- Man and wife from Angmagssalik Frontispiece
- To face page
- Making a tupilak. Note the bones of various animals used: The monster is on the point of coming to life 18
- Hunter in kayak. The creature behind is a monster that frightens all the seal away 34
- Hunters encountering Sarqiserasak, a dangerous troll, who rows in a half kayak himself, and upsets all he meets with his paddle 34
- Wizard preparing for a “spirit fight.” He is bound head to knees and hands behind; the magic drum resting on his foot is beating itself. Bird’s wings are fastened to his back 50
- “Inland-dweller” armed with bow and arrow 70
- An “inland-dweller,” half dog, half human, pointing out a settlement for destruction 96
- A tupilak frightening a man to death in his kayak 96
- Evil spirit entering a house 116
- Wizard calling up a “helping spirit” 140
- Flying race between two wizards, one of whom, unable to keep up, has fallen to earth, and is vainly begging the other to stop 148
- Angiut, a “helping spirit,” who knows all about everywhere 148