Edrisi (traduction de Joubert), i. 355; D’Arvieux, MÉmoires, ii. 33; Renan, pp. 352, 353.]

119 (return)
[ Gesenius, Thesaurus, p. 247.]

120 (return)
[ Renan, pp. 59, 60.]

121 (return)
[ Kenrick (Phoenicia, p. 8), who quotes Burckhardt (Syria, p. 161), and Chesney (Euphrates Expedition, i. 450).]

122 (return)
[ Renan, p. 59:—“C’est un immense tapis de fleurs.”]

123 (return)
[ Mariti, Travels, ii. 131 (quoted by Kenrick, p. 22).]

124 (return)
[ Strabo, xvi. 2, § 27.]

125 (return)
[ Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 344.]

126 (return)
[ Martineau, Eastern Life, p. 539.]

127 (return)
[ Van de Velde, Travels, i. 317, 318. Compare Porter, Giant Cities of Bashan, p. 236.]

128 (return)
[ Ritter, Erdkunde, xvi. 31.]

129 (return)
[ Grove, in Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, i. 278.]

130 (return)
[ Walpole’s Ansayrii, iii. 156.]

131 (return)
[ The derivation of Lebanon from “white,” is generally admitted. (see Gesenius, Thesaurus, p. 369; Buxtorf, Lexicon, p. 1119; FÜrst, Concordantia, p. 588.)]

132 (return)
[ Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 395.]

133 (return)
[ Tristram, The Land of Israel, p. 634.]

134 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 7.]

135 (return)
[ Porter, in Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 86.]

136 (return)
[ Ibid. Compare Nat. Hist. Review, No. v. p. 11.]

137 (return)
[ See Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 625-629.]

138 (return)
[ See Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 626.]

139 (return)
[ Porter, in Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 86.]

140 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 621.]

141 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 600. Compare Porter, in Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 87.]

142 (return)
[ Such outlets are common in Greece, where they are called Katavothra. They probably also occur in Asia Minor.]

143 (return)
[ Burckhardt, Travels in Syria, p. 10; Chesney, Euphrates Expedition, i. 398.]

144 (return)
[ Tristram, p. 600.]

145 (return)
[ Porter, Handbook for Syria, p. 571; Robinson, Later Researches, p. 423.]

146 (return)
[ Tristram, p. 594.]

147 (return)
[ Robinson, Biblical Researches, iii. 409.]

148 (return)
[ Burckhardt, Travels in Syria, p. 161; Chesney, Euphrates Expedition, i. 450; Walpole’s Ansayrii, iii. 49.]

149 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 116.]

150 (return)
[ Porter, Giant Cities of Bashan, p. 289.]

151 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 288.]

152 (return)
[ Walpole’s Ansayrii, iii. 44.]

153 (return)
[ Porter, Giant Cities, p. 292; Robinson, Later Researches, p. 605; Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 297.]

154 (return)
[ Maundrell, Travels, pp. 57, 58; Porter, Giant Cities, p. 284; Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 283.]

155 (return)
[ Porter, p. 283.]

156 (return)
[ Porter, p. 284.]

157 (return)
[ Robinson, Later Researches, p. 45.]

158 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 43.]

159 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 44.]

160 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 20.]

161 (return)
[ See the Transactions of the Society of Bibl. ArchÆology, vol. vii.; and compare Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 14; Robinson, Later Researches, pp. 617-624.]

162 (return)
[ Walpole’s Ansayrii, iii. 6.]

163 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 34. Compare Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, who calls the pass over the spur “un vÉritable casse-cou sur des roches inclinÉes” (p. 150).]

164 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 16.]

165 (return)
[ Robinson, Biblical Researches, iii. 432.]


21 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 32.]

22 (return)
[ Grove, in Smith’s Dict. of the Bible, ii. 693.]

23 (return)
[ Kenrick, l.s.c.]

24 (return)
[ See Canon Tristram’s experiences, Land of Israel, pp. 96-115.]

25 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 94, 95.]

26 (return)
[ Kenrick, p. 34.]

27 (return)
[ Walpole’s Ansayrii, p. 76.]

28 (return)
[ Kenrick, p. 33.]

29 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 95.]

210 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 409.]

211 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 31.]

212 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 34.]

213 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 596.]

214 (return)
[ Hooker, in Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 684.]

215 (return)
[ Hooker, in Dictionary of the Bible, p. 683.]

216 (return)
[ Dr. Hooker says:—“Q. pseudococcifera is perhaps the commonest plant in all Syria and Palestine, covering as a low dense bush many square miles of hilly country everywhere, but rarely or never growing on the plains. It seldom becomes a large tree, except in the valleys of the Lebanon.” Walpole found it on Bargylus (Ansayrii, iii. 137 et sqq.); Tristram on Lebanon, Land of Israel, pp. 113, 117.]

217 (return)
[ Hooker, in Dict. of the Bible, ii. 684. Compare Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 113.]

218 (return)
[ Ibid.]

219 (return)
[ See Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 222, 236; Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 622, 623; Robinson, Later Researches, p. 607.]

220 (return)
[ Walpole, iii. 433; Robinson, Later Researches, p.. 614.]

221 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 6.]

222 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 111; Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 166; Hooker, in Dict. of the Bible, ii. 683.]

223 (return)
[ Walpole says that Ibrahim Pasha cut down as many as 500,000 Aleppo pines in Casius (Ansayrii, iii. 281), and that it would be quite feasible to cut down 500,000 more.]

224 (return)
[ Hooker, in Dict. of the Bible, ii. 684; and compare Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 16, 88.]

225 (return)
[ Robinson, Biblical Researches, iii. 383, 415.]

226 (return)
[ Ezek. xxxi. 3.]

227 (return)
[ Ibid. xxvii. 5. The Hebrew erez probably covered other trees besides the actual cedar, as the Aleppo pine, and perhaps the juniper. The pine would have been more suited for masts than the cedar.]

228 (return)
[ 1 Kings vi. 9, 10, 15, 18, &c.; vii. 1-7.]

229 (return)
[ Records of the Past, i. 104. ll. 78, 79; iii. 74, ll. 88-90; p. 90, l. 9; &c. Compare Layard, Nineveh and Babylon, pp. 356, 357.]

230 (return)
[ Joseph, Bell. Jud., v. 5, § 2.]

231 (return)
[ Plin. H. N., xiii. 5; xvi. 40.]

232 (return)
[ Compare the arguments of Canon Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 631, 632.]

233 (return)
[ Walpole, Ansayrii, pp. 123, 227.]

234 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 621.]

235 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 13, 38, &c.]

236 (return)
[ Hooker, in Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 684.]

237 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 82; compare Hooker, l.s.c.]

238 (return)
[ This is Dr. Hooker’s description. Canon Tristram says of the styrax at the eastern foot of Carmel, that “of all the flowering shrubs it is the most abundant,” and that it presents to the eye “one sheet of pure white blossom, rivalling the orange in its beauty and its perfume” (Land of Israel, p. 492).]

239 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 596.]

240 (return)
[ Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 298.]

241 (return)
[ Tristram, pp. 16, 28, &c.; Robinson, Biblical Researches, iii. 438.]

242 (return)
[ The “terraced vineyards of Esfia” on Carmel are noted by Canon Tristram (Land of Israel, p. 492). Walpole speaks of vineyards on Bargylus (Ansaryii, iii. 165). The vine-clad slopes of the Lebanon attract notice from all Eastern travellers.]

243 (return)
[ Quoted by Dr. Hooker, in Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 684, 685.]

244 (return)
[ Deut. xxxiii. 24.]

245 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 7, 16, 17; Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 147, 177.]

246 (return)
[ Tristram, p. 492; Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 347.]

247 (return)
[ Hooker, in Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 685.]

248 (return)
[ Tristram, pp. 622, 633; Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 446; Robinson, Later Researches, p. 607.]

249 (return)
[ Tristram, pp. 17, 38; Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 32, 294, 373.]

250 (return)
[ Robinson, Bibl. Researches, iii. 419, 431, 438, &c.]

251 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 28.]

252 (return)
[ Hasselquist, Reise, p. 188.]

253 (return)
[ Ansayrii, i. 66.]

254 (return)
[ Tristram, l.s.c.]

255 (return)
[ Hooker, in Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 685.]

256 (return)
[ Reise, l.s.c.]

257 (return)
[ MÉmoires, i. 332.]

258 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 493.]

259 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 82.]

260 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 59; Hooker, in Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 687; Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 493.]

261 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, l.s.c.]

262 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 82.]

263 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 596. Compare Walpole’s Ansayrii, iii. 443.]

264 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 102.]

265 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 61, 599.]

266 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 38, 626, &c. Dr. Robinson notices the cultivation of the potato high up in Lebanon; but he observed it only in two places (Later Researches, pp. 586, 596).]

267 (return)
[ It can scarcely be doubted that Phoenicia contained anciently two other land animals of considerable importance, viz. the lion and the deer. Lions, which were common in the hills of Palestine (1 Sam. xvii. 34; 1 Kings xiii. 24; xx. 36; 2 Kings xvii. 25, 26) and frequented also the Philistine plain (Judg. xiv. 5), would certainly not have neglected the lowland of Sharon, which was in all respects suited for their habits. Deer, which still inhabit Galilee (Tristram, Land of the Israel, pp. 418, 447), are likely, before the forests of Lebanon were so greatly curtailed, to have occupied most portions of it (See Cant. ii. 9, 17; viii. 14). To these two Canon Tristram would add the crocodile (Land of Israel, p. 103), which he thinks must have been found in the Zerka for that river to have been called “the Crocodile River” by the Greeks, and which he is inclined to regard as still a denizen of the Zerka marshes. But most critics have supposed that the animal from which the Zerka got its ancient name was rather some large species of monitor.]

268 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 36.]

269 (return)
[ See his article on Lebanon in Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, ii. 87.]

270 (return)
[ Land of Israel, p. 447.]

271 (return)
[ Houghton, in Smith’s Dict. of the Bible, ad voc. BEAR, iii. xxv.]

272 (return)
[ Dict. of the Bible, ii. 87.]

273 (return)
[ Land of Israel, p. 116. Compare Porter’s Giant Cities of Bashan, p. 236.]

274 (return)
[ Cant. iv. 8; Is. xi. 6; Jer. v. 6; xiii. 23; Hos. xiii. 7; Hab. i. 8.]

275 (return)
[ Land of Israel, l.s.c.]

276 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 83.]

277 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 115.]

278 (return)
[ Walpole’s Ansayrii, iii. 23.]

279 (return)
[ Houghton, in Smith’s Dict. of the Bible, ad voc. CONEY (iii. xliii.); Tristram, Land of Israel, pp. 62, 84, 89.]

280 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 106.]

281 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 88, 89.]

282 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 83.]

283 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 55.]

284 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 103. Compare Walpole, Ansayrii, iii. 34, 188, and Lortet, La Syrie d’aujourd’hui, pp. 58, 61.]

285 (return)
[ Hist. Nat. ix. 36.]

286 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 239. There are representations of the Buccunum in Forbes and Hanley’s British Mollusks, vol. iv. pl. cii. Nos. 1, 2, 3.]

287 (return)
[ Kenrick, p. 239.]

288 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 51.]

289 (return)
[ Wilksinson, in Rawlinson’s Herodotus, ii. 347, note 2.]

290 (return)
[ Canon Tristram writs: “Among the rubbish thrown out in the excavations made at Tyre were numerous fragments of glass, and whole ‘kitchen middens’ of shells, crushed and broken, the owners of which had once supplied the famous Tyrian purple dye. All these shells were of one species, the Murex brandaris” (Land of Israel, p. 51).]

291 (return)
[ Porter, in Dict. of the Bible, ii. 87.]

292 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 37.]

293 (return)
[ Tristram, p. 634.]

294 (return)
[ Grove, in Dict. of the Bible, i. 279.]


31 (return)
[ Histoire des Languages SÉmitiques, p. 22.]

32 (return)
[ Rhet. iii. 8.]

33 (return)
[ Deutsch, Literary Remains, p. 160.]

34 (return)
[ Renan, Hist. des Langues SÉmitiques, pp. 5, 14.]

35 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 16.]

36 (return)
[ Deutsch, Literary Remains, p. 305.]

37 (return)
[ Ibid.]

38 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, i. 275; Deutsch, p. 306.]

39 (return)
[ Herod. i. 2; vii. 89.]

310 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 3, § 4.]

311 (return)
[ Hist. Philipp. xviii. 3, § 2.]

312 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, i. 14.]

313 (return)
[ Renan, Histoire des Langues SÉmitiques, p. 183.]

314 (return)
[ Deutsch, Literary Remains, pp. 162, 163.]

315 (return)
[ Herod. vi. 47:—{’Oros mega anestrammenon en te zetesei}.]

316 (return)
[ On this imaginary “monsters,” see Herod. vi. 44.]

317 (return)
[ Ibid. iv. 42.]

318 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 85.]

319 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 112.]

320 (return)
[ 1 Kings xi. 1.]

321 (return)
[ Ibid. xvi. 31.]

322 (return)
[ Ezra iii. 7.]

323 (return)
[ Is. xxiii. 15-18.]

324 (return)
[ Mark vii. 26-30.]

325 (return)
[ Acts xii. 20.]

326 (return)
[ Herod. iv. 196.]

327 (return)
[ Herod, i. 1:—{Perseon oi Lagioi}.]

328 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 190.]

329 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 4, 99, 142.]

330 (return)
[ Ibid. i. 1; iv. 42; vi. 47; vii. 23, 44, 96.]

331 (return)
[ As they do of being indebted to the Babylonians and the Egyptians for astronomical and philosophic knowledge.]

332 (return)
[ Deutsch, Literary Remains, p. 163.]

333 (return)
[ Ibid.]

334 (return)
[ Compare the representation of Egyptian ships in DÜmichen’s Voyage d’une Reine Egyptienne (date about B.C. 1400) with the far later Phoenician triremes depicted by Sennacherib (Layard, Monuments of Nineveh, second series, pl. 71).]

335 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pp. 100, 101.]

336 (return)
[ The Cypriot physiognomy is peculiar. (See Di Cesnola’s Cyprus, pp. 123, 129, 131, 132, 133, 141, &c.)]

337 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 90.]

338 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 68, note 3.]


41 (return)
[ The nearest approach to such a period is the time a little preceding Nebuchadnezzar’s siege, when Sidon, Byblus, and Aradus all appear as subject to Tyre (Ezek. xxvii. 8-11).]

42 (return)
[ 1 Kings xvii. 9-24.]

43 (return)
[ 1 Macc. xv. 37.]

44 (return)
[ Gen. x. 15.]

45 (return)
[ Josh. xix. 29.]

46 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 28.]

47 (return)
[ See Hom. Il. vii. 290; xxiii. 743; Od. iv. 618; xiv. 272, 285; xvi. 117, 402, 424.]

48 (return)
[ Hist. Philipp. xviii. 3, § 2.]

49 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 460.]

410 (return)
[ Steph, Byz. ad voc.]

411 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pl. lxvii.]

412 (return)
[ Scylax, Periplus, § 104. This work belongs to the time of Philip, Alexander’s father.]

413 (return)
[ See Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pl. lxii.]

414 (return)
[ The inscription on the sarcophagus of Esmunazar. (See Records of the Past, ix. 111-114, and the Corp. Inscr. Semit., i. 13-20.)]

415 (return)
[ The name “PalÆ-Tyrus” is first found in Strabo (xvi. 2, § 24).]

416 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 347.]

417 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. v. 17.]

418 (return)
[ Renan (Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 552) gives the area as 576,508 square metres.]

419 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 21.]

420 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 560.]

421 (return)
[ So Bertou (Topographie de Tyr, p. 14), and Kenrick (Phoenicia, p. 352).]

422 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 560.]

423 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 351.]

424 (return)
[ See the fragments of Dius and Menander, preserved by Josephus (Contr. Ap. i. § 17, 18), and compare Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 24. It is quite uncertain what Phoenician deity is represented by “Agenor.”]

425 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 559.]

426 (return)
[ Ibid.]

427 (return)
[ Ibid.]

428 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 2, § 23.]

429 (return)
[ Menand, ap. Joseph. l.s.c.]

430 (return)
[ Strab. l.s.c.]

431 (return)
[ Eight thousand are said to have been killed in the siege, and 30,000 sold when the place was taken. (Arrian, Exp. Alex. l.s.c.) A certain number were spared.]

432 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 552.]

433 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. v. 17.]

