opening of, 19, 29 suture of, 16, 236 Duret on traumatic epilepsy, 193 tumours of the brain, 245 Dwight on fractures of the skull, 98 Eighth nerve, involvement of in basic fractures, 102, 106 Electric stimulation of brain in tumour exploration, 233 Elevation of depressed birth-fractures, 45 fractures of vault, 129 Endotheliomata of brain and dura, 213 English on remote effects of brain injury, 182, 187 adhesions between scalp and meninges, &c. 195 Epilepsy idiopathic, 190 Jacksonian, 189, 192 traumatic, 189 Escape of air from air-sinuses in basic fractures, 95 blood in basic fractures, 91, 96, 99 brain in basic fractures, 93, 101 cerebro-spinal fluid in basic fractures, 91, 99 Ether as an anÆsthetic, 12 Exostoses of the skull, 325 Explosive fractures of the skull, 113 External table of skull, fracture of, 110, 133, 297 Extra-cerebellar tumours, 225 Extra-dural hÆmorrhage, 135 suppuration, 284 Extrinsic sarcomata of the skull-bones, 332 Falx cerebelli, 4 cerebri, 1 Fibromata of dura and brain, 213 Fifth nerve, involvement of in basic fractures, 95, 101 Fifth nerve, neuralgia of, 306 Fissure of Rolando, 6 Sylvius, 6 Fissured fractures adult, 129 infant, 49 Foraminal occlusion in skull operations, 17 Fourth nerve, involvement of
files@61267@61267-h@61267-h-11.htm.html#Page260" class="pginternal">260 Lucid interval in middle meningeal hÆmorrhage, 139, 151 Lumbar puncture in hydrocephalus, 61 meningitis, 281 subdural hÆmorrhage, 54, 120, 155 tumours, 227, 236 Lyssenkow on cephaloceles, 32, 39 Macewen on brain abscess, 290 pus evacuation, 266 Macewen’s suprameatal triangle, 5 Malar tubercle, 4 Mania (acute) after brain injuries, 201 Mastoid antrum operations on, 269 surface-marking of, 5 Mastoid process displacement of, 108 exostoses of, 329 Mechanism of basic fractures, 73 Meningeal cysts, 203 Meningitis, 273 Mental condition in abscess of frontal lobe, 263 compression, 176 concussion, 170 irritation of the brain, 171 lateral sinus thrombosis, 283 meningitis, 279 tumours of the brain, 216 Middle meningeal artery, surface-marking of, 5 Middle meningeal hÆmorrhage, 135 Morphia before and after operation, 11, 30 in cerebral concussion, 178 cerebral irritation, 128 trigeminal neuralgia, 313 Motor areas of cortex, 7 Motor speech area, 8 Multiple abscess of the brain, 247 Muscle grafts, 18, 234 Neuralgia hysterical, 310 major, 308 minor, 306 of inferior dental nerve, 308 infra-orbital nerve, 308 supra-orbital nerve, 309