Transcriber's Notes


Depending on the hard- and software used and their settings, not all elements may display as intended.

Inconsistent spelling, hyphenation, capitalisation, formatting and lay-out have been retained, except as mentioned below.

The heading hierarchy has based on the contents and/or lay-out of the text due to the inconsistent formatting and lay-out in the source document. Consequently, this hierarchy (and any auto-generated tables of contents based thereon) do not necessarily reflect the author’s intent.

Figs. 18 and 71, as well as Figs. 3, 58 and 68 and their respective captions and references in the List of Illustrations are identical in the source document.

Page 39, Ssamoylenko: more commonly transcribed Samoylenko.

Page 99, table, bottom row: the data do not add up to the total; the data and the total do not result in the percentage given.

Page 115, van Benedin: possibly an error for van Beneden.

Page 134, table: mortality with 59 survivors and 29 fatalities is 33%, not 37%. Some other calculated percentages elsewhere in the text are erroneous as well.

Page 196: the Intersection symbol ? is used to indicate the shape only, it is not used in its mathematical sense.

Page 252, two-saced: as printed in the source document; possibly an error for two-faced.

Page 312, 1. Therapeutic remedies: this is the only numbered sub-section in this section.

Changes made

Illustrations have been moved outside text paragraphs; footnotes have been moved to the end of the respective chapters.

Some obvious minor typographical errors have been corrected silently.

Page 68: “see Figs. 29 and 50” changed to “see Figs. 29 and 30”

Page 146: “(see Fig. VI)” changed to “(see Fig. 6)”

Page 174: “mesencaphalon” changed to “mesencephalon”

Page 280: “tÂche cÉrÈbrale” changed to “tÂche cÉrÉbrale”; “Treatment.” changed to “Treatment.

Page 321, Fig. 21 (caption): closing bracket added after “the anterior belly of the occipito-frontalis muscle”


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