xtrin 88 Dowris find, analysis of bronze from 26 Drude 147 Dunstan, on rusting 9 Dust extractor 131, 141 Dust, protection from 162 Earthenware - baked, impregnation of 78
- baked, steeping of 74
- unbaked, impregnation of 81
- unbaked, treatment of 81
- with colouring 79
“Edelrost” 14 Edel-patina 49, 120 Egypt, soil of 1 - dry climate of 2, 56
- Egyptian bronzes 130, 134, 138
- absence of "edel-patina" in 42
- high chlorine-content in 42
- lead in 24, 33, 130
Egyptian coffins 160 Egyptian coloured objects 161 Egyptian textile fabrics 154 Egyptian ostraca 4, 57 - efflorescences upon 4
- treatment of 75
Ekhoff’s method (iron) 96 Electric current a cause of rust 9 Electric muffle furnace 84 Electrolysis 111, 126, 147, 148 Elster 23 Enamel 151 Ephesus, bronze from 25 Ether 74, 90, 133, 161 Fat 106, 107 Fayence 6, 86 Feathers 154 Fellenberg 15 Finkener’s method (bronze) 125 Fire-clay 84, 88 Fire-clay dust cement 88 Fish-glue 86, 88 Flinders Petrie 1, 71, 87, 119 - on impregnation of earthenware 81
- on reduction of silver 148
Fluates 71 Forge scale 30 Lecythoi, treatment of 80 Leiner’s method (wood) 157 Lemery 10 Lepsius 67 Light, influence of 10, 60, 162 Lime, incrustations of 74 Limestone 57 - action of salts upon 2
- changes in 2
- drying of 67
- dust, removal of 58
- impregnation of 51, 68
- impregnation media for 70
- steeping 58, 66
- disadvantages of 67
- test of progress of 62
Linseed oil 71, 90, 91, 97, 99 Linseed varnish 90, 91, 93, 99 Magnesium sulphate 5 Malachite 17, 18, 21, 36, 139 Marble 72, 74 Medieval iron objects 119 MÊdÛm, analysis of bronze from 26 “MÉtaux malades” 29 Meten chamber - description of 2
- limestone blocks from 56, 67
- impregnation of 73
- steeping of 59, 64
- table of results of steeping 65
Milbauer 119 Mitzopulos, on patina 24 Mond, on patina 27, 46, 48 Moody, on rusting of iron 9 Moulds, attacks of 72, 157 Muffle furnace 84 Mycene, copper alloys from 24 Naphthalene 154, 161 Natterer, analysis of Ephesian statuette 25 Neufeld 10 Nickel wire for labels 163 Nile mud, objects of 87 Nitric acid, action upon iron FOOTNOTES: Dittos and dashes used to represent text have been replaced with the indicated text. When a scale is given in an image caption, a scale bar has been added to demonstrate the approximate dimensions of the printed image. One centimeter (cm.) and one inch (in.) are depicted in the following format: scale bar Some figure captions have been combined and separated by the word 'and', such that Fig. 44. Fig. 45. becomes Fig. 44. and Fig. 45. Some presumed printer's errors have been corrected. In particular, the use of c.c. has been normalized when periods were missing, the degree symbol (°) has been added when it appears to have been missing, and words and numbers in the Index and Table of Contents were changed to match the spelling and placement in the body of the text. Some additional presumed errors which have been corrected are listed below with the original text (top) and the replacement text (bottom): Literature xiv Table of Contents Literature xiii vesse p. 59 vessel Gay Lussac p. 62 Gay-Lussac 16 Feb 1904 p. 65 16 Feb 1894 Konigsberg p. 102 KÖnigsberg Royal Musums p. 154 Royal Museums "Lexikon d. gesamsen Technik," Footnote 1 "Lexikon d. gesamten Technik," |