434 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 348.]

435 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 22.]

436 (return)
[ See Capt. Allen’s Dead Sea, ii. 179.]

437 (return)
[ See Capt. Allen’s Dead Sea, ii. 179.]

438 (return)
[ Strabo, xvi. 2, § 13.]

439 (return)
[ Allen, Dead Sea, l.s.c.]

440 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 180.]

441 (return)
[ See the woodcut, and compare Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, planches, pl. ii.; and Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art dans l’AntiquitÉ, iii. 25.]

442 (return)
[ Allen, Dead Sea, ii. 180.]

443 (return)
[ Ibid.]

444 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 2, § 13.]

445 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 2, § 13. See also Lucret. De Rer. Nat. vi. 890.]

446 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 42.]

447 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 2, § 12.]

448 (return)
[ Fr. ii. 7. Philo, however, makes “Brathu” a mountain.]

449 (return)
[ See Records of the Past, iii. 19, 20.]

450 (return)
[ Mission de PhÉnicie, pp. 58-61.]

451 (return)
[ Strab. l.s.c.]

452 (return)
[ Ibid.]

453 (return)
[ Gen. x. 18.]

454 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 123, 1. 2.]

455 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 115. And compare the map.]

456 (return)
[ Carnus is identified by M. Renan with the modern Carnoun, on the coast, three miles north of Tortosa (Mission, p. 97).]

457 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 114, l. 104.]

458 (return)
[ Josh. xiii. 5; 1 Kings v. 18.]

459 (return)
[ Arr. Exp. Alex. ii. 15.]

460 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 2, § 18.]

461 (return)
[ Fragm. ii. 8, § 17.]

462 (return)
[ Corp. Inscr. Sem., i. 3 (pl 1); Philo-Bybl. Fr. ii. 8, § 25.]

463 (return)
[ Strab. l.s.c.]

464 (return)
[ Allen, Dead Sea, ii. 164.]

465 (return)
[ Ibid.]

466 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 2, § 15.]

467 (return)
[ See G. Smith’s Eponym Canon, pp. 123, 132, 148.]

468 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 9.]

469 (return)
[ Burckhardt, Travels in Syria, p. 162.]

470 (return)
[ Scylax, Peripl., § 104; Diod. Sic. xvi. 41; Pomp. Mel. i. 12.]

471 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 633; Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art dans l’AntiquitÉ, iii. 56.]

472 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 57, 59.]

473 (return)
[ Allen, Dead Sea, ii. 152.]

474 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 295.]

475 (return)
[ Lucian, De Dea Syra, § 9.]

476 (return)
[ Philo. Bybl. Fr. ii. 8, § 25.]

477 (return)
[ Stephen of Byzantium calls it {polin thoinikes ek mikrae megalen}. Strabo says that it was rebuilt by the Romans (xvi. 2, § 19).]

478 (return)
[ Phocas, Descr. Urbium, § 5.]

479 (return)
[ Cellarius, Geograph. ii. 378.]

480 (return)
[ Gen. x. 17.]

481 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, pp. 120, l. 25; 123, l. 2.]

482 (return)
[ Josh. xix. 29.]

483 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 132, l. 10.]

484 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 132, l. 10; 148, l. 103.]

485 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, pp. 20, 21.]

486 (return)
[ This seems to be the true meaning of Strab. xvi. 2, § 25; sub init.]

487 (return)
[ Josh. vii. 23.]

488 (return)
[ Ibid. xvii. 11.]

489 (return)
[ 1 Kings iv. 11.]

490 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, ii. 132.]

491 (return)
[ Steph. Byz. ad voc. DORA.]

492 (return)
[ Hieronym. Epit. PaulÆ (Opp. i. 223).]

493 (return)
[ Josh. xix. 47.]

494 (return)
[ 1 Macc. x. 76.]

495 (return)
[ Jonah i. 3.]

496 (return)
[ 2 Chron. ii. 16.]

497 (return)
[ Ezra iii. 7.]

498 (return)
[ See Capt. Allen’s Dead Sea, ii. 188.]

499 (return)
[ Eustah. ad Dionys. Perieg. l. 915.]

4100 (return)
[ Compare the Heb. “Ramah” and “Ramoth” from {...}, “to be high.”]

4101 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 3.]

4102 (return)
[ Gesenius, Monumenta Scripture LinguÆque, PhoeniciÆ, p. 271.]

4103 (return)
[ Allen, Dead Sea, ii. 189.]

4104 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 23.]

4105 (return)
[ Perrot and Chipiez, iii. 23-25.]

4106 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art dans l’AntiquitÉ, iii. 25, 26.]

4107 (return)
[ The Phoenicians held Dor and Joppa during the greater part of their existence as a nation, but the tract between them, and that between Dor and Carmel—the plain of Sharon—shows no trace of their occupation.]


51 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 71.]

52 (return)
[ Gen. x. 4. Compare Joseph. Ant. Jud. i. 6.]

53 (return)
[ Kenrick, p. 72.]

54 (return)
[ The two plains are sometimes regarded as one, which is called that of Mesaoria; but they are really distinct, being separated by high ground in Long. 33º nearly.]

55 (return)
[ Ælian, Hist. Ann. v. 56.]

56 (return)
[ Strab. xiv. 6, § 5.]

57 (return)
[ Theophrastus, Hist. Plant. v. 8.]

58 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, Introduction, p. 7.]

59 (return)
[ The copper of Cyprus became known as {khalkos Kuprios} or {Æs Cyprium}, then as cyprium or cyprum, finally as “copper,” “kupfer,” “cuivre,” &c.]

510 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 6.]

511 (return)
[ Compare Ammianus—“Tanta tamque multiplici fertilitate abundat rerum omnium Cyprus, ut, nullius externi indigens adminiculi, indigenis viribus a fundamento ipso carinÆ ad supremos ipsos carbasos Ædificet onerariam navem, omnibusque armamentis instructam mari committat” (xiv. 8, § 14).]

512 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 49.]

513 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 75.]

514 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, pp. 65-117.]

515 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 68, 83.]

516 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 215.]

517 (return)
[ Ibid.]

518 (return)
[ {Polis Kuprou arkhaiotate}.]

519 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 294.]

520 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 254-281.]

521 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 294.]

522 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 378.]

523 (return)
[ Strabo, xiv. 6, § 3; Steph. Byz. ad voc. CURIUM.]

524 (return)
[ Herod. v. 113.]

525 (return)
[ Apollodor. Biblioth. iii. 14, § 13.]

526 (return)
[ Virg. Æn. i. 415-417; Tacit. Ann. iii. 62; Hist. ii. 2; Strab. xiv. 6, § 3.]

527 (return)
[ Ps. lxxvi. 2.]

528 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 201.]

529 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 198, and Map.]

530 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 139, l. 23.]

531 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 144, l. 22.]

532 (return)
[ On the copper-mines of Tamasus, see Strab. xiv. 6, § 5; and Steph. Byz. ad voc.]

533 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, ll.s.c.]

534 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 228.]

535 (return)
[ Plut. Vit. Solon. § 26.]

536 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xiv. 98, § 2.]

537 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 231.]

538 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 74.]

539 (return)
[ Gen. x. 4.]

540 (return)
[ Gesenius, Mon. Script. LinquÆque PhoeniciÆ, p. 278.]

541 (return)
[ Strab. xiv. 5, § 3.]

542 (return)
[ Ibid. xiv. 3, § 9. Mt. Solyma, now Takhtalu, is the most striking mountain of these parts. Its bald summit rises to the height of 4,800 feet above the Mediterranean (Beaufort, Karamania, p. 57).]

543 (return)
[ Strab. xiv. 3, § 8, sub fin.]

544 (return)
[ Beaufort, Karamania, p. 31.]

545 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 90; vii. 77; Strab. xiii. 4, § 15; Steph. Byz. ad. voc.]

546 (return)
[ Beaufort, Karamania, p. 56.]

547 (return)
[ Strab. xiv. 3, § 9.]

548 (return)
[ Beaufort, pp. 59, 60.]

549 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 70.]

550 (return)
[ As Corinna and Basilides (see Athen. Deipnos, iv. 174).]

551 (return)
[ Ap. Phot. Bibliothec. p. 454.]

552 (return)
[ Ap. Athen. Deipn. viii. 361.]

553 (return)
[ Dict. Cret. i. 18; iv. 4.]

554 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, pp. 80, 81.]

555 (return)
[ Aristid. Orat. § 43.]

556 (return)
[ Acts xxvii. 12.]

557 (return)
[ Steph. Byz. ad voc.]

558 (return)
[ Herod. iv. 151.]

559 (return)
[ Heb. {...}, Copt. labo, &c.]

560 (return)
[ Steph. Byz. ad voc. {KUTHERA}; Festus, ad voc. MELOS.]

561 (return)
[ Kenrick, p. 96.]

562 (return)
[ Steph. Byz. ad voc. {MEMBLIAROS}.]

563 (return)
[ Heraclid. Pont. ap. Steph. Byz. ad voc.]

564 (return)
[ Herod. iv. 147.]

565 (return)
[ Thucyd. i. 8.]

566 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 57; Pausan. x. 11.]

567 (return)
[ Tournefort, Voyages, i. 136.]

568 (return)
[ Plin, H. N. iv. 12. Compare Steph. Byz. ad voc. {KUTHERA}.]

569 (return)
[ Theophrast. Hist. Plant. iv. 2; Plin. H. N. xxxv. 15.]

570 (return)
[ Strab. x. 5, § 16.]

571 (return)
[ Ibid. § 19, ad fin.]

572 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 44.]

573 (return)
[ Ibid. vi. 47.]

574 (return)
[ Hesych. ad voc. {KABEIROI}; Steph. Byz. ad voc. {IMBROS}; Strab. vii. Fr. 51.]

575 (return)
[ Strab. xiv. 5, § 28; Plin. H. N. vii. 56.]

576 (return)
[ Strab. x. 1, § 8.]

577 (return)
[ Herod. v. 57; Strab. ix. 2, § 3; Pausan. ix. 25, § 6, &c.]

578 (return)
[ Steph. Byz. ad voc. {PRONEKTOS}; Scymn. Ch. l. 660.]

579 (return)
[ Apollon. Rhod. ii. l. 178; Euseb. PrÆp. Ev. p. 115; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. l.s.c.; Steph. Byz. ad voc. {SESAMOS}.]

580 (return)
[ So Kenrick, Phoenicia, pp. 91, 92.]

581 (return)
[ Utica was said to have been founded 287 years before Carthage (Aristot. De Ausc. Mir. § 146). Carthage was probably founded about B.C. 850.]

582 (return)
[ Thucyd. vi. 2.]

583 (return)
[ Strab. xvii. 3, § 13.]

584 (return)
[ See the chart opposite, and the description in the GÉographie Universelle, xi. 271, 272.]

585 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 270.]

586 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. v. 4, § 23; GÉographie Universelle, xi. 157.]

587 (return)
[ GÉograph. Univ. xi. 275.]

588 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 274.]

589 (return)
[ GÉograph. Univ. xi. 413, 414.]

590 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 410, 411.]

591 (return)
[ See Davis’s Carthage, pp. 128-130; and compare the woodcut in the GÉograph. Univ. xi. 259.]

592 (return)
[ BeulÉ, Fouilles À Carthage, quoted in the GÉograph. Univ. xi. 258.]

593 (return)
[ “Adrymes” is the Greek name (Strab. xvii. 3, § 16), Adrumetum or Hadrumetum, the Roman one (Sall. Bell. Jugurth. § 19; Liv. xxx. 29; Plin. H. N. v. 4, § 25).]

594 (return)
[ GÉograph. Univ. xi. 227, 228.]

595 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 227, note.]

596 (return)
[ GÉographie Universelle, xi. 224.]

597 (return)
[ GÉograph. Univ. xi. 84.]

598 (return)
[ Strabo, xvii. 3, § 18.]

599 (return)
[ See Della Cella, Narrative, p. 37, E. T.; Beechey, Narrative, p. 51.]

5100 (return)
[ Herod. iv. 198. Compare Ovid. Pont. ii. 7, 25.]

5101 (return)
[ See the chart in the GÉographie Universelle, xi. 223.]

5102 (return)
[ Strab. xvii. 3, § 12.]

5103 (return)
[ See Daux, Recherches sur les Emporia PhÉniciens, pp. 256-258; and compare Pl. viii.]

5104 (return)
[ At Utica, Carthage, and elsewhere.]

5105 (return)
[ Daux, Recherches, pp. 169-171; Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art dans l’AntiquitÉ, iii. 400-402.]

5106 (return)
[ Thucyd. vi. 2.]

5107 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 336.]

5108 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xiv. 68.]

5109 (return)
[ Gesenius, Monumenta Phoenicia, pp. 297, 298, and Tab. 39, xii. A, B.]

5110 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 330.]

5111 (return)
[ Polyb. i. 55.]

5112 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 331. Compare the accompanying woodcut.]

5113 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 334; Woodcuts, No. 242 and 243.]

5114 (return)
[ Marsala, whose wine is so well known, occupies a site on the coast at a short distance.]

5115 (return)
[ GÉographie Universelle, i. 552.]

5116 (return)
[ GÉographie Universelle, i. p. 551.]

5117 (return)
[ See Gesenius, Monumenta Phoenicia, pp. 288-290, and Tab. 38, ix. Mahanath corresponds to the Greek {skenai} and the Roman castra. Compare the Israelite “Mahanaim.”]

5118 (return)
[ Serra di Falco, AntichitÀ di Sicilia, v. 60, 67.]

5119 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 187-189.]

5120 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 426.]

5121 (return)
[ GÉographie Universelle, i. 571.]

5122 (return)
[ Gesenius, Monumenta Phoenicia, p. 298.]

5123 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. v. 12.]

5124 (return)
[ See the Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, vol. i. No. 132.]

5125 (return)
[ Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. Tab. 40, xiv.]

5126 (return)
[ For an account of these buildings, called by the natives “Giganteja,” see Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 297, 298.]

5127 (return)
[ Ibid.]

5128 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 299.]

5129 (return)
“Malte, l’Île de miel” (GÉogr. Univ. i. 576).]

5130 (return)
[ {Kunidia, a kalousi Melitaia} (Strab. vi. 2, § 11, sub fin.).]

5131 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iv. 2.]

5132 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xiv. 63, § 4; 77, § 6; xxi. 16, &c.]

5133 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, l.s.c. Compare the GÉographie Universelle, i. 599, 600.]

5134 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 233; La Marmora, Voyage en Sardaigne, ii. 171-341.]

5135 (return)
[ Strabo calls the town Sulchi ({Soulkhoi}, v. 2, § 7).]

5136 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 231, 232, 253, &c.]

5137 (return)
[ None of the classical geographers mentions the place excepting Ptolemy, who calls it “Tarrus” (Geograph. iii. 3).]

5138 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 231-236, and 418-421.]

5139 (return)
[ Herod. i. 166.]

5140 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 116; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 46, 186.]

5141 (return)
[ GÉographie Universelle, i. 800.]

5142 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 5, § 1.]

5143 (return)
[ Kenrick, p. 118; GÉogr. Univ. i. 795.]

5144 (return)
[ “Un admirable port natured divisÉ par des ilÔts et des pÉninsules en cales et en bassins secondairs; tous les avantages se trouvent rÉunis dans ce bras de mer” (GÉographie Universelle, i. 808).]

5145 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 801.]

5146 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 799.]

5147 (return)
[ {Phoinikike to skhemati} (Strab. iii. 4, § 2).]

5148 (return)
[ {Phoinikon ktisma} (ib. iii. 4, § 3).]

5149 (return)
[ Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. pp. 308-310; Tab. 40, xvi.]

5150 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 4, § 2.]

5151 (return)
[ Ibid.]

5152 (return)
[ Ibid. iii. 4, § 6.]

5153 (return)
[ Three hundred, according to some writers (Ibid. xvii. 3, § 3).]

5154 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xix. 4.]

5155 (return)
[ Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. pp. 309, 310.]

5156 (return)
[ GÉograph. Univ. xi. 710-713.]

5157 (return)
[ Strab. ii. 3, § 4; Hanno, Peripl. § 6; Scylax, Peripl. § 112.]

5158 (return)
[ See GÉograph. Univer. xi. 714.]

5159 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 337.]

5160 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 339.]

5161 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 341.]

5162 (return)
[ See Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 118; Dyer, in Smith’s Dict. of Greek and Roman Geography, ii. 1106.]

