| PAGE | Preface | vii | PART I | Origins | 5 | 'The Romance of the Rose' | 19 | Chaucer and Boccaccio | 31 | The Rogue Novel | 51 | The Elizabethans | 67 | The Pastoral | 81 | Cervantes | 93 | The Essayists' Contribution to Story-telling | 107 | Transition: Bunyan and Defoe | 125 | Richardson and the Feminine Novel | 139 | Fielding, Smollett, and the Masculine Novel | 155 | A Note on Sterne | 169 | PART II | Chateaubriand and Romanticism | 175 | Scott and Romanticism | 187 | The Romanticism of 1830 | 201 | Balzac | 217 | Gautier and the East | 231 | Poe and the New Technique | 243 | Hawthorne and Moral Romance | 257 | MÉrimÉe and Conversational Story-telling | 273 | Flaubert | 287 | A Note on De Maupassant | 298 | Conclusion | 305 | Index | 313 |