A - Acuminate
- applied to the apex of a leaf having a gradually diminishing point, 49.
- Acute
- applied to the apex of a leaf distinctly and sharply pointed but not drawn out, 53.
- Adventitious roots
- roots which do not arise from the radicle or its subdivisions, but from parts other than these, 7.
- Aleurone layer
- a special peripheral layer in the grain of grasses, consisting of cells filled with proteid granules, 18.
- Amplexicaul
- applied to the base of the leaf when it embraces the stem, 12.
- Apiculate
- said of the apex when it has a sharp, short point.
- Appressed
- lying flat for the whole length of the part or organ, 59.
- Articulate
- jointed, 45.
- Auricle
- outgrowth at the sides close to the ligular region, 11.
- Awned
- having an awn, that is, a bristle-like appendage, especially on the glumes of grasses.
B - Bifarious
- disposed in two rows or ranks on the two sides, 49.
- Binate
- in pairs, 53.
- Blade
- the expanded portion of a leaf, 2, 10.
- Bristles
- stiff hairs, 45.
- Bulbous based
- having an inflated base, 66.
- Bulliform cells
- thin walled cells occurring, at intervals, on the epidermis of some grasses, 35.
- Bundle sheath
- sclerenchymatous cells or fibres found round the vascular bundles of the monocotyledonous type, such as those of grasses, 20.
C - Callus
- the projecting part or an extension of the flowering glume below its point of insertion, 168.
- Caryopsis
- a one-celled, one-seeded, superior fruit in which the pericarp has fused with the seed-coat.
- Chartaceous
- papery, i.e., thin and somewhat rough, 47.
- Ciliate
- fringed with hairs, 54.
- Ciliolate
- very sparsely fringed with hairs, 70.
- Clavate
- club-shaped, 104.
- Clavellate
- thickened towards the apex, 252.
- Coleorhiza
- the sheath of a monocotyledonous embryo which is pierced by the radicle during germination, 18.
- Collar
- the white or colourless band at the base of the blade of a grass leaf just where it joins the sheath, 3.
- Conduplicate
- folded together lengthwise, 12.
- Convolute
- rolled round from one margin to the other, so that one margin is inside and the other outside, 12.
- Coriaceous
- leathery, 49.
- Corymbosely
- arranged in corymbs, i.e., flat-topped flower clusters, 56.
- Crinite
- bearded with weak, long hairs, 137.
- Crisped
- curled, 59.
- Cuneate
- wedge-shaped or triangular, 49.
- Cuspidate
- tipped with a small triangular piece at the apex, 70.
D - Decumbent
- reclining but with the upper part ascending, 80.
- Digitate
- lingered, arranged at the end of the stalk, 51.
- Dioecious
- having the sexes separated on two distinct individuals, 45.
- Distichous
- two-ranked or two-rowed, 19.
E - Embryo
- young plant contained in the seed, 18.
- Endodermis
- the innermost layer of the cortex abutting on and forming a sheathing layer round the stele, 32.
- Exodermis
- the layer or layers of thickened cells beneath the piliferous layer of roots, 32.
- Extra vaginal
- applied to shoots or branches that come out piercing the leaf sheath in grasses, 9.
F - Fascicle
- a cluster or bundle, 95.
- Filiform
- thread shaped, slender and thin, 54.
- Flexuous
- bent alternately in opposite directions, 62.
- Foveolate
- marked with small pits, 180.
G - Geniculately
- bent abruptly so as to resemble a knee-joint, 118.
- Geminate
- in pairs, 59.
- Germ-sheath
- a sheath enclosing the bud or the plumule in a grain, 18.
- Gibbous
- convex or rounded, 77.
- Glabrescent
- slightly hairy but becoming glabrous, 89.
- Glabrous
- quite smooth without hairs, 89.
- Glaucous
- covered with a bloom, 160.
- Glume
- the chaffy two-ranked members found in the inflorescence of grasses.
H - Hirsute
- covered with fairly long distinct hairs, 90.