5163 (return)
[ Scymn. Ch. ll. 100-106; Strabo, iii. 2, § 11; Mela, De Situ Orbis, ii. 6; Plin. H. N. iv. 21; Fest. Avien. Descriptio Orbis, l. 610; Pausan. vi. 19.]

5164 (return)
[ Stesichorus, Fragmenta (ed. Bergk), p. 636; Strab. l.s.c.]

5165 (return)
[ Scymn. Ch. l.s.c.]

5166 (return)
[ See Herod. i. 163.]

5167 (return)
[ 1 Kings x. 22.]

5168 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 2, § 8; GÉograph. Univ. i. 741-745.]

5169 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 2, § 11.]

5170 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 119.]

5171 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 2, § 7.]

5172 (return)
[ Aristoph. Ran. l. 476; Jul. Pollux, vi. 63.]

5173 (return)
[ Vell. Paterc. i. 2.]

5174 (return)
[ GÉograph. Univ. i. 756-758.]

5175 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 758.]

5176 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 5, § 5; Diod. Sic. v. 20; Scymn. Ch. 160; Mela, iii. 6, § 1; Plin. H. N. v. 19; &c.]

5177 (return)
[ Gesen. Mon. Phoen. pp. 304, 370.]

5178 (return)
[ Strabo, iii. 5, § 3.]

5179 (return)
[ See the GÉographie Universelle, i. 759.]

5180 (return)
[ The name is to be connected with the words Baal, Belus, Baalath, &c. There was a river “Belus,” in Phoenicia Proper.]

5181 (return)
[ Gesenius, Monumenta Phoenicia, pp. 311, 312.]

5182 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 311.]

5183 (return)
[ I.e. towards the north-east, in the Propontis and the Euxine.]


61 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art dans l’AntiquitÉ, iii. 101.]

62 (return)
[ See Renan, Mission de Phoenicie, p. 92, and Planches, pl. 12.]

63 (return)
[ Ibid.]

64 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pp. 62-68.]

65 (return)
[ Ibid. Planches, pl. 10.]

66 (return)
[ 1 Kings v. 17, 18.]

67 (return)
[ Our Work in Palestine, p. 115. Warren, Recovery of Jerusalem, i. 121.]

68 (return)
[ See the Corpus. Inscr. Semit. Pars I. Planches, pl. 29, No. 136.]

69 (return)
[ As at Sidon in the pier wall, and at Aradus in the remains of the great wall of the town.]

610 (return)
[ M. Renan has found reason to question the truth of this view. Bevelling, he thinks, may have begun with the Phoenicians; but it became a general feature of Palestinian and Syrian architecture, being employed in Syria as late as the middle ages. The enclosure of the mosque at Hebron and the great wall of Baalbek are bevelled, but are scarcely Phoenician.]

611 (return)
[ See Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, Planches, pl. vi.]

612 (return)
[ Compare the enclosure of the Haram at Jerusalem, the mosque at Hebron, and the temples at Baalbek (Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 105, No. 42; iv. 274, No. 139, and p. 186, No. 116).]

613 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 108, 299, &c.]

614 (return)
[ Renan, Mission, p. 822.]

615 (return)
[ See Renan, Mission, pp. 62-68; and compare Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 242, 243.]

616 (return)
[ See Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 64.]

617 (return)
[ See Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pp. 63, 64.]

618 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 65.]

619 (return)
[ See the volume of Plates published with the Mission, pl. ix. fig 1.]

620 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 110; pl. xxxv. fig. 20; xxxvi. fig. 7; xxxvii. figs. 10, 11; Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. pp. 124, 428, 533, &c.]

621 (return)
[ Renan, Mission, Planches, pl. ix. fig. 3.]

622 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipie, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 253, No. 193; p. 310, No. 233.]

623 (return)
[ See the author’s History of Ancient Egypt, i. 237.]

624 (return)
[ Mission de PhÉnicie, pp. 64, 65.]

625 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola’s Cyprus, pp. 210-212.]

626 (return)
[ The temple of Solomon was mainly of wood; that of Golgi (AthiÉnau) was, it is thought, of crude brick (Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 139).]

627 (return)
[ See the plan in Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 267, No. 200. Explorations are now in progress, which, it is hoped, may reveal more completely the plan of the building.]

628 (return)
[ As being the most important temple in the island.]

629 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 211.]

630 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 210.]

631 (return)
[ Ibid.]

632 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 269.]

633 (return)
[ In M. Gerhard’s plan two circular ponds or reservoirs are marked, of which General Di Cesnola found no trace.]

634 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 211.]

635 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 322.]

636 (return)
[ As Di Cesnola, and Ceccaldi.]

637 (return)
[ Ceccaldi, as quoted by Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 275.]

638 (return)
[ Ceccaldi, Monuments Antiques de Cypre, pp. 47, 48.]

639 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 139.]

640 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 149; Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 274; Ceccaldi, l.s.c.]

641 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 139.]

642 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 140.]

643 (return)
[ Ibid. Compare Perrot et Chipiez, l.s.c.]

644 (return)
[ The only original account of this crypt is that of General Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 303-305.]

645 (return)
[ Mephitic vapours prevented the workmen from continuing their excavations.]

646 (return)
[ The length of this room was twenty feet, the breadth nineteen feet, and the height fourteen feet (Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 304).]

647 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 285.]

648 (return)
[ See the woodcut representing a portion of the old wall of Aradus, which is taken from M. Renan’s Mission, Planches, pl. 2.]

649 (return)
[ In some of the ruder walls, as in those of Banias and Eryx, even this precaution is not observed. See Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 328, 334.]

650 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xxxii. 14.]

651 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 21, § 3.]

652 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 331, 332, 339.]

653 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. pp. 333, 334.]

654 (return)
[ See his Recherches sur l’origine et l’emplacement des Emporia PhÉniciens, pl. 8.]

655 (return)
[ Compare Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pls. 7, 16, 18, &c.; and Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 224.]

656 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 256, 260; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 219-221.]

657 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 255.]

658 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 255, 256.]

659 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 260; and compare Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 219, No. 155.]

660 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 259.]

661 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 224.]

662 (return)
[ See Ross, Reisen nach Cypern, pp. 187-189; and ArchÄologische Zeitung for 1851, pl. xxviii. figs. 3 and 4.]

663 (return)
[ They are not shown in Ross’s representation, but appear in Di Cesnola’s.]

664 (return)
[ See Sir C. Newton’s Halicarnassus, pls. xviii. xix.]

665 (return)
[ 1 Macc. xiii. 27-29.]

666 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 80.]

667 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 81.]

668 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 82, 85.]

669 (return)
[ See Robinson, Researches in Palestine, iii. 385.]

670 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 599.]

671 (return)
[ Perrot and Chipiez remark that “the general aspect of the edifice recalls that of the great tombs at Amrith;” and conclude that, “if the tomb does not actually belong to the time of Solomon’s contemporary and ally, at any rate it is anterior to the Greco-Roman period” (Hist. de l’Art, iii. 167).]

672 (return)
[ See the section of the building in Renan’s Mission, Planches, pl. xlviii.]

673 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 71.]

674 (return)
[ Ibid. Planches, pl. 13.]

675 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 72.]

676 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 153.]

677 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pp. 71-73.]

678 (return)
[ “Ce que ce tombeau offre de tout À fait particulier c’est que l’entrÉe du caveau, ou, pour mieux dire, l’escalier qui y conduit, est couvert, dans sa partie antÉrieure, par un Énorme bloc rÉguliÈrement taillÉ en dos d’Âne et supportÉ par une assise de grosses pierres” (Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 154).]

679 (return)
[ Mark xvi. 3, 4.]

680 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 334.]

681 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 126, No. 68.]

682 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 211, 301.]

683 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 129-134.]

684 (return)
[ Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 822.]

685 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 822.]

686 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 829.]


71 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 404, and compare pp. 428 and 437.]

72 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 129-157, &c.]

73 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 510.]

74 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 513: “Les figures semblent avoir ÉtÉ taillÉes non dans des blocs prismatiques, mais dans de la pierre dÉbitÉe en carriÈre, sous forme de dalles Épaisses.”]

75 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 150.]

76 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 149, 150.]

77 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 157.]

78 (return)
[ So both Di Cesnola (l.s.c) and Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 565.]

79 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. Nos. 349, 385, 405, &c.; Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 133, 149, 157.]

710 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 519, No. 353.]

711 (return)
[ Ibid. Nos. 323, 342, 368. Occasionally an arm is placed across the breast without anything being clasped (Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 131, 240).]

712 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Nos. 299, 322, 373.]

713 (return)
[ Ibid. Nos. 291, 321, 379, 380.]

714 (return)
[ Ibid. Nos. 381, 382.]

715 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Nos. 306, 345, 349, &c.]

716 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 141, 230, 243, &c.]

717 (return)
[ Compare Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 530, No. 358; p. 533, No. 359; and Di Cesnola, pp. 131, 154, &c.]

718 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, pp. 129, 145; Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 527, 545.]

719 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, pp. 149, 151, 161, &c.]

720 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 201, No. 142; p. 451, No. 323; p. 598, No. 409. The best dove is that in the hand of a priest represented by Di Cesnola (Cyprus, p. 132).]

721 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 114.]

722 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 331; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 203, and Pl. ii. opp. p. 582.]

723 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 136; Ceccaldi, Rev. Arch. vol. xxiv. pl. 21.]

724 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 137.]

725 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 133.]

726 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 110-114.]

727 (return)
[ See the Story of Assyria, p. 403; and compare Ancient Monarchies, i. 395, 493.]

728 (return)
[ See Story of Assyria, l.s.c.; and for the classical practice, which was identical, compare Lipsius, Antiq. Lect. iii.]

729 (return)
[ So it is in a garden that Asshurbani-pal and his queen regale themselves (Ancient Monarchies, i. 493). Compare Esther i. 7.]

730 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 620.]

731 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 259-267.]

732 (return)
[ Di Cesnola is in favour of Melkarth (p. 264); MM. Perrot and Chipiez of Bes (Hist. de l’Art, iii. 610). Individually, I incline to Esmun.]

733 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola, Pl. vi.; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 450, 555, 557; Nos. 321, 379, 380, 381, and 382.]

734 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 37.]

735 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez see in it the travels of the deceased in another world (Hist. de l’Art, iii. 612); but they admit that at first sight one would be tempted to regard it as the representation of an historical event, as the setting forth of a prince for war, or his triumphant return.]

736 (return)
[ A similar crest was used by the Persians (Ancient Monarchies, iii. 180, 234), and the Lycians (Fellows’s Lycia, pl. xxi. oop. p. 173).]

737 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 609-611.]

738 (return)
[ See the Journal le Bachir for June 8, 1887, published at Beyrout.]

739 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 14; 2 Chron. ii. 14.]

740 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 21.]

741 (return)
[ “In the porch” (1 Kings vii. 21); “before the house,” “before the temple” (2 Chron. iii. 15, 17).]

742 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 15, 16.]

743 (return)
[ Jer. lii. 21.]

744 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 17, 20.]

745 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 20; 2 Chron. iv. 13; Jer. lii. 23.]

746 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 22.]

747 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, vol. iv. Pls. vi. and vii. opp. pp. 318 and 320.]

748 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 23.]

749 (return)
[ Ibid. vv. 23-25.]

750 (return)
[ See the representation in Perrot et Chipiez, iv. 327, No. 172.]

751 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iv. 328.]

752 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 27-39.]

753 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 38.]

754 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 29.]

755 (return)
[ See the woodcut in Perrot et Chipiez, iv. 331, No. 173; and compare 1 Kings vii. 31.]

756 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 36.]

757 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 33.]

758 (return)
[ Ibid. v. 40. Compare 2 Chron. iv. 16.]

759 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola’s Cyprus, Pls. xxi. and xxx.]

760 (return)
[ A single statue in bronze, of full size, or larger than life, is said to have been exhumed in Cyprus in 1836 (Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 514); but it has not reached our day.]

761 (return)
[ See the works of La Marmora (Voyage en Sardaigne), Cara (Relazione sugli idoli sardo-fenici), and Perrot et Chipiez (Hist. de l’Art, iv. 65-89).]

762 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iv. 65, 66.]

763 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 67, 69, 88.]

764 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 67, 70, 89.]

765 (return)
[ Ibid. 52, 74, 75, 87, &c.]

766 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola, Cyprus, Pl. iv. opp. p. 84.]

767 (return)
[ Ibid. opp. p. 345.]

768 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 337.]

769 (return)
[ Monumenti di cere antica, Pl. x. fig. 1.]

770 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 77.]

771 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, Pl. xi. opp. p. 114.]

772 (return)
[ In the museum of the Varvakeion. (See Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 782-785.)]

773 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 783, No. 550.]

774 (return)
[ Compare the author’s History of Ancient Egypt, i. 362.]

775 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 779, No. 548.]

776 (return)
[ See Ancient Monarchies, i. 392.]

777 (return)
[ See Clermont-Ganneau, Imagerie PhÉnicienne, p. xiii.]

778 (return)
[ See Clermont-Ganneau, Ima. PhÉnicienne, Pls. ii. iv. and vi. Compare LongpÉrier, MusÉe NapolÉon III., Pl. x.; Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 329; Pl. xix. opp. p. 276; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 777, 789; Nos. 547 and 552.]

779 (return)
[ Clermont-Ganneau, Pl. i. at end of volume; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 759, No. 543.]

780 (return)
[ L’Imagerie PhÉnicienne, p. 8.]

781 (return)
[ Helbig, Bullettino dell’ Instituto di Corrispondenza archeologica, 1876, p. 127.]

782 (return)
[ L’Imagerie PhÉnicienne, p. 8.]

783 (return)
[ L’Imagerie PhÉnicienne, pp. xi, xiii, and 18-39.]

784 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 151.]

785 (return)
[ L’Imagerie PhÉnicienne, pp. 150-156. It is fatal to M. Clermont-Ganneau’s idea—1. That the hunter in the outer scene has no dog; 2. That the dress of the charioteer is wholly unlike that of the fugitive attacked by the dog; and 3. That M. Clermont-Ganneau’s explanation accounts in no way for the medallion’s central and main figure.]

786 (return)
[ “Les formes et les mouvements des chevaux sont indiquÉs avec beaucoup du sÛretÉ et de justesse” (ibid. p. 6).]

787 (return)
[ So Mr. C. W. King in his appendix to Di Cesnola’s Cyprus, p. 387. He supports his view by Herod. vii. 69.]

788 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 632.]

789 (return)
[ Compare the cylinder of Darius Hystaspis (Ancient Monarchies, iii. 227) and another engraved on the same page.]

790 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 635, note.]

791 (return)
[ Proceedings of the Society of Bibl. ArchÆology for 1883—4, p. 16.]

792 (return)
[ See M. A. Di Cesnola’s Salaminia, Pls. xii. and xiii.]

793 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 639, No. 431.]

794 (return)
[ These fluttering ends of ribbon are very common in the Persian representations. See Ancient Monarchies, iii. 351.]

795 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, iii. pp. 203, 204, 208.]

796 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 630.]

797 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 635-639. Green serpentine is the most usual material (C. W. King, in Di Cesnola’s Cyprus, p. 387).]

798 (return)
[ King, in Di Cesnola’s Cyprus, p. 388.]

799 (return)
[ Pl. xxxvi. a.]

7100 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 277.]

7101 (return)
[ See De VogÜÉ’s MÉlanges d’ArchÉologie Orientale, pl. v.]

7102 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 631.]

7103 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola’s Cyprus, pl. xxvi. (top line).]

7104 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 645.]

7105 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 646.]

7106 (return)
[ De VogÜÉ, MÉlanges, p. 111.]

7107 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 651.]

7108 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 652.]

7109 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pl. xxxvi. fig. 8.]

7110 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 646.]

7111 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 61.]

7112 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pl. xxxv. fig. a.]

7113 (return)
[ Herod. v. 113.]

7114 (return)
[ That of Canon Spano. (See Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 655, note 1.)]

7115 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 656, 657, Nos. 466, 467, 468.]

7116 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. p. 655.]

7117 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 656, Nos. 464, 465.]

7118 (return)
[ See the author’s History of Ancient Egypt, ii. 47, 54, 70.]

7119 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 657, 658, Nos. 471-476.]

7120 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 655:—“La couleur parait y avoir ÉtÉ employÉe d’une maniÈre discrÈte; elle servait À faire ressortir certains dÉtails.”]

