Among the munificent gifts of Paul Goodloe McIntire to his native town—parks, playgrounds, public library; gifts to the University of Athletics, Fine Arts, Medicine, etc.—the most obvious are the statues in the city.
Junction of West Main and Ridge Streets
Sculptor, Charles Keck. Unveiled, November 21, 1919. This work is of the romantic school. It is a three-figure group; Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and Sacajawea, the young Indian guide with her papoose. In beauty of design and of execution it will repay prolonged scrutiny. The pedestal with its carved symbolism should not be overlooked.
Our present Main Street is the Colonial Three-chopt Road, which led from Richmond, passed Boyd’s Tavern and crossed the Rivanna at Secretary’s Ford—now the Woolen Mills (East Market Street). Crossing Mechum’s River it struck in a straight line for Woods’ (now Jarman’s) Gap. It was in use prior to 1746. Though not associated with the expedition, it was felt appropriate to place the explorers on a great early artery and facing into the West.
Young Meriwether Lewis—he was only thirty-five at death—was born in Albemarle in 1774. He was ‘Albemarle of Albemarle.’ The Lewis family was already old Virginia stock when Robert Lewis took up large holdings in what is now this county. He was Meriwether Lewis’s grandfather. He owned the handsome estate of Belvoir, near Cismont, and some ten thousand acres in other parts of the county. Meriwether Lewis’s mother was a granddaughter of ‘the great Landowner,’ Nicholas Meriwether, who came up from tide-water where he owned large estates, and in 1727 patented in one body 17,952 acres, this being the first patent lying within the bounds of present Albemarle. Eight years later he made an addition of more than a thousand acres, adjoining, which became his home. He was Lewis’s great-grandfather. These were families of high standards and public service—vestrymen, magistrates, officers in the militia and the Revolution.
Our explorer’s birthplace, Locust Grove, was west of Charlottesville about seven miles. The name and site remain; the original house was burned. The village of Ivy is near it.
Meriwether Lewis was Jefferson’s secretary when the government determined upon exploration of the lands just purchased from France. He brilliantly headed this expedition—from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River, 1803-06. Upon his return, Jefferson appointed him Territorial Governor of Louisiana. In 1809, while journeying to Washington city, he died by gunshot at an obscure country inn in Tennessee—whether by his own hand or that of others was not definitely known. A monument to him was erected at this spot by the Legislature of Tennessee, 1848.
By a few years, William Clark, joint explorer of the Pacific Coast, failed to be of Albemarle birth. Jonathan Clark of King and Queen County, Virginia, in 1734 took out holdings in the county. His dwelling was a plain house on the Stony Point Road very near the site of Buena Vista, the McMurdo residence. He had two famous grandsons; the elder, George Rogers Clark, was born in that cabin. The younger, William, was born in Caroline County where his father had inherited substantial property. William Clark’s later life was successful. He was appointed by Jefferson Territorial Governor of Missouri, and later became U. S. Agent for Indian Affairs. Died, 1838.
It is perhaps not always realized that Albemarle was the Louisiana Purchase. Three of the actors in this great drama—Jefferson, Lewis and Monroe—lived here within a ten-mile radius. A circle with that diameter would include Monticello, Ash Lawn and Locust Hill. As members of a small and closely integrated social class these men knew each other intimately in private life. Despite the difference in age, Jefferson and Lewis had attended the same private classical school; Monroe had at one time studied law under Jefferson’s supervision.
Monroe came to Albemarle in 1789 and made it his home until his retirement from public life. His choice of home was dictated by his oft-expressed desire to be near Jefferson, their friendship being early formed and life-long. Thus, when this chance to acquire a vast territory arose, the men who handled it knew fully the respective qualities of each actor.
Jackson Park. East Jefferson Street
Adjoining Court House
Sculptor, Charles Keck. Unveiled, October 19, 1921. This dynamic equestrian figure, of the romantic school, already ranks among the world’s “great action” sculptures. It is known that the artist, at its inception, came to Albemarle to study Virginia-bred horses and the Virginia seat in the saddle. A local horse-fancier demonstrated these points. The beautiful pedestal is enfolded in the superb wing-sweep of two symbolic forms—Faith and Valor.