- Hyaline
- colourless or translucent, 51.
I - Imbricate
- overlapping, 49.
- Internode
- portion of a stem between two nodes, 2.
- Intravaginal
- growing out from inside the sheath.
- Involucel
- a ring of bracts surrounding several spikelets, 120.
K - Keeled
- having a ridge along the length, 59.
L - Lemma
- the flowering glume of a grass, 15.
- Ligule
- the thin, scarious projection found at the top of the leaf sheath where it joins the blade in grasses, 3.
- Lodicule
- a small scale outside the stamens in the flower of grasses.
M - Membranous
- thin and semi-transparent, 51.
- Monoecious
- stamens and pistils on separate flowers, but on the same individual, 144.
- Motor cells
- large thin-walled cells occurring in the epidermis of the leaves of some grasses, 35.
- Mucronate
- possessing a short and a straight point, 70.
N - Node
- the part of the stem which has a leaf, or the knot in the grass stem, 2.
P - Palea
- the inner glume in the spikelet of grasses, 4.
- Pectinate
- pinnatifid with narrow segments which are set close like the teeth of a comb, 162.
- Pericycle
- the outermost zone of cells of the stele immediately within the endodermis, 32.
- PhloËm
- the portion of the vascular bundle towards the cortex, 19.
- Pileole
- another name for germ-sheath, or the sheath covering the plumule in the grain, 18.
- Piliferous
- bearing hairs, 31.
- Pistil
- the female organ of a flower, consisting of the ovary, style and stigma, 16.
- Plumose
- feathered, 51.
- Prophyllum
- the first scale-like leaf of a branch found where it joins the main stem, 10.
- Protandry (proterandry).
- anthers ripening before the pistil in the same flower, 16.
- Protogyny (proterogyny).
- pistil ripening before the anthers in the same flower, 16.
- Puberulous
- slightly hairy, 62.
- Pubescent
- clothed with soft hair, 62.
- Punctate
- marked with dots, pits or glands, 63.
- Pungent
- ending in a rigid and sharp point, 59.
R - Raceme
- a centrifugal or indeterminate inflorescence with stalked flowers, 13.
- Rachilla
- a secondary axis in the inflorescence of the grasses, the axis of the spikelet, 13.
- Rachis
- axis of an inflorescence, 13.
- Retuse
- with a shallow notch at the apex, 67.
- Rhizome
- root-stock or under ground stem prostrate on the ground, 5.
- Rugulose
- somewhat wrinkled, 90.
S - Scaberulous
- slightly rough due to the presence of short hairs, 69.
- Scabrid
- somewhat rough, 75.
- Scale
- a reduced leaf, 10.
- Sclerenchyma
- elongated cells with pointed ends and much thickened cell-wall.
- Scutellum
- the single cotyledon found in connexion with the embryo in grass grains, 18.
- Secund
- directed to one side only, 47.
- Serrate
- beset with small teeth on the margin, 83.
- Setose
- beset with bristles, 102.
- Sheath
- the tubular lower part of a leaf in grasses, 2.
- Spathaceous
- having a large bract enclosing a flower cluster, 104.
- Spiciform
- spike-like, 13.
- Spike
- an inflorescence with sessile flowers on an elongated axis, the older flowers being lower down and the younger towards the top, 13.
- Squarrose
- rough with outstanding processes, 120.
- Stipe
- a short stalk of a gynÆcium, 90.
- Stipitate
- having a short stalk, 62.
- Stolon
- any basal branch which is disposed to root, 5.
- Striolate
- marked with very fine longitudinal parallel lines, 49.
- Sub-coriaceous
- somewhat leathery, 47.
- Subulate
- finely pointed, 121.
T - Triquetrous
- three-sided or edged, 47.
- Truncate
- as if cut off at the end, 60.
- Tumid
- swollen, 66.
- Turbinate
- cone-shaped or top shaped, 120.
X - Xylem
- the wood elements of the vascular bundle lying next to the phloËm, 19.