7121 (return)
[ Ross, Reisen auf den griechischen Inseln, iv. 100.]

7122 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 666:—“On obtenait ainsi un ensemble qui, malgrÉ la rapiditÉ du travail, ne manquait pas de gaietÉ, d’harmonie et d’agrÉment.”]

7123 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 65, 71, 91, 181, &c.; and Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 686, 691, 699, &c.]

7124 (return)
[ Cyprus, pl. xxix. (p. 333).]

7125 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 704.]


81 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 18.]

82 (return)
[ Ibid. xxvii. 21.]

83 (return)
[ See Herod. ii. 182, and compare the note of Sir G. Wilkinson on that passage in Rawlinson’s Herodotus, ii. 272.]

84 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 246.]

85 (return)
[ Ibid.]

86 (return)
[ Hom. Il. vi. 289; Od. xv. 417; Æsch. Suppl. ll. 279-284; Lucan, Phars. x. 142, &c.]

87 (return)
[ Ex. xxvi. 36, xxviii. 39.]

88 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 877.]

89 (return)
[ Smyth, Mediterranean Sea, pp. 205-207.]

810 (return)
[ Tristram, Land of Israel, p. 51.]

811 (return)
[ Lortet, La Syrie d’aujourd’hui, p. 103.]

812 (return)
[ See Phil. Transactions, xv. 1,280.]

813 (return)
[ Wilksinson, in Rawlinson’s Herodotus, ii. 347.]

814 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 258.]

815 (return)
[ See Jul. Pollux, Onomasticon, i. 4, § 45.]

816 (return)
[ This is the case with almost all the refuse shells found in the “kitchen middens” (as they have been called) on the Syrian coast. See Lortet, La Syrie d’aujourd’hui, p. 103).]

817 (return)
[ See RÉaumur, quoted by Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 256.]

818 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. ix. 38.]

819 (return)
[ See Grimaud de Caux’s paper in the Revue de Zoologie for 1856, p. 34; and compare Lortet, La Syrie d’aujourd’hui, p. 102.]

820 (return)
[ Ibid.]

821 (return)
[ Lortet, La Syrie d’aujourd’hui, p. 127.]

822 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xxxii. 22.]

823 (return)
[ Ibid. ix. 37-39.]

824 (return)
[ For the tints producible, see a paper by M. Lacaze-Duthiers, in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles for 1859, Zoologie, 4me. sÉrie, xii. 1-84.]

825 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. ix. 41.]

826 (return)
[ Ibid. ix. 39:—“Cornelius Nepos, qui divi Augusti principatu obiit. Me, inquit, juvene violacea purpura vigebat, cujus libra denariis centum venibat.”]

827 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 242. Compare Pliny, H. N. ix. 38:—“Laus summa in colore sanguinis concreti.”]

828 (return)
[ Hist. Nat. xxxvi. 65.]

829 (return)
[ Wilkinson, in Rawlinson’s Herodotus, ii. 82. Similar representations occur in tombs near the Pyramids.]

830 (return)
[ Wilksinson, Manners and Customs, iii. 88.]

831 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 86-88.]

832 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. v 19; xxxvi. 26, &c.]

833 (return)
[ Lortet, La Syrie d’aujourd’hui, p. 113.]

834 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 127.]

835 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 735, note 2.]

836 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xxxvi. 26.]

837 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 739.]

838 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 734-744.]

839 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histore de l’Art, iii. pl. viii. No. 2 (opp. p. 740).]

840 (return)
[ Ibid. pl. vii. No. 1 (opp. p. 734).]

841 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 44.]

842 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 745, and pl. x.]

843 (return)
[ Ibid.]

844 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 746, No. 534.]

845 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 739, 740.]

846 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 740, 741.]

847 (return)
[ The British Museum has a mould which was found at Camirus, intended to give shape to glass earrings. It is of a hard greenish stone, apparently a sort of breccia.]

848 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 745.]

849 (return)
[ Strabo, iii. 5, § 11.]

850 (return)
[ Scylax, Periplus, § 112.]

851 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 669. (Compare Renan Mission de PhÉnicie, pl. xxi.)]

852 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 670. The vase is figured on p. 670, No. 478.]

853 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 68. Compare Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 671, No. 479.]

854 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, l.s.c.]

855 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, appendix, p. 408.]

856 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 685, No. 485.]

857 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 102. Compare Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 675, No. 483.]

858 (return)
[ So Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 332, and Mr. Murray, of the British Museum, ibid., appendix, pp. 401, 402.]

859 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 693-695.]

860 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 394, 402, and pl. xlii. fig. 4.]

861 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 698.]

862 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 676, No. 484; p. 691, No. 496; and p. 697, No. 505.]

863 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 730.]

864 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 282, and pl. xxx.]

865 (return)
[ Ibid.]

866 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 866-868. Compare Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pl. x.]

867 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 335, 336, and pls. iv. and xxx.; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 831, 862, 863, &c.]

868 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, l.s.c.; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 864.]

869 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pl. xx.]

870 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iv. 15, 66-68, 70; Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 203.]

871 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 870, 871.]

872 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 867, No. 633.]

873 (return)
[ Ibid. iv. 94.]

874 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iv. 94, No. 91.]

875 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 67, No. 53.]

876 (return)
[ Ibid. iii. 862, No. 629.]

877 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. p. 863.]

878 (return)
[ De Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 336.]

879 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 133, Nos. 80, 81.]

880 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 335.]

881 (return)
[ See Ezek. xxvii. 12; Strab. iii. 2, § 8.]

882 (return)
[ Plutarch, Vit. Alex. Magni, § 32.]

883 (return)
[ Ceccaldi, Monumens Antiques de Cyprus, p. 138; Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 282; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 874.]

884 (return)
[ Plutarch, Vit. Demetrii, § 21.]

885 (return)
[ Hom. Il. xi. 19-28.]

886 (return)
[ 2 Chron. ii. 14. Iron, in the shape of nails and rings, has been found in several graves in Phoenicia Proper, where the coffin seems to have been of wood (Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 866).]

887 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 5, § 11.]

888 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 12.]

889 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iv. 80.]

890 (return)
[ Ibid. iii. 815, No. 568.]

891 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 427, and pl. lx. fig. 1; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 177, No. 123.]


91 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. vii. 56.]

92 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 517, No. 352.]

93 (return)
[ Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, ii. 383.]

94 (return)
[ Compare the practice of the Egyptians (Rosellini, Monumenti Storici, pl. cxxxi.)]

95 (return)
[ See Mionnet, DÉscript. de MÉdailles, vol. vii. pl. lxi. fig. 1; Gesenius, Ling. ScripturÆque Phoen. Monumenta, pl. 36, fig. G; Layard, Nineveh and its Remains, ii. 378.]

96 (return)
[ Layard, Monuments of Nineveh, first series, pl. 71; Nineveh and its Remains, l.s.c.]

97 (return)
[ So Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 34.]

98 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pl. xlv.]

99 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 136.]

910 (return)
[ In later times there must have been more sails than one, since Xenophon describes a Phoenician merchant ship as sailing by means of a quantity of rigging, which implies several sails (Xen. OEconom. § 8).]

911 (return)
[ Scylax. Periplus, § 112.]

912 (return)
[ Thucyd. i. 13.]

913 (return)
[ Herod. l.s.c.]

914 (return)
[ See Herod. vii. 89-94.]

915 (return)
[ Ibid. vii. 44.]

916 (return)
[ Ibid. vii. 100.]

917 (return)
[ Xen. OEconom. § 8, pp. 11-16 (Ed. Schneider).]

918 (return)
[ Herodotus (iii. 37) says they were at the prow of the ship; but Suidas (ad voc.) and Hesychius (ad voc.) place them at the stern. Perhaps there was no fixed rule.]

919 (return)
[ The {pataikoi} of the Greeks probably representes the Hebrew {...}, which is from {...}, “insculpere,” and is applied in Scripture to “carved work” of any kind. (See 1 Kings vi. 29; Ps. lxxiv. 6; &c.) Some, however, derive the word from the Egyptian name Phthah, or Ptah. (See Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 235.)]

920 (return)
[ Manilius, i. 304-308.]

921 (return)
[ Strab. Geograph. xv.]

922 (return)
[ Tarshish (Tartessus) was on the Atlantic coast, outside the Straits.]

923 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii.]

924 (return)
[ Signified by one of its chief cities, Haran (now Harran).]

925 (return)
[ Signified by “the house of Togarmarh” (verse 14).]

926 (return)
[ Ionia, Cyprus, and Hellas are the Greek correspondents of Javan, Chittim, and Elishah, Chittim representing Citium, the capital of Cyprus.]

927 (return)
[ Spain is intended by “Tarshish” (verse 12) == Tartessus, which was a name given by the Phoenicians to the tract upon the lower BÆtis (Guadalquivir).]

928 (return)
[ See the Speaker’s Commentary, ad loc.]

929 (return)
[ Strab. xv. 3, § 22.]

930 (return)
[ Minnith appears as an Ammonite city in the history of Jephthah (Judg. xi. 33).]

931 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 37, 182; iii. 47.]

932 (return)
[ See Rawlinson’s Herodotus, ii. 157; History of Ancient Egypt, i. 509; Rosellini, Mon. Civili, pls. 107-109.]

933 (return)
[ See Herod. iii. 107; History of Ancient Egypt, ii. 222-224.]

934 (return)
[ That these were Arabian products appears from Herod. iii. 111, 112. They may be included in the “chief of all spices,” which Tyre obtained from the merchants of Sheba and Raamah (Ezek. xxvii. 22).]

935 (return)
[ Arabia has no ebony trees, and can never have produced elephants.]

936 (return)
[ See Ezek. xxvii. 23, 24. Canneh and Chilmad were probably Babylonian towns.]

937 (return)
[ Upper Mesopotamia is indicated by one of its chief cities, Haran (Ezek. xxvii. 23).]

938 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 6. Many objects in ivory have been found in Cyprus.]

939 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 7. The Murex brandaris is still abundant on the coast of Attica, and off the island of Salamis (Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 881).]

940 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 2, § 8-12; Diod. Sic. v. 36; Plin. H. N. iii. 3.]

941 (return)
[ See Gen. xxxvii. 28.]

942 (return)
[ Isaiah xxi. 13.]

943 (return)
[ Ibid. lx. 6.]

944 (return)
[ Ibid. verses 6, 7.]

945 (return)
[ Heeren, Asiatic Nations, ii. 93, 100, 101.]

946 (return)
[ 1 Kings v. 11; 2 Chr. ii. 10.]

947 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 17.]

948 (return)
[ Ezra iii. 7.]

949 (return)
[ Acts xii. 20.]

950 (return)
[ 2 Chron. l.s.c.; Ezra l.s.c.; Ezek. xxvii. 6, 17.]

951 (return)
[ Ezek. l.s.c.]

952 (return)
[ Gen. xxxvii. 28.]

953 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 2, § 41.]

954 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 18.]

955 (return)
[ Strab. xv. 3, § 22.]

956 (return)
[ So Heeren (As. Nat. ii. 118). But there is a Helbon a little to the north of Damascus, which is more probably intended.]

957 (return)
[ Ibid.]

958 (return)
[ See Amos, iii. 12, where some translate “the children of Israel that dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed, and upon a damask couch.”]

959 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 16.]

960 (return)
[ The Hebrew terms for Syria {...} and Edom {...} are constantly confounded by the copyists, and we must generally look to the context to determine which is the true reading.]

961 (return)
[ Herod. i. 1.]

962 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 112.]

963 (return)
[ Ch. xxvii. 7.]

964 (return)
[ Egyptian pottery, scarabs, seals, figures of gods, and amulets, are common on most Phoenician sites. The Sidonian sarcophagi, including that of Esmunazar, are of an Egyptian stone.]

965 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 5, 6.]

966 (return)
[ Ibid. iii. 107; Strab. xvi. 4, § 19; Diod. Sic. ii. 49.]

967 (return)
[ Theophrast. Hist. Plant. ix. 4.]

968 (return)
[ Wilkinson, in the author’s Herodotus, iii. 497, note 6; Heeren, As. Nat. ii. 95.]

969 (return)
[ Is. lx. 7; Her. xlix. 29.]

970 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 21.]

971 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 20.]

972 (return)
[ Ex. xxvi. 7; xxxvi. 14.]

973 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 15, 19-22.]

974 (return)
[ See Heeren, Asiatic Nations, ii. 96.]

975 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 99, 100.]

976 (return)
[ Gerrha, Sanaa, and Mariaba were flourishing towns in Strabo’s time, and probably during several centuries earlier.]

977 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 23, 24.]

978 (return)
[ Herod. i. 1.]

979 (return)
[ See Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pls. xxxi.-xxxiii.; A. Di Cesnola, Salaminia, ch. xii.; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 636-639.]

980 (return)
[ Layard, Monuments of Nineveh, 2nd series, pls. 57-67; Nineveh and Babylon, pp. 183-187.]

981 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 23.]

982 (return)
[ So Heeren translates (As. Nat. ii. 123).]

983 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 14.]

984 (return)
[ Strab. xi. 14, § 9:—{’Estin ippobotos sphodra e khora}.]

985 (return)
[ Ibid.]

986 (return)
[ 1 Kings i. 33; Esth. viii. 10, 14.]

987 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 13.]

988 (return)
[ Xen. Anab. iv. 1, § 6.]

989 (return)
[ Hom. Od. xv. 415-484; Herod. i. 1.]

990 (return)
[ Joel iii. 6.]

991 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 13.]

992 (return)
[ Herod. v. 5.]

993 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 32.]

994 (return)
[ Ibid. iv. 183.]

995 (return)
[ Ibid.]

996 (return)
[ Ibid. iv. 181-184. Compare Heeren, African Nations, ii. pp. 202-235.]

997 (return)
[ No doubt some of these may have been imparted by the Cyprians themselves, and others introduced by the Egyptians when they held Cyprus; but they are too numerous to be accounted for sufficiently unless by a continuous Phoenician importation.]

998 (return)
[ Especially Etruria, which was advanced in civilisation and the arts, while Rome was barely emerging from barbarism.]

999 (return)
[ 2 Chron. ii. 14.]

9100 (return)
[ Dennis, Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, ii. 204, 514; Gerhard, Etruskische Spiegel, passim.]

9101 (return)
[ Schliemann, MycenÆ, Pls. 357-519.]

9102 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 12; Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 16; &c.]

9103 (return)
[ Strabo, iii. 5, § 11.]

9104 (return)
[ Ibid. In Roman times the pigs of tin were brought to the Isle of Wight by the natives, thence transported across the Channel, and conveyed through Gaul to the mouth of the RhÔne (Diod. Sic. v. 22).]

9105 (return)
[ Heeren, Asiatic Nations, ii. 80.]

9106 (return)
[ Hom. Od. xv. 460. Some doubt, however, if amber is here intended.]

9107 (return)
[ Scylax, Periplus, § 112.]

9108 (return)
[ Herod. iv. 196.]

9109 (return)
[ These forests (spoken of by Diodorus, v. 19) have now to a great extent been cleared away, though some patches still remain, especially in the more western islands of the group. The most remarkable of the trees is the Pinus canariensis.]

9110 (return)
[ Pliny, H. N. vi. 32, sub fin.]

9111 (return)
[ Pliny, l.s.c. The breed is now extinct.]

9112 (return)
[ The savagery of the ancient inhabitants of the mainland is strongly marked in the narrative of Hanno (Periplus, passim).]

9113 (return)
[ As Heeren (As. Nat. ii. 71, 75, 239).]

9114 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 15, 20, 23.]

9115 (return)
[ See 1 Kings x. 22; 2 Chr. ix. 21.]

9116 (return)
[ 1 Kings ix. 26, 27.]

9117 (return)
[ Ibid. x. 11; 2 Chr. ix. 10.]

9118 (return)
[ Gen. x. 29. Compare Twistleton, in Dr. Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, vol. ii. ad voc. OPHIR.]

9119 (return)
[ Ps. lxxii. 15; Ezek. xxvii. 22; Strab. xvi. 4, § 18; Diod. Sic. ii. 50.]

9120 (return)
[ Ezel. l.s.c.; Strab. xvi. 4, § 20.]

9121 (return)
[ There are no sufficient data for determining what tree is intended by the almug or algum tree. The theory which identifies it with the “sandal-wood” of India has respectable authority in its favour, but cannot rise beyond the rank of a conjecture.]