Thomas Jonathan Jackson—Virginian by birth, graduate of West Point, distinguished in the Mexican War—resigned from the regular army, 1851, and became a Presbyterian elder and a professor of natural philosophy and artillery tactics at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. Ten years later, at the outbreak of the War-between-the-States, he entered the Confederate army and rose to a rank second in authority only to Lee. His military genius was fully recognized abroad, and his campaigns have long been studied in England’s military schools. General Jackson was killed, 1863, at the battle of Chancellorsville through the blunder of his own men. His age was thirty-nine.
Stonewall Jackson Statue. 1921.
George Rogers Clark Statue. 1922. J. Rawlings Thomson
West Main Street near Twelfth
Sculptor, Robert Ingersol Aitkin. Unveiled, January 6th, 1922. This seven-figure group portrays the mounted Conqueror of the North West in conference with a standing Indian chief, who shares the central focus. Their attendants complete the vital and finely balanced conception. A surrounding planting of pine suggests a forest atmosphere.
This frontier military leader was born in Albemarle County, 1752, on the Stony Point Road. His family removed to Caroline County when he was five years of age, and he early migrated to Kentucky. Upon the coming on of the Revolution he threw himself ardently into the protection of the exposed northwestern regions. At Williamsburg he presented their dangers to the Assembly and obtained a military commission for their defense against British and Indian forces. He was in chief command and rose to Brig. General. During this period, 1778-1783, he was a popular idol and was called “the George Washington of the West.”
His later life was tragically darkened by debts contracted for the necessities of his men and never made good by Virginia. Political intrigue and calumny added to his misfortunes. He died in poverty and neglect near Louisville, Kentucky, 1818.
Lee Park. East Jefferson and N. 2nd Streets
Opposite Charlottesville Library
Sculptor, Leo Lentelli. Unveiled, May 21, 1924. This equestrian figure of Lee is in monument style. The block which it occupies was from 1929 the Southall-Venable home.
Lee Statue. 1924. J. Rawlings Thomson
Miniature Model of Lee. 1937. J. Rawlings Thomson
Robert Edward Lee was born, 1807, at Stratford, Virginia, of distinguished ancestry. The family’s founder came to Virginia in the reign of Charles I, and became the colony’s Secretary of State and a member of the privy Council of Virginia.
A graduate of West Point (later its Superintendent), and distinguished in the Mexican War, Lee had resigned from active service when Lincoln offered him command of the Federal forces in the field. With a heavy heart he declined. (He had earlier freed his slaves.) Writing on the eve of the crisis, he said “—I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union.... Still a Union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets ... has no charms for me. If the Union is dissolved and the Government dispersed, I shall return to my native State and share the miseries of my people, and, save in defense, will draw my sword no more.”
After the war, Lee set himself to heal the wounds of his people. He refused public office and became President of Washington College (now Washington and Lee) in Lexington. Died, 1870.
“Lee’s high character, his moral courage, his noble nature, and his mastery of the art of war, make him a notable figure in history.”
Charlottesville Library
N. 2nd and East Jefferson Streets
Sculptor, Henry M. Shrady. Presented by the Honourable and Mrs. Alexander Wilbourne Weddell through the Richmond Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. 1937. This charming equestrian figure of the Confederate General, by Shrady, was executed as the first step in a heroic statue commissioned by Mr. McIntire. The sculptor’s sudden death prevented the fulfillment of this contract, but Charlottesville is fortunate in owning this model of the artist’s noble conception.
In the 1870’s the town’s postmaster lay in his final illness. In the manner of the day a friend sat beside his bed and extolled the blessedness of heaven. The old gentleman assented quietly, adding, “but I believe I should prefer to compromise and remain in Charlottesville.”
Map, Charlottesville area
- 1. Old Court House
- 2. Sixth Street
- 3. Farrish House
- 4. Stonewall Jackson
- 5. Lee Statue
- 6. Monticello; Ash Lawn; Michie Tavern
- 7. Lewis & Clark
- 8. George Rogers Clark
- Shaded Area—Old Town