62129@62129-h@62129-h-5.htm.html#Page_195" class="pginternal">195, 202, 203, 205, 206, 208, 217, 221, 231 et seq., 251, 273, 277, 283, 288, 291, 307. Gavin, Miss J., 102. Gay, John, 42. GÉnie du Christianisme, Le, 182. Gesta Romanorum, The, 20, 34 et seq., 45, 128. Gil Blas, 61, 62, 63, 161. Godwin, William, 244 et seq. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 175, 232. Goldsmith, Oliver, 42, 118 et seq., 148, 231. Goya, Francisco Jose de G. y Lucientes, 262, 269. Grace Abounding, 130. Graham, R. B. Cunninghame, 121. Grammont Memoirs, The, 278. Greene, Robert, 67, 74, 126, 140. Griselda, 46. Guardian, The, 112. Guest, Lady Charlotte, 13. Hamilton, Anthony, 278. Hardyknute, The Ballad of, 191. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 134, 245, 257 et seq., 274, 283, 307, 308. Hazlitt, William, 84, 111, 128, 193, 244, 245, 258, 273, 274, 278. Heptameron, The, 51. Hernani, 201, 205. HÉrodias, 296. Histoire mes de BÊtes, l', 228, 307. Petite Ficelle, La, 307, 310. Petite Pallace of Petite his Pleasure, A, 68 et seq. Petrarch, 38. Pettie, George, 68, 69, 126. Philosophy of Composition, The, 244, 246. Pilgrim's Progress, 126 et seq., 257. Pindar, 84. Pippin, 8. Pisan, Christine de, 25. Plea of Pan, The, 88. Poe, Edgar Allan, 46, 165, 195, 220, 243 et seq., 258, 259, 263, 281, 307. Poussin, Nicolas, 86, 87. Presse, La, 238. PrÉvost, l'AbbÉ, 147. Punch and Judy, 96. Purloined Letter, The, 248. Quentin Durward, 208. Rabelais, FranÇois, 25, 96, 170, 208. Radcliffe, Mrs., 166. Rappacini's Daughter, 265. Raven, The, 244, 253. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, The, 191, 218. Rendezvous, Le, 299. RenÉ, 179. Reynard the Fox, 9, 54. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 243. Richardson, Samuel, 71; 139 et seq., 155, 156, 157, 158, 167, 235. Robert the Devil, The Life of, 19. Robinson Crusoe, 114, 132. Rob Roy, 192. Roderick Random, 58, 160 et seq. Rodin, Auguste, 297. Romance of the Rose, The, 19 et seq., 132. Roman Comique, Le, 158. Roman de la Momie, Le, Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press FOOTNOTES: back |