9122 (return)
[ If Scylax of Cadyanda could sail, in the reign of Darius Hystaspis, from the mouth of the Indus to the Gulf of Suez (Herod. iv. 44), there could have been no great difficulty in the Phoenicians accomplishing the same voyage in the opposite direction some centuries earlier.]


101 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. v. 35, § 2.]

102 (return)
[ Brugsch, History of Egypt, i. 65; Birch, Ancient Egypt, p. 65.]

103 (return)
[ Deut. viii. 7-9.]

104 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 2:—“In Cypro proma Æris inventio.” The story went, that Cinryas, the Paphian king, who gave Agamemnon his breastplate of steel, gold, and tin (Hom. Il. xii. 25), invented the manufacture of copper, and also invented the tongs, the hammer, the lever, and the anvil (Plin. H. N. vii. 56, § 195).]

105 (return)
[ Strab. xiv. 6, § 5; Steph. Byz. ad voc. {Tamasos}.]

106 (return)
[ See the Dictionary of Gk. and Rom. Geography, i. 729.]

107 (return)
[ Ross, Inselnreise, iv. 157, 161.]

108 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. l.s.c.]

109 (return)
[ Herod. vi. 47.]

1010 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. vi. 56; Strab. xiv. 5, § 28.]

1011 (return)
[ See the description of Thasos in the GÉographie Universelle, i. 142.]

1012 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 112; Aristot. De Ausc. Mir. § 42; Thuc. iv. 105; Diod. Sic. xvi. 8; App. Bell. Civ. iv. 105; Justin, viii. 3; Plin. H. N. vii. 56, &c.]

1013 (return)
[ Col. Leake speaks of one silver mine as still being worked (Northern Greece, iii. 161).]

1014 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iv. 99.]

1015 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 100, note.]

1016 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xxxiii. 4, § 21.]

1017 (return)
[ Ibid. xxxiii. 4, § 23.]

1018 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. v. 35, § 1.]

1019 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xxxiii. 6, § 31.]

1020 (return)
[ Ibid. § 96.]

1021 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 2, § 8; Diod. Sic. v. 36, § 2.]

1022 (return)
[ Ap. Strab. iii. 2, § 9. Compare Diod. Sic. v. 38, § 4.]

1023 (return)
[ Strab. l.s.c.]

1024 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 16, § 156.]

1025 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 16, § 158 and § 165.]

1026 (return)
[ Polyb. xxxiv. 5, § 11; Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 16, § 158.]

1027 (return)
[ Plin. xxxiv. 18, § 173.]

1028 (return)
[ Ibid. § 159.]

1029 (return)
[ Ibid. xxxiv. 17, § 164.]

1030 (return)
[ Quicksilver is still among the products of the Spanish mines, where its presence is noted by Pliny (H. N. xxxiii. 6, § 99).]

1031 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. v. 36, § 2.]

1032 (return)
[ Ibid. {Kai plagias kai skolias diaduseis poikilos metallourgountes}.]

1033 (return)
[ Pliny says “flint,” but this can scarcely have been the material. (See Plin. H. N. xxxiii. 4, § 71.)]

1034 (return)
[ Ibid. § 70.]

1035 (return)
[ Ibid. § 73.]

1036 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. v. 37, § 3.]

1037 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. v. 37, § 3. Compare Strab. iii. 2, § 9.]

1038 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xxxiii. 4, § 69.]

1039 (return)
[ Ibid.]

1040 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 263.]

1041 (return)
[ Diod. Soc. v. 38, § 1.]

1042 (return)
[ Kenrick thinks that the Carthaginians “introduced the practice of working the mines by slave labour” (Phoenicia, l.s.c.); but to me the probability appears to be the other way.]

1043 (return)
[ See Wilkinson, in the author’s Herodotus, ii. 504.]

1044 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 96.]


0111 (return)
[ Renan, Histoire des Langues SÉmitiques, p. 5.]

0112 (return)
[ Ithobal, father of Jezebel, was High Priest of Ashtoreth (Menand. Ephes. Fr. 1). Amastarte, the mother of Esmunazar II. (Records of the Past, ix. 113) was priestess of the same deity.]

0113 (return)
[ As figures of Melkarth, or Esmun, or dedications to Baal, as lord of the particular city issuing it.]

0114 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 37.]

0115 (return)
[ For the fragments of the work which remain, see the Fragmenta Historicum GrÆcorum of C. MÜller, iii. 561-571. Its value has been much disputed, but seems to the present writer only slight.]

0116 (return)
[ Compare Max MÜller, Science of Religion, p. 177 et seqq.]

0117 (return)
[ Gen. xiv. 18-22.]

0118 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. Fr. 1, § 5.]

0119 (return)
[ Records of the Past, iv. 109, 113.]

1110 (return)
[ Gen. vi. 5.]

1111 (return)
[ Ps. cxxxix. 2.]

1112 (return)
[ Max MÜller, Chips from a German Workshop, i. 28.]

1113 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. Fr. 1, § 5. Compare the Corpus Ins. Semit. vol. i. p. 29.]

1114 (return)
[ See Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, pl. xxxii.; Gesenius, LinguÆ ScripturÆque PhoeniciÆ Monumenta, Tab. xxi.]

1115 (return)
[ 2 Kings xxiii. 5. Compare verse 11.]

1116 (return)
[ Gesenius, Monumenta Phoenicia, p. 96.]

1117 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 276-278.]

1118 (return)
[ See DÖllinger’s Judenthum und Heidenthum, i. 425; E. T.]

1119 (return)
[ DÖllinger, Judenthum und Heidenthum, i. 425, E. T. Compare Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. Tab. xxiii.]

1120 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 44; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 77.]

1121 (return)
[ Judg. ii. 11; iii. 7; x. 6, &c.]

1122 (return)
[ 2 Kings i. 2.]

1123 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 5, § 5.]

1124 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iv. 113.]

1125 (return)
[ 2 Kings iii. 2.]

1126 (return)
[ See the representation in Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 73.]

1127 (return)
[ DÖllinger, Judenthum und Heidenthum, i. 427.]

1128 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 77.]

1129 (return)
[ Gen. xiv. 5.]

1130 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 419, 450, 555, &c.]

1131 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 554.]

1132 (return)
[ Curtius, in the ArchÄologische Zeitung for 1869, p. 63.]

1133 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 303.]

1134 (return)
[ Menand. Ephes. Fr. 1.]

1135 (return)
[ See Philo Bybl. Fe. ii. 8, § 14; {’Ilon ton kai Kronon}. Damascius ap. Phot. Bibl. p. 1050.]

1136 (return)
[ Philo. Bybl. Fr. ii. 8, § 17.]

1137 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xx. 14.]

1138 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. Fr. ii. 8, § 25.]

1139 (return)
[ Ibid. Fr. iv.]

1140 (return)
[ Ibid. Fr. ii. 8, § 14-19.]

1141 (return)
[ Karth or Kartha, is probably the root of Carthage, Carthagena, Carteia, &c., as Kiriath is of Kiriathaim, Kiriath-arba, Kiriath-arim, &c.]

1142 (return)
[ Melicertes is the son of DemaroÜs and the grandson of Uranus; Baal-samin is a god who stands alone, “without father, without mother, without descent.”]

1143 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 567, 577, 578; Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. Tab. xxxvii. I.]

1144 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 44.]

1145 (return)
[ Ibid.]

1146 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 5, § 4-6.]

1147 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 575.]

1148 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 574.]

1149 (return)
[ Strab. iii. 5, § 5.]

1150 (return)
[ Sil. Ital. iii. 18-20.]

1151 (return)
[ Ibid. iii. 21-27.]

1152 (return)
[ 1 Sam. v. 2-5; 1 Mac. x. 18.]

1153 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. Fr. ii. 8, § 14.]

1154 (return)
[ Ibid. § 20.]

1155 (return)
[ Layard, Ninev. and Bab. p. 343; Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 323.]

1156 (return)
[ See 2 Sam. viii. 3, and 1 Kings xv. 18, where the names Hadad-ezer and Ben-hadad suggest at any rate the worship of Hadad.]

1157 (return)
[ Macrob. Saturnalia, i. 23.]

1158 (return)
[ So Macrobius, l.s.c. Compare the representations of the Egyptian Sun-God, Aten, in the sculpures of Amenhotep IV. (See the Story of Egypt, in G. Putnam’s Series, p. 225.)]

1159 (return)
[ The h in “Hadad” is he ({...}), but in chad it is heth ({...}). The derivation also leaves the reduplication of the

1160 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. Fr. ii. 24, § 1.]

1161 (return)
[ Zech. xii. 11.]

1162 (return)
[ 1 Kings i. 18; 2 Kings v. 18.]

1163 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 311.]

1164 (return)
[ Ezek. viii. 14.]

1165 (return)
[ The Adonis myth is most completely set forth by the Pseudo-Lucian, De Dea Syra, § 6-8.]

1166 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. Fr. ii. 8, § 11.]

1167 (return)
[ Ibid.]

1168 (return)
[ “King of Righteousness” and “Lord of Righteousness” are the interpretations usually given; but “Zedek is my King” and “Zedek is my Lord” would be at least equally admissible.]

1169 (return)
[ Berytus was under the protection of the Cabeiri generally (Philo Bybl. ii. 8, § 25) and of Esmun in particular. Kenrick says that he had a temple there (Phoenicia, p. 327).]

1170 (return)
[ Cyprian inscriptions contain the names of Bar-Esmun, Abd-Esmun, and Esmun-nathan; Sidonian ones those of two Esmun-azars. Esmun’s temple at Carthage was celebrated (Strab. xvii. 14; Appian, viii. 130). His worship in Sardinia is shown by votive offerings (Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 308).]

1171 (return)
[ Ap. Phot. Bibliothec. Cod. ccxlii. p. 1074.]

1172 (return)
[ Pausan. viii. 23.]

1173 (return)
[ The name Astresmunim, “herb of Esmun,” given by Dioscorides (iv. 71) to the solanum, which was regarded as having medicinal qualities, is the nearest approach to a proof that the Phoenicians themselves connected Esmun with the healing art.]

1174 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. Fr. ii. 8, § 11.]

1175 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 51; Kenrick, Egypt, Appendix, pp. 264-287.]

1176 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. l.s.c.]

1177 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 37; Suidas ad voc. {pataikos}; Hesych. ad voc. {Kabeiroi}.]

1178 (return)
[ Strab. x. 3, § 7.]

1179 (return)
[ Gen. ix. 22; x. 6. Compare the author’s Herodotus, iv. 239-241.]

1180 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 37.]

1181 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 65, 78, &c.]

1182 (return)
[ Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. Tab. xxxix.]

1183 (return)
[ Berger, La PhÉnicie, p. 24; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 70.]

1184 (return)
[ Pausan. ix. 12; Nonnus, Dionysiac. v. 70; Steph. Byz. ad voc. {’Ogkaiai}; Hesych. ad voc. {’Ogka}; Scholiast. ad Pind. Ol. ii. &c.]

1185 (return)
[ As Stephen and Hesychius.]

1186 (return)
[ Philo Bybl. Fr. ii. § 24.]

1187 (return)
[ The “OncÆan” gate at Thebes is said to have taken its name from her.]

1188 (return)
[ Gesen. Mon. Phoen. p. 113.]

1189 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 168-177.]

1190 (return)
[ Prosper, Op. iii. 38; Augustine, De Civ. Dei, ii. 3.]

1191 (return)
[ Gesen. Mon. Ph. Tab. ix.]

1192 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 168.]

1193 (return)
[ Apul. Metamorph. xi. 257.]

1194 (return)
[ Gesen. Mon. Ph. Tab. xvi.]

1195 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 115-118.]

1196 (return)
[ See the author’s History of Ancient Egypt, i. 400.]

1197 (return)
[ See the Fragments of Philo Bybl. Fr. ii. 8, § 19.]

1198 (return)
[ Ibid. § 25.]

1199 (return)
[ See Sir H. Rawlinson’s Essay on the Religion of the Babylonians and Assyrians, in the author’s Herodotus, i. 658.]

11100 (return)
[ So Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. p. 402; Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 301, and others.]

11101 (return)
[ There seems also to have been a tendency to increase the number of the gods by additions, of which the foreign origin is, at any rate, “not proven.” Among the deities brought into notice by the later Phoenicians are—1. Zephon, an equivalent of the Egyptian Typhon, but probably a god of Phoenician origin (Ex. xiv. 2); 2. Sad or Tsad, sometimes apparently called Tsadam; 3. Sakon or Askun, a name which forms perhaps the first element in Sanchon-iathon (= Sakon-yithan); 4. Elat, a goddess, a female form of El, perhaps equivalent to the Arabian Alitta (Herod. i. 131) or Alilat (ibid. iii. 8); 5. ‘Aziz, a god who was perhaps common to the Phoenicians with the Syrians, since Azizus is said to have been “the Syrian Mars;” and 6. Pa’am {...}, a god otherwise unknown. (See the Corpus Inscr. Semit. i. 122, 129, 132, 133, 144, 161, 197, 333, 404, &c.)]

11102 (return)
[ Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. pp. 96, 110, &c.; Corpus Ins. Semit. Fasc. ii. pp. 154, 155.]

11103 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 99 and Tab. xl. A.]

11104 (return)
[ Steph. Byz. ad voc. {’Amathous}.]

11105 (return)
[ Lucian, De Dea Syra, § 7.]

11106 (return)
[ Plut. De Is. et Osir. § 15, 16; Steph. Byz. l.s.c.; Gesen. Mon. Phoen. pp. 96, 110.]

11107 (return)
[ Gesen. Mon. Phoen. Tab. xxi.]

11108 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 168, 174, 175, 177.]

11109 (return)
[ Ibid. Tab. xxi.]

11110 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 197, 202, 205.]

11111 (return)
[ Ibid. Tab. xxi. and Tab. xxiii.]

11112 (return)
[ Lucian, De Dea Syria, § 54.]

11113 (return)
[ Clermont-Ganneau, in the Journal Asiatique, SÉrie vii. vol. xi. 232, 444.]

11114 (return)
[ Lucian, § 42.]

11115 (return)
[ Ibid. Compare the 450 prophets of Baal at Samaria (1 Kings xviii. 19).]

11116 (return)
[ Lucian, l.s.c.]

11117 (return)
[ Ibid. Lucian’s direct testimony is conined to Hierapolis, but his whole account seems to imply the closest possible connection between the Syrian and Phoenician religious usages.]

11118 (return)
[ Lucian, § 49.]

11119 (return)
[ Lucian, § 50: {’Aeidousi enthea kai ira asmata}.]

11120 (return)
[ Gesenius, ScripturÆ LinguÆque PhoeniciÆ Monumenta, Tab. 6, 9, 10, &c.; Corp. Ins. Semit. Tab. ix. 52; xxii. 116, 117; xxiii. 115 A, &c.]

11121 (return)
[ Gesen. Tab. 15, 16, 17, 21, &c.; Corp. Ins. Semit. Tab. xliii. 187, 240; liv. 352, 365, 367, 369, &c.]

11122 (return)
[ Revue ArchÉologique, 2me SÉrie, xxxvii. 323.]

11123 (return)
[ Jarchi on Jerem. vii. 31.]

11124 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xx. 14.]

11125 (return)
[ 2 Kings iii. 27; xvi. 3; xxi. 6; Micah vi. 7.]

11126 (return)
[ Plutarch, De Superstitione, § 13.]

11127 (return)
[ DÖllinger, Judenthum und Heidenthum, i. 427, E. T.]

11128 (return)
[ Judenthum und Heidenthum, book vi. § 4 (i. 428, 429 of N. Darnell’s translation).]

11129 (return)
[ Herod. i. 199; Strab. xvi. 1058; Baruch vi. 43.]

11130 (return)
[ De Dea Syra, § 6.]

11131 (return)
[ Judenthum und Heidenthum, l.s.c. p. 429; Engl. Trans.]

11132 (return)
[ Euseb. Vit. Constantin. Magni, iii. 55, § 3.]

11133 (return)
[ See 1 Kings xiv. 24; xv. 12; xxii. 46; 2 Kings xxiii. 7.]

11134 (return)
[ Lucian, De Dea Syra, § 50-52; Corp. Ins. Semit. vol. i. Fasc. 1, p. 92; Liv. xxix. 10, 14; xxxvi. 36; Juv. vi. 512; Ov. Fast. iv. 237; Mart. Ep. iii. 31; xi. 74; Plin. H. N. v. 32; xi. 49; xxxv. 13; Propert. ii. 18, l. 15; Herodian, § 11.]

11135 (return)
[ Lucian, § 51.]

11136 (return)
[ Ibid. § 50.]

11137 (return)
[ DÖllinger, Judenthum und Heidenthum (i. 431; Engl. Tr.). Compare Senec. De Vita Beata, § 27; Lact. § 121.]

11138 (return)
[ Liban. Opera, xi. 456, 555; cxi. 333.]

11139 (return)
[ Compare Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 210, 232, 233, 236; Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 66, 67, &c. In the anthropoeid sarcophagi, a hole is generally bored from the cavity of the ear right through the entire thickness of the stone, in order, apparently, that the corpse might hear the prayers addressed to it (Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 139).]

11140 (return)
[ One of Esmunazar’s curses on those who should disturb his remains is a prayer that they may not be “held in honour among the Manes” (Corps. Ins. Semit. vol. i. Fasc. 1, p. 9). A funereal inscription translated by Gesenius (Mon. Phoen. p. 147) ends with the words, “After rain the sun shines forth.”]

11141 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 139.]

11142 (return)
[ Job iii. 11-19.]

11143 (return)
[ The compilers of the Corpus Ins. Smit. edit 256 of these, and then stop, fearing to weary the reader (i. 449).]

11144 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 325.]

11145 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 146.]

11146 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 306-334.]


0121 (return)
[ See also Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 233; Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 405, 447, 515, &c.]

0122 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 428, 527, 531, 533, 534, &c.]

0123 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 527, 545; Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 145.]

0124 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, p. 538.]

0125 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 539, 547; Di Cesnola, pp. 143, 145, 149, 151, &c.]

0126 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, pp. 141, 145, 149, 151, 153, 240, 344.]

0127 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 141, 143, 149; Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 511, 513, 531, &c.]

0128 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 519, 523, &c.]

0129 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 531, 533; Di Cesnola, pp. 129, 131, &c.]

1210 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 527, 533, 539; Di Cesnola, pp. 129, 145, 154.]

1211 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 306.]

1212 (return)
[ Ibid. Pls. xlvi. and xlvii.; Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 205, 643, 837.]

1213 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 132.]

1214 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 64, 450, 555, 557; Di Cesnola, Pls vi. and xv.; also p. 275.]

1215 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 431.]

1216 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 202, 451, 554.]

1217 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 473, 549; Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 230.]

1218 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 549.]

1219 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 189, 549, 565.]

1220 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, 141, 190, 230.]

1221 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 141, 191.]

1222 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 141.]

1223 (return)
[ Is. iii. 18-23.]

1224 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 257, 450, 542, 563, 824.]

1225 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pl. xxiii.; Perrot et Chipiez, Histoire de l’Art, iii. 819, A.]

1226 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, pl. xxii.; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 819, B.]

1227 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 315.]

1228 (return)
[ See plate x. in Perrot et Chipiez, iii. opp. p. 824.]

1229 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 826, 827.]

1230 (return)
[ Compare Di Cesnola, pl. xxv.; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 826.]

1231 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 826.]

1232 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 311.]

1233 (return)
[ Ibid. Compare Perrot et Chipiez, p. 832.]

1234 (return)
[ These bracelets are in Paris, in the collection of M. de Clercq (Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 832).]

1235 (return)
[ Ibid.]

1236 (return)
[ This bracelet is in silver, but the head of the lion has been gilded. It is now in the British Museum.]

1237 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, p. 836; No. 604.]

1238 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pp. 311, 312.]

1239 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 312. Compare Perrot et Chipiez, p. 835.]

1240 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, l.s.c. (No. 603.)]

1241 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, p. 818: “Il y a dans les formes de ces boucles d’orielles une Étonnante variÉtÉ.”]

1242 (return)
[ See his Cyprus, pl. xxv., and compare Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 819, fig. D.]

1243 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, p. 821; No. 577.]

1244 (return)
[ Ibid. Nos. 578, 579.]

1245 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, pl. xxvi.]

1246 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, p. 823.]

1247 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 822; No. 582.]

1248 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 821, 822. Compare Di Cesnola, Cyprus, p. 297, and pl. xxvii.]

1249 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, p. 823.]

1250 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 310; Perrot et Chipiez, p. 818; No. 574.]

1251 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, p. 818; No. 575.]

1252 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, pl. xxviii.]

1253 (return)
[ Ibid. pl. xxi.]

1254 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, pp. 830, 831.]

1255 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, p. 831; No. 595.]

1256 (return)
[ Di Csnola, p. 316.]

1257 (return)
[ Ibid. pl. xxi (opp. p. 312).]

1258 (return)
[ Ibid. pl. xxx.]

1259 (return)
[ Ibid. pl. ix.]

1260 (return)
[ Compare Di Cesnola, p. 149.]

1261 (return)
[ Ibid. pl. x.]

1262 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 77; Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 783.]

1263 (return)
[ Di Cesnola, p. 149.]

1264 (return)
[ Ibid. pl. xiv.]

1265 (return)
[ Ibid. pl. x.]

1266 (return)
[ See Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 769, 771, 789.]

1267 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 798.]

1268 (return)
[ C. W. King, in Di Cesnola’s Cyprus, pp. 363, 364.]

1269 (return)
[ Mr. King says of it: “No piece of antique worked agate hitherto known equals in magnitude and curiosity the ornament discovered among the bronze and iron articles of the treasure. It is a sphere about six inches in diameter, black irregularly veined with white, having the exterior vertically scored with incised lines, imitating, as it were, the gadroons of a melon” (ibid. p. 363).]

1270 (return)
[ Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, Pls. xii. xiii.; Di Cesnola, Cyprus, pls. iv. and xxx.; and pp. 335, 336.]

1271 (return)
[ Perrot et Chipiez, iii. 846-853.]

1272 (return)
[ 1 Kings xxii. 39.]


0131 (return)
[ This follows from the fact that the Greeks, who tell us that they got their letters from the Phoenicians, gave them names only slightly modified from the Hebrew.]

0132 (return)
[ See Dr. Ginsburg’s Moabite Stone, published in 1870.]

0133 (return)
[ See Quarterly Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund for October 1881, pp. 285-287.]

0134 (return)
[ Corp. Ins. Semit. i. 224-226.]

0135 (return)
[ Herod. v. 58; Diod. Sic. v. 24; Plin. H. N. v. 12; vii. 56; Tacit. Ann. xi. 14; Euseb. Chron. Can. i. 13; &c.]

0136 (return)
[ Capt. Conder, in the Quarterly Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund, Jan. 1889, p. 17.]

0137 (return)
[ Encycl. Britann. i. 600 and 606.]

0138 (return)
[ Conder, in Quarterly Statement, &c. l.s.c.]

0139 (return)
[ See Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. Tab. 19 and 20.]

1310 (return)
[ See the Corpus Ins. Semit. i. 3, 30, 73, &c.; Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. Tab. 29-33.]

1311 (return)
[ See on this entire subject Gesenius, ScripturÆ LinguÆque PhoeniciÆ Monumenta, pp. 437-445; Movers, article on Phoenizien in the CyclopÄdie of Ersch and Gruber; Renan, Histoire des Langues SÉmitiques, pp. 189-192.]

1312 (return)
[ Renan, Histoire, &c., p. 186.]

1313 (return)
[ Philo Byblius, Fr. i.]

1314 (return)
[ Philo Byblius, Fr. ii. § 5-8.]

1315 (return)
[ Ibid. Fr. v.]

1316 (return)
[ The Voyage of Hanno translated, and accompanied with the Greek Text, by Thomas Falconer, M.A., London, 1797.]

1317 (return)
[ Quoted by Falconer in his second “Dissertation,” p. 67.]

1318 (return)
[ See the Histoire des Langues SÉmitiques (p. 186):—“Les monuments Épigraphiques viennent heureusement combler en partie cette lacune.”]

1319 (return)
[ See the Corpus Inscr. Semit. i. 13.]

1320 (return)
[ Corpus Inscr. Semit. i. 20.]

1321 (return)
[ Story of Phoenicia, p. 269.]

1322 (return)
[ On the age of Jehavmelek, see M. Renan’s remarks in the Corpus Inscriptionum Semit. i. 8.]

1323 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 3.]

1324 (return)
[ I have followed the translation of M. Renan (Corp. Ins. Semit. i. 8).]

1325 (return)
[ See the Corpus Inscr. Semit. i. 226-236.]

1326 (return)
[ See the Corp. Inscr. Sem. i. 30-32.]

1327 (return)
[ Gesenius, Script. LinguÆque Phoen. Monumenta, p. 177.]

1328 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 96.]

1329 (return)
[ See the Corpus Inscr. Semit. i. 36-39.]

1330 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 110-112.]

1331 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 69.]

1332 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 76.]

1333 (return)
[ See the Corpus Inscr. Semit. pp. 67, 68.]

1334 (return)
[ Gesenius, ScripturÆ LinguÆque Phoen. Mon. p. 144.]

1335 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 147.]

1336 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 187.]

1337 (return)
[ See the fragments of Dius and Menander, who followed the Tyrian historians (Joseph. Contr. Ap. i. 18).]

1338 (return)
[ Ap. Strab. xvii. 2, § 22.]

1339 (return)
[ Ibid.]

1340 (return)
[ See Sallust, Bell. Jugurth. § 17; Cic. De Orat. i. 58; Amm. Marc. xxii. 15; Solin. Polyhist. § 34.]

1341 (return)
[ Columella, xii. 4.]

1342 (return)
[ Ibid. i. 1, § 6.]

1343 (return)
[ Plin. H. N. xviii. 3.]

1344 (return)
[ As Antipater and Apollonius, Stoic philosophers of Tyre (Strab. l.s.c.), BoËthus and Diodotus, Peripatetics, of Sidon (ibid.), Philo of Byblus, Hermippus of Berytus, and others.]


0141 (return)
[ Gen. x. 15-18.]

0142 (return)
[ “Canaanite” is used in a much wider sence, including all the Syrian nations between the coast line and the desert.]

0143 (return)
[ Mark vii. 26.]

0144 (return)
[ Ezra iii. 7.]

0145 (return)
[ 1 Kings v. 18 (marginal rendering).]

0146 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 11.]

0147 (return)
[ Gen. x. 17, 18.]

0148 (return)
[ Judg. i. 31.]

0149 (return)
[ Brugsch, Hist. of Egypt, i. 222, et seq.]

1410 (return)
[ See Records of the Past, ii. 110, 111.]

1411 (return)
[ Josh. xi. 8; xix. 28.]

1412 (return)
[ Judg. xviii. 7, 8.]

1413 (return)
[ Ibid. i. 31.]

1414 (return)
[ Ramantha (Laodicea) in later times claimed the rank of “Metropolis,” which implied a supremacy over other cities; but the real chief power of the north was Aradus.]

1415 (return)
[ Hom. Il. xxiii. 743.]

1416 (return)
[ Ibid. 743-748.]

1417 (return)
[ Hom. Od. iv. 613-619.]

1418 (return)
[ Ibid. xv. 460 (Worsley’s translation).]

1419 (return)
[ Hom. Il. vi. 290-295 (Sotheby’s translation).]

1420 (return)
[ Scylax, Periplus, § 104.]

1421 (return)
[ Cl. Julius, quoted by Stephen of Byzantium, ad voc. {DOROS}.]

1422 (return)
[ Justin, Hist. Philipp. xviii. 3.]

1423 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. ii. § 13.]

1424 (return)
[ Appian, De Rebus Punicus, § 1, &c.]

1425 (return)
[ Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. p. 267.]

1426 (return)
[ The Sidonian vessel which carries off EumÆus quits the Sicilian haven after sunset, and continues its voyage night and day without stopping—{’Exemar men onos pleomen nuktas te kai e mar} (Hom. Od. xv. 471-476).]

1427 (return)
[ Strabo, xvi. 2, § 24.]

1428 (return)
[ Ibid.]

1429 (return)
[ Manilius, i. 304-309.]

1430 (return)
[ Herod. i. 1.]

1431 (return)
[ See Hom. Odyss. xv. 455.]

1432 (return)
[ Herod. l.s.c.]

1433 (return)
[ Hom. Odyss. xv. 403-484.]

1434 (return)
[ Strabo, xvi. 2, § 14.]

1435 (return)
[ We find hereditary monarchy among the Hittites (Records of the Past, iv. 28), at Tyre (Menand. ap. Joseph. Contr. Ap. i. 18), in Moab (Records, xi. 167), in Judah and Israel, in Syria (2 Kings, xiii. 24), in Ammon (2 Sam. x. 1), &c.]

1436 (return)
[ 1 Sam. viii. 20.]

1437 (return)
[ When kings are priests, it is noted as exceptional. (See Menand. l.s.c.; Inscription of Tabnit, line 1.)]

1438 (return)
[ Judg. x. 12.]

1439 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 343.]

1440 (return)
[ Josh. xix. 29.]

1441 (return)
[ Records of the Past, ii. 111.]

1442 (return)
[ Justin, Hist. Phil. xviii. 3.]

1443 (return)
[ Claudian, Bell. Gild. l. 120.]

1444 (return)
[ Solinus, Polyhist. § 29; Plin. H. N. v. 76.]

1445 (return)
[ Herod. i. 1 ({nautiliai makrai}).]

1446 (return)
[ Maspero, Histoire Ancienne des Peuples de l’Orient, p. 321.]

1447 (return)
[ See the fragments of Philo Byblius, passim.]

1448 (return)
[ Euseb. PrÆp. Ev. x. 9, § 12.]

1449 (return)
[ Tatian, Adv. GrÆc. § 58.]

1450 (return)
[ Cinyras and Belus are both connected with Cyprus as kings. The Assyrians found kings there in all the cities (G. Smith, Eponym Canon. p. 139). So the Persians (Herod. v. 104-110).]

1451 (return)
[ Dius, Fr. 2; Menand. Fr. 1.]

1452 (return)
[ Justin (xviii. 3) is scarcely an exception.]

1453 (return)
[ See the fragments of Dius and Menander above cited.]

1454 (return)
[ 1 Chr. xiv. 1.]

1455 (return)
[ 2 Sam. vii. 2.]

1456 (return)
[ 1 Chr. xxii. 4.]

1457 (return)
[ 1 Kings v. 1.]

1458 (return)
[ Joseph, Ant. Jud. viii. 2, § 6; 1 Kings, l.s.c.]

1459 (return)
[ Ibid. viii. 2, § 8.]

1460 (return)
[ See Joseph. Ant. Jud. viii. 2, § 7, and compare the letters with their Hebrew counterparts in 1 Kings v. 3-6 and 7-9.]

1461 (return)
[ 1 Kings v. 10-12.]

1462 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 17; Acts xii. 20.]

1463 (return)
[ Menander, Fr. 1.]

1464 (return)
[ 1 Kings v. 15, 18; 2 Chr. ii. 18.]

1465 (return)
[ 1 Kings v. 17, 18.]

1466 (return)
[ Ibid. vi. 18, 29.]

1467 (return)
[ Ibid. verses 23-28.]

1468 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 35.]

1469 (return)
[ 2 Chron. iii. 14.]

1470 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 14.]

1471 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 13.]

1472 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 14; 2 Chron. ii. 14.]

1473 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 46.]

1474 (return)
[ Menander, Fr. 1; Dius, Fr. 2; Philostrat. Vit. Apoll. v. 5; Sil. Ital. Bell. Pun. iii. 14, 22, 30.]

1475 (return)
[ 1 Kings vii. 15-22.]

1476 (return)
[ Ibid. verses 27-37.]

1477 (return)
[ Ibid. vi. 38.]

1478 (return)
[ Ibid. vii. 1. Compare ix. 10.]

1479 (return)
[ Stanley, Lectures on the Jewish Church, ii. 165-167.]

1480 (return)
[ See the Fragment of Menander above quoted, where Hiram is said to have been fifty-three years old at his decease, and to have reigned thirty-four years.]

1481 (return)
[ Strabo, xvi. 2, § 23.]

1482 (return)
[ Menander, l.s.c.]

1483 (return)
[ So M. Renan, Mission de PhÉnicie, p. 369.]

1484 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 44.]

1485 (return)
[ Arrian, Exped. Alex. ii. 16, 24.]

1486 (return)
[ So M. Renan, after careful examination (Mission, l.s.c.). The earlier opinion placed the smaller island, with its Temple of Baal, towards the north (Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 347).]

1487 (return)
[ Menander, l.s.c.]

1488 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 23, sub fin.]

1489 (return)
[ Josh. xix. 27.]

1490 (return)
[ See Robinson, Later Researches, pp. 87, 88.]

1491 (return)
[ 1 Kings ix. 10-13.]

1492 (return)
[ Justin, Dial. c. Tryph. § 34.]

1493 (return)
[ Menand. ap. Clem. Alex. Strom. i. 386.]

1494 (return)
[ 1 Kings xi. 1.]

1495 (return)
[ Ibid. ix. 27.]

1496 (return)
[ See 1 Kings x. 22. The distinctness of this navy from the one which brought gold from Ophir has been maintained by Dean Stanley (Lectures on the Jewish Church, ii. 156) and the Rev. J. Hammond (Pulpit Commentary, Comment on 1 Kings, p. 213), as well as by the present writer (Speaker’s Commentary, ii. pp. 545, 546).]

1497 (return)
[ Mela. iii. 1; Plin. H. N. iv. 22, § 115; Catull. xx. 30, &c.]

1498 (return)
[ See Plin. H. N. iii. 3; xxxiii. 6; Polyb. x. 10; Strab. iii. 2, § 3 and 10.]

1499 (return)
[ Herod. iv. 191; Plin. H. N. viii. 11.]

14100 (return)
[ Hanno, Periplus, p. 6.]

14101 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 13, 14.]

14102 (return)
[ 1 Kings ix. 26.]

14103 (return)
[ 1 Kings x. 11.]

14104 (return)
[ The case is excellently stated in Mr. Twistleton’s article on OPHIR in Dr. Smith’s Dictionry of the Bible, vol. ii.]

14105 (return)
[ As almug or algum which is “the Hebraised form of a Deccan word for sandalwood” (Stanley, Lectures, ii. 157).]

14106 (return)
[ 1 Kings ix. 28.]

14107 (return)
[ Contr. Ap. i. 18.]

14108 (return)
[ Kenrick argues in favour of {Kitioi} (Phoenicia, p. 357).]

14109 (return)
[ See Encycl. Britann. ad voc. PHOENICIA, xviii. 807.]

14110 (return)
[ Menander, Fr. 2.]

14111 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14112 (return)
[ 1 Kings xvi. 31.]

14113 (return)
[ The Assyrians probably found their way into Phoenicia through the gap in the mountain line between Bargylus and Lebanon. Botrys occupied a strong position between this gap and the southern Phoenician cities, Gebal, Sidon, and Tyre.]

14114 (return)
[ Menander, l.s.c. AÜza, which at a later date became Auzen, is mentioned by Tacitus (Ann. iv. 25) and Ptolemy (Geograph. iv. 2).]

14115 (return)
[ The Greek lamda, {L}, readily passes into delta {D}. Baal-azar is found as a Phoenician name in an inscription (Corp. Ins. Semit. i. 335, no. 256).]

14116 (return)
[ See Gesen. Mon. Phoen. p. 410. Mattan, “a gift,” was the name borne by Athaliah’s high priest of Baal (2 Kings xi. 18). It is found as an element in several Phoenician names, as Mattan-elim (Corp. Ins. Semit. i. 298, no. 194); Mattan-Baal (ibid. p. 309, no. 212), &c.]

14117 (return)
[ See Justin, Hist. Phil. xviii. 5.]

14118 (return)
[ Menander, Fr. 1.]

14119 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, pp. 363-367.]

14120 (return)
[ Contr. Ap. i. 18.]

14121 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, ii. 84-89.]

14122 (return)
[ Histoire Ancienne, pp. 347, 348.]

14123 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, ii. 90-99.]

14124 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, ii. 102-106; Eponym Canon, pp. 108-114.]

14125 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 112, l. 45.]

14126 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 108, l. 93.]

14127 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 115, l. 14.]

14128 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 120, ll. 33-35.]

14129 (return)
[ When Assyria became mistress of the Upper Syria, the Orontes valley, and the kingdom of Israel, she could have strangled the Phoenician land commerce at a moment’s notice.]

14130 (return)
[ Is. xxiii. 2-8.]

14131 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 64.]

14132 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, pp. 117-120.]

14133 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 123, ll. 1-5.]

14134 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 120, l. 28.]

14135 (return)
[ In B.C. 720. (See Eponym Canon, p. 126, ll. 33-35.)]

14136 (return)
[ Ezek. xxviii. 14.]

14137 (return)
[ Menander ap. Joseph. Ant. Jud. ix. 14, § 2; Eponym Canon, p. 131.]

14138 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 132.]

14139 (return)
[ Menander, l.s.c.]

14140 (return)
[ Joseph, Ant. Jud. l.s.c. {’Epelthe polemon ten te Surian pasan kai Phoiniken}.]

14141 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14142 (return)
[ A slab of Sennacherib’s represents the Assyrian army entering a city, probably Phoenician, at one end, while the inhabitants embark on board their ships at the other (Layard, Monuments of Nineveh, 1st series, pl. 71; Nin. and its Remains, ii. 384).]

14143 (return)
[ Menander, l.s.c.]

14144 (return)
[ Compare Perrot et Chipiez, Hist. de l’Art, iii. 357, and Lortet, La Syrie d’aujourd’hui, p. 128.]

14145 (return)
[ Menander, ut supra.]

14146 (return)
[ This folows from his taking refuge there when attacked by Sennacherib (Eponym Canon, p. 136).]

14147 (return)
[ Since Sennacherib calls him persistently “king of Sidon” (ibid. p. 131, l. 2; p. 135, ll. 13, 17), not king of Tyre.]

14148 (return)
[ It was the same army which lost 185,000 men by miracle in one night (2 Kings xix. 35).]

14149 (return)
[ 2 Kings xix. 23.]

14150 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 134, l. 11.]

14151 (return)
[ Records of the Past, i. 35.]

14152 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 132.]

14153 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14154 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 132, l. 14; p. 136, ll. 14, 19. “Tubaal” is probably for Tob-baal, “Baal is good,” like “Tabrimon” for Tob-Rimmon, “Rimmon is good” (1 Kings xv. 18), and “Tabeal” for Tob- El, “God is good” (Is. vii. 6).]

14155 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 132, ll. 15, 16.]

14156 (return)
[ Ibid. ll. 19, 20.]

14157 (return)
[ From the fact that Abd-Milkut is king of Sidon at the accession of Esarhaddon (Records of the Past, iii. 111).]

14158 (return)
[ Abd-Melkarth is one of the commonest of Phoenician names. It occurs, either fully, or in the contracted form of Bod-Melkarth, scores of times in the inscriptions of Carthage. The meaning is “servant of Melkarth.”]

14159 (return)
[ Records of the Past, iii. 112.]

14160 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, ii. 186.]

14161 (return)
[ Rec. of the Past, iii. 111, 112.]

14162 (return)
[ Eponym Canon pp. 139, 140.]

14163 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 140, Extract xxxviii. ll. 1-3.]

14164 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 140, Ext. xxxviii. ll. 4-9.]

14165 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 141, Ext. xl.]

14166 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 142, ll. 12, 13.]

14167 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 142, l. 14.]

14168 (return)
[ See Ancient Monarchies ii. 193.]

14169 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 195.]

14170 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 143, Extr. xli. l. 3.]

14171 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, pp. 143, 144. Six names are lost between the eleventh line and the eighteenth. They may be supplied from the broken cylinder of Esarhaddon (Records of the Past, iii. 107, 108.)]

14172 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, pp. 144, 145, ll. 84-98.]

14173 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 139, l. 17.]

14174 (return)
[ Records of the Past, vol. i. p. 100.]

14175 (return)
[ Records of the Past, i. 66; ix. 41.]

14176 (return)
[ Ibid. iii. 67, ll. 116, 117.]

14177 (return)
[ Ibid. i. 67, 68.]

14178 (return)
[ See Judg. xix. 29; Eponym Canon, p. 132, l. 9.]

14179 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, pp. 149, 149.]

14180 (return)
[ Eponym Canon, p. 70.]

14181 (return)
[ Herod. i. 103. B.C. 633 was, according to Herodotus, the year of the accession of Cyaxares. His attack on Nineveh seems to have followed shortly after.]

14182 (return)
[ Herod. l.s.c. and iv. 1; Ezek. xxxviii. 2-16; Strabo, xi. 8, § 4; Diod. Sic. ii. 34, § 2-5.]

14183 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, ii. 221.]

14184 (return)
[ Stanley, Lectures on the Jewish Church, ii. 432, 433.]

14185 (return)
[ Herod. i. 105; Strabo, i. 3, 16; Justin, ii. 3.]

14186 (return)
[ Herod. l.s.c.; Hippocrat. De AËre, Aqua, et Locis, vi. § 108.]

14187 (return)
[ Herod. i. 73.]

14188 (return)
[ Strabo, xi. 767; Arrian, Exp. Alex. iii. 8, § 4.]

14189 (return)
[ Polyb. v. 70, § 4.]

14190 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, ii. 228, note.]

14191 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, ii. 232.]

14192 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 157; and compare the author’s History of Ancient Egypt, ii. 467, note 6.]

14193 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 8.]

14194 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 11.]

14195 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 9.]

14196 (return)
[ Ibid. xxviii. 2-5.]

14197 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 3-6, and 25.]

14198 (return)
[ See the author’s History of Ancient Egypt, ii. 472, note 1.]

14199 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 159; 2 Kings xxiii. 29; 2 Chron. xxxv. 20-24.]

14200 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 157.]

14201 (return)
[ See Jer. xlvii. 1. Gaza, however, may not have been taken till the campaign of B.C. 608.]

14202 (return)
[ Herod. i. 105 raises the suspicion that Askelon, which was nearer Egypt than Ashdod, may have belonged to Psamatik I.]

14203 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 159.]

14204 (return)
[ 2 Kings xxiii. 19; 2 Chron. xxxiv. 6.]

14205 (return)
[ History of Ancient Egypt, ii. 228.]

14206 (return)
[ Judg. iv. 15; v. 19.]

14207 (return)
[ 2 Chron. xxxv. 21.]

14208 (return)
[ See Jer. xlvi. 2.]

14209 (return)
[ Berosus, Fr. 1; 2 Kings xxiv. 7.]

14210 (return)
[ Herod. iv. 42.]

14211 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 112.]

14212 (return)
[ Berosus, l.s.c.]

14213 (return)
[ Habakkuk, i. 6-10.]

14214 (return)
[ Jer. xlvi. 3, 4.]

14215 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 5.]

14216 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 6.]

14217 (return)
[ Jer. xlvi. 10.]

14218 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 16.]

14219 (return)
[ Ibid. verse 21.]

14220 (return)
[ Stanley, Lectures on the Jewish Church, ii. 455.]

14221 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14222 (return)
[ Berosus, l.s.c. The extreme haste of the return is indicated by the fact, which is noted, that Nebuchadnezzer himself, with a few light troops, took the short cut across the desert, while his army, with its prisoners, pursued the more usual route through the valley of the Orontes, by Aleppo to Carchemish, and then along the course of the Euphrates.]

14223 (return)
[ See History of Ancient Egypt, ii. 480.]

14224 (return)
[ Habak. i. 6.]

14225 (return)
[ Menander ap. Joseph. Contr. Ap. i. 21.]

14226 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 8, 9, 11.]

14227 (return)
[ So Joseph. l.s.c. Mr. Kenrick disputes the date on account of Ezek. xxvi. 2, which he thinks must refer to the final siege and capture of Jerusalem; but the reference may be to the breaking of the power of JudÆa, either by Neco in B.C. 608 or by Nebuchadnezzar in B.C. 605.]

14228 (return)
[ 2 Kings xxiv. 2; 2 Chr. xxxvi. 6.]

14229 (return)
[ Ezek. xxviii. 21-23.]

14230 (return)
[ Menander, l.s.c.]

14231 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvi. 8-12.]

14232 (return)
[ Isaiah xliii. 14; Æschyl. Pers. l. 54.]

14233 (return)
[ As Kenrick (Phoenicia, p. 390).]

14234 (return)
[ See especially, ch. xxviii. 2, 12.]

14235 (return)
[ Ibid. verses 2-10, 17, 18.]

14236 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvii. 26.]

14237 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 44, 96, 100, 128.]

14238 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 161; vii. 98; Ezra iii. 7.]

14239 (return)
[ Menander, Fr. 2.]

14240 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 182.]

14241 (return)
[ Ibid. i. 201-214; Ctesias, Ex. Pers. § 6-8.]

14242 (return)
[ Herod. i. 177; Arrian, Exp. Alex. iii. 27.]

14243 (return)
[ Herod. i. 201-214; Ctes. Ex. Pers. l.s.c.]

14244 (return)
[ Ezra i. 1-11.]

14245 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 393.]

14246 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 19, 34.]

14247 (return)
[ Ezra iii. 7.]

14248 (return)
[ Ezra iii. 7.]

14249 (return)
[ Herod. i. 153.]

14250 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 177.]

14251 (return)
[ See Berosus, ap. Joseph. Ant. Jud. x. 11, § 1.]

14252 (return)
[ Hence the sacred writers speak of the Assyrians and Babylonians as “God’s northern army,” “a people from the north country.” (Jer. i. 15; vi. 22; Ezek. xxvi. 7; Joel ii. 20, &c.)]

14253 (return)
[ See Herod. iii. 5.]

14254 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 159.]

14255 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 161.]

14256 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 182.]

14257 (return)
[ Herod. ii. 150, 154; iii. 11.]

14258 (return)
[ Ibid. iii. 19.]

14259 (return)
[ Ibid. vii. 98; viii. 67, § 2; Diod. Sic. xvi. 42, § 2; xvii. 47, § 1; Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 13, 15, &c.]

14260 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 19.]

14261 (return)
[ Ezek. xxix. 10.]

14262 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 17.]

14263 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 19.]

14264 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14265 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 394.]

14266 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvi. 41.]

14267 (return)
[ Kenrick, p. 391, note 3.]

14268 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 91.]

14269 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvi. 41, § 2.]

14270 (return)
[ Herod. v. 52.]

14271 (return)
[ See the author’s Herodotus, iv. 30, note 1.]

14272 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 28.]

14273 (return)
[ Ibid. iv. 166.]

14274 (return)
[ Herod. v. 37-104.]

14275 (return)
[ Phoenicia could furnish 300 triremes, Cyprus 150, Ionia at this time 283 (Herod. vi. 8), Æolis at least 70 (ibid.), Caria the same number (ib. vii. 93)—total, 873. Against these Darious could only have mustered 200 from Egypt (ib. vii. 89), 100 from Cilicia (ib. 91), 50 from Lycia (ib. 92), and 30 from Pamphylia (ib. 91)—total, 380.]

14276 (return)
[ Herod. i. 28, 176; Appian, Bell. Civ. iv. 80.]

14277 (return)
[ Herod. iii. 14-16, 27-29, 37, &c.]

14278 (return)
[ Ibid. v. 108.]

14279 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14280 (return)
[ Ibid. v. 112.]

14281 (return)
[ See the author’s Herodotus, i. 268, 269, 3rd ed.]

14282 (return)
[ Herod. vi. 9.]

14283 (return)
[ Ibid. ch. 6.]

14284 (return)
[ Herod. ch. 8.]

14285 (return)
[ Ibid. chs. 9-13.]

14286 (return)
[ The Lesbians and most of the Samians (Herod. v. 14).]

14287 (return)
[ Ibid. ch. 15.]

14288 (return)
[ Ibid. chs. 31-33.]

14289 (return)
[ Herod. v. 41.]

14290 (return)
[ Ibid. iii. 135-138.]

14291 (return)
[ Herod. vi. 43-45.]

14292 (return)
[ See the author’s Herodotus, iii. 494, note 3.]

14293 (return)
[ The fleet which accomponied Mardonius lost nearly three hundred vessels off Mount Athos (Herod. vi. 44), and therefore can scarcely have fallen much short of 500; that of Datis and Artaphernes is reckoned at 600 by Herodotus (vi. 95), at a thousand by Cicero (Orat. in Verr. ii. 1, § 18), and Valerius Maximus (i. 1).]

14294 (return)
[ So Herodotus (vi. 95).]

14295 (return)
[ Herod. vi. 118.]

14296 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 23.]

14297 (return)
[ Ibid. vii. 34-36.]

14298 (return)
[ Ibid. viii. 117.]

14299 (return)
[ Æschyl. Pers. l. 343; Herod. vii. 89.]

14300 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 89-95; Diod. Sic. xi. 3, § 7.]

14301 (return)
[ Herod. vii. 44.]

14302 (return)
[ Ibid. vii. 100, 128.]

14303 (return)
[ Ibid. viii. 85.]

14304 (return)
[ Ibid. viii. 17.]

14305 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xi. 13, § 2: {’Aristeusai Phasi para men tois ‘El-lesin ‘Athnaious, para de, tois barbarois Sidonious}.]

14306 (return)
[ Herod. viii. 84; Æschyl. Pers. ll. 415-7.]

14307 (return)
[ Herod. viii. 86-90.]

14308 (return)
[ Ibid. ch. 90.]

14309 (return)
[ Ibid. ch. 90.]

14310 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xi. 19, § 4.]

14311 (return)
[ Herod. ix. 96.]

14312 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xi. 60, § 5, 6.]

14313 (return)
[ So Diodorus (xi. 62, § 3); but the mention of Cyprus in line 6 renders this somewhat doubtful.]

14314 (return)
[ Thucyd. i. 110.]

14315 (return)
[ See Ancient Monarchies, iii. 501.]

14316 (return)
[ See the Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, i. 139-148.]

14317 (return)
[ Nos. 115, 116, 117, 119, 120.]

14318 (return)
[ Ibid. No. 118.]

14319 (return)
[ Corp. Ins. Sem. i. 132, 145.]

14320 (return)
[ Dionys. Halicarn. De Orat. Antiq. “Dinarch.” § 10.]

14321 (return)
[ Corp. Ins. Sem. i. 145, No. 119.]

14322 (return)
[ See the Corpus Inscriptionum GrÆcarum, i. 126, No. 87.]

14323 (return)
[ Nefaheritis or Nefaa-ert. (See the author’s Story of Egypt, pp. 385, 386, and compare Ancient Monarchies, iii. 481, 482.)]

14324 (return)
[ Isocrates, Paneg. and Evag.; Theopompas, Fr. 111; Diod. Sic. xiv. 98; Ctesias, Exc. Pers. Fr. 29, § 63.]

14325 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xv. 9, § 2. (See Grote’s Hist. of Greece, x. 30, note 3.)]

14326 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xv. 9, § 2.]

14327 (return)
[ Isocrates, Paneg. § 161; Evag. §§ 23, 62.]

14328 (return)
[ See Diod. Sic. xiv. 98; xv. 2; Ephorus Fr.; 134 Isocrates, Evag. §§ 75, 76.]

14329 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 405.]

14330 (return)
[ See Ancient Monarchies, iii. 504.]

14331 (return)
[ Ancient Monarchies, iii. 505, 506.]

14332 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xv. 90, § 3.]

14333 (return)
[ Ibid. xv. 92, § 5.]

14334 (return)
[ Ibid. xvi. 41, § 1.]

14335 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvi. 42, § 2.]

14336 (return)
[ Ibid. xvi. 41, § 5.]

14337 (return)
[ Ibid. xvi. 32, § 2.]

14338 (return)
[ Ibid. § 5.]

14339 (return)
[ Ibid. xvi. 40, § 5, ad fin.]

14340 (return)
[ Ibid. xvi. 44, § 6, ad fin.]

14341 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvi. § 5.]

14342 (return)
[ Diodorus is our authority for all these facts (xvi. 45, § 1-6).]

14343 (return)
[ See the author’s Story of Egypt, pp. 396-401.]

14344 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvi. 42, § 6; 46, § 3.]

14345 (return)
[ Scylax, Periplus, § 104.]

14346 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14347 (return)
[ See Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 13, sub fin.; 15, sub fin.; 30, sub init.]

14348 (return)
[ See Encycl. Brit. xviii. 809.]

14349 (return)
[ Quint. Curt. iv. 4; Justin, xi. 10. Diodorus by mistake makes Strato II. king of Tyre (xvii. 47, § 1).]

14350 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. i. 1, § 2.]

14351 (return)
[ See Grote, History of Greece, xii. 102.]

14352 (return)
[ Ibid. pp. 29-51.]

14353 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 7.]

14354 (return)
[ Four hundred were actually brought to the relief of Miletus a few weeks later (Arrian, Exp. Alex. i. 18, § 5).]

14355 (return)
[ Ibid. § 4.]

14356 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 22; Arrian, Exp. Alex. i. 18-20.]

14357 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 23-26; Arrian, Exp. Alex. i. 20-23.]

14358 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 29, § 2; Arrian., Exp. Alex. ii. 1, § 1.]

14359 (return)
[ See the remarks of Mr. Grote (History of Greece, xii. 142, 143.)]

14360 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 29, § 4.]

14361 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. i. 20, § 1; Diod. Sic. i. 22, § 5.]

14362 (return)
[ Arrian, ii. 8-13.]

14363 (return)
[ Arrian, ii. 13, 87; Diod. Sic. xvii. 40, § 2.]

14364 (return)
[ As Ger-astartus, king of Aradus (Arrian, l.s.c.); Enylus, king of Byblus (ibid. ii. 20, § 1); and Azemileus, king of Tyre (ibid. ii. 15, ad fin.)]

14365 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 13, ad fin.]

14366 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 15, § 6.]

14367 (return)
[ Arrian, l.s.c.]

14368 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 15, § 7; Q. Curt. iv. 2, § 3.]

14369 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 16, ad fin.; Q. Curt. iv. 2, § 5; Justin, xi. 10.]

14370 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 40, § 2.]

14371 (return)
[ See Diod. Sic. xv. 73, § 4; 77, § 4.]

14372 (return)
[ In point of fact, he only obtained, towards the fleet which he collected against Tyre, twenty-three vessels that were not either Cyprian or Phoenician (Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 20, § 2).]

14373 (return)
[ Herod. viii. 97.]

14374 (return)
[ Compare Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 15, § 7, with ii. 24, § 5.]

14375 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 41, § 3.]

14376 (return)
[ Ibid. § 4.]

14377 (return)
[ Q. Curt. iv. § 20; Diod. Sic. xvii. 41, § 1, 2.]

14378 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 40, § 5.]

14379 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 18, § 3.]

14380 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 18, § 3.]

14381 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 42, § 1; Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 18, § 5.]

14382 (return)
[ Arrian, ii. 18, sub fin.]

14383 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 19, § 1.]

14384 (return)
[ This seems to be Arrian’s meaning, when he says, {ai keraiai periklastheisaiexekhean es to pur osa es exapsin tes phlogus pareskeuasmena en} (ii. 19, § 4).]

14385 (return)
[ Grote, History of Greece, xii. 185, 186.]

14386 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 418.]

14387 (return)
[ Q. Curt. iv. 3, § 8.]

14388 (return)
[ Arrian, l.s.c.]

14389 (return)
[ Arrian, ii. 20, § 1.]

14390 (return)
[ Ibid. § 2.]

14391 (return)
[ Arrian, ii. 20; § 3; Q. Curt. iv. 3, § 11.]

14392 (return)
[ {’Epibibasas tois katastromasi ton upaspiston osoi ikanoi edokoun es to ergon} (Arrian, ii. 20, § 6).]

14393 (return)
[ The Tyrians had but eighty vessels against Alexander’s 224.]

14394 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 20, ad fin.]

14395 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 21, § 8.]

14396 (return)
[ Q. Curt. iv. 3, § 7-9.]

14397 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 42, § 6; Q. Curt. l.s.c.]

14398 (return)
[ See Kenrick, Phoenicia, pp. 421, 422.]

14399 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 21, § 1.]

14400 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 21, § 4-7.]

14401 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 21, § 8.]

14402 (return)
[ Some editions of Arrian gave {Pasikratous tou Thourieos}, “Pasicrates the Thurian,” but the right reading is undoubtedly {tou Kourieos}, “the Curian, or king of Curium.” (See the note of Sintenis ad loc.)]

14403 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 22, § 2.]

14404 (return)
[ Six triremes and all the quinqueremes (Arrian, ii. 22, § 3).]

14405 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 22, § 5.]

14406 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 42, § 7.]

14407 (return)
[ Ibid. xvii. 45, § 4.]

14408 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 45, § 3.]

14409 (return)
[ Ibid. xvii. 43, § 7, 8.]

14410 (return)
[ Ibid. xvii. 44, § 4.]

14411 (return)
[ Ibid. xvii. 44, § 1-3.]

14412 (return)
[ Ibid. § 4.]

14413 (return)
[ Ibid. xvii. 45, § 6.]

14414 (return)
[ Ibid. xvii. 43, § 3.]

14415 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 22, sub fin.]

14416 (return)
[ {Kateseise tou teikhous epi mega} (Ibid. ii. 23, § 1).]

14417 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 46, § 1.]

14418 (return)
[ Arrian, ii. 23, § 2.]

14419 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 23, § 5.]

14420 (return)
[ Not “the foremost,” as Diodorus says (xvii. 46, § 2).]

14421 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 23, ad fin.]

14422 (return)
[ Ibid. ii. 24, § 1.]

14423 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14424 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. ii. 24, § 4.]

14425 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 46, § 4.]

14426 (return)
[ So Arrian (l.s.c.) Diodorus reduces the number to thirteen thousand (xvii. 46, § 4).]

14427 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xvii. 46, § 5; Arrian, ii. 24, § 6.]

14428 (return)
[ See Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 428, note 3.]

14429 (return)
[ See Diod. Sic. xvii. 46, § 6. The name Abd-elonim, “servant of the gods,” is common. The Greeks and Romans generally render it by Abdalonymus.]

14430 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. iii. 6, § 3.]

14431 (return)
[ Ibid. vi. 1, § 6.]

14432 (return)
[ Arrian, Exp. Alex. vi. 22, § 4.]

14433 (return)
[ Ibid. vii. 19, § 3.]

14434 (return)
[ Ibid. § 5.]

14435 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xviii. 3, § 1.]

14436 (return)
[ Ibid. 43, § 2.]

14437 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xix. 58, § 1.]

14438 (return)
[ So Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 433. Compare Diod. Sic. xviii. 37, § 4.]

14439 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xix. 58, § 2-4.]

14440 (return)
[ Ibid. 61, § 6.]

14441 (return)
[ Plutarch, Vit. Demetr. § 32.]

14442 (return)
[ Diod. Sic. xxx. 17; Polyb. v. 40.]

14443 (return)
[ Polyb. v. 60.]

14444 (return)
[ Ibid. v. 62.]

14445 (return)
[ Polyb. xvi. 18; Joseph. Ant. Jud. xii. 3, § 3.]

14446 (return)
[ See Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 436.]

14447 (return)
[ Herod. i. 1. Egypt never sent trading ships into the Mediterranean. All her commerce with Syria, Asia Minor, and Europe was carried on either in Greek or Phoenician bottoms.]

14448 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, l.s.c.]

14449 (return)
[ As that of the Red Sea, Arabia, and the East African coast.]

14450 (return)
[ 2 Macc. iv. 18.]

14451 (return)
[ Ibid. verses 44-50.]

14452 (return)
[ Gesenius, Mon. Phoen. pls. 32-34.]

14453 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, pp. 437, 438.]

14454 (return)
[ Livy, xxvii. 30.]

14455 (return)
[ 2 Macc. iv. 49.]

14456 (return)
[ 1 Macc. iii. 34-36; 2 Macc. viii. 9; Joseph. Ant. Jud. xii. 7, § 2,]

14457 (return)
[ 2 Macc. viii. 11.]

14458 (return)
[ 1 Macc. iii. 41.]

14459 (return)
[ 2 Macc. viii. 25; Joseph. Ant. Jud. xii. 7, § 4.]

14460 (return)
[ Strab. xvii. 2, § 22.]

14461 (return)
[ Joseph. Ant. Jud. xii. 4, § 3.]

14462 (return)
[ Ibid. § 4.]

14463 (return)
[ By Theodotus in B.C. 219 (Polyb. v. 61, § 5), by Cleopatra, queen of Syria, about B.C. 85 (Joseph. Ant. Jud. xiii. 13, § 2), by Tigranes in B.C. 83 (ibid. xiii. 16, § 4), &c.]

14464 (return)
[ Justin, Hist. Philipp. xl. 1; Appian, Syriaca, § 48.]

14465 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 438.]

14466 (return)
[ Or, sometimes, under a proprÆtor.]

14467 (return)
[ Joseph. Ant. Jud. xiv. 10, § 2.]

14468 (return)
[ Ibid. xv. 4, § 1, ad fin.]

14469 (return)
[ Ibid. xiv. 12, §§ 4, 5.]

14470 (return)
[ Mommsen, History of Rome, iv. 113-115, Engl. Tr.; Merivale, Roman Empire, i. 36.]

14471 (return)
[ Thucyd. i. 4.]

14472 (return)
[ See the author’s Sixth Oriental Monarchy, pp. 178-180.]

14473 (return)
[ Dio Cass. Hist. Rom. xlviii. 25.]

14474 (return)
[ Ibid. § 26.]

14475 (return)
[ Joseph. Ant. Jud. xiv. 13.]

14476 (return)
[ Dio. Cass. xlviii. 39-41.]

14477 (return)
[ Ibid. liv. 7.]

14478 (return)
[ Ramsay, in Smith’s Dict. of Greek and Rom. Geography, i. 11.]

14479 (return)
[ Suidas ad voc. {Paulos Turios}.]

14480 (return)
[ Mark vii. 24-30. Compare Matt. xv. 21-28.]

14481 (return)
[ Acts xii. 20, 21.]

14482 (return)
[ Acts xi. 19.]

14483 (return)
[ Ibid. xxi. 3-7.]

14484 (return)
[ See Robertson, History of the Christian Church, i. 195, 196.]

14485 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 201.]

14486 (return)
[ Some doubts have been entertained as to whether Porphyry was really a Tyrian, but his own statement (Vit. Plotini, ii. 107), backed as it is by the testimony of Eunapius and Suidas, should be regarded as settling the question.]

14487 (return)
[ Mason, in Smith’s Dict. of Greek and Rom. Biography, iii. 502.]

14488 (return)
[ See the article on PORPHYRIUS in Smith’s Dict. of Greek and Rom. Biography, iii. 498-502.]

14489 (return)
[ Strab. xvi. 2, § 24.]

14490 (return)
[ See the lines quoted by Kenrick (Phoenicia, p. 440, note) from Cramer’s Anecdota GrÆca (iv. 19, § 6):—]

{Oi tes Stoas bullousin ‘Akademian, Purronas outoi, pantas o Stegeirites. ‘Alloi de touton Phoinikes te kai Suroi.}]

14491 (return)
[ Strabo, l.s.c.]

14492 (return)
[ Ibid. Strabo’s words are: {Nuni de pases kai tes alles philosophias euporian polu pleisten labein estin ek touton ton poleon.}]

14493 (return)
[ Smith’s Dict. of Greek and Rom. Biography, ii. 417.]

14494 (return)
[ Kenrick, Phoenicia, p. 440.]

14495 (return)
[ Suidas, s.v. {Paulos Turios}.]

14496 (return)
[ Smith’s Dict. of Greek and Rom. Biography, ii. 1000.]

14497 (return)
[ Smith’s Gibbon, ii. 317.]

14498 (return)
[ Heineccius, Ant. Rom. Synt. ProËm, § 45.]

14499 (return)
[ Ibid.]

14500 (return)
[ See Eckhel, Doctr. Num. Vet. iii. 366; Mionnet, Description des MÉdailles, Supplement.]

14501 (return)
[ Note that the “Syro-Phoenician woman” who conversed with our Lord is spoken of as also {’Ellenis}, one whose language was Greek (Mark vii. 26).]

14502 (return)
[ De situ orbis, i. 12; “Sidon adhuc opulenta.”]

14503 (return)
[ Ulpian, Digest. Leg. de Cens. tit. 15.]

14504 (return)
[ Exp. totius Mundi in Hudson’s Geographi Minores, iii. 6.]

14505 (return)
[ Hieronymus, Comment. ad Ezek. xxxvi. 7.]

14506 (return)
[ Hieronymus, Comment. ad Ezek. xxvii. 2.]

14507 (return)
[ Ezek. xxvi. 14.]

14508 (return)
[ Euseb. Vita Constantin. Magni, iii. 58.]


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