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The following verses have been selected from “Lilliput Levee,” 1868, and from W. B. Rands’ numerous contributions to magazines.[A] He wrote under many signatures, never enumerated; but—with the generous assistance of his son, Mr. Paul W. Rands, and his publisher, Mr. Alexander Strahan—I have been able to identify and examine all his work. Three poems are included, by permission, from the reprint of “Lilliput Lectures,” which I lately edited for Mr. James Bowden. Messrs. Dalziel have allowed me to use one from “Hood’s Comic Annual.” All other rights belonged to Mr. Strahan, and have been transferred, with the full concurrence of Mr. P. W. Rands, to Mr. John Lane for this volume. Nothing has been included from “Innocent’s Island,” which we hope to reprint shortly with some of the “Lilliput Revels.” These are poems for children, with whom Rands was always at his best, and have been chosen in remembrance of their tastes and understandings. As many of them are printed from magazines and never received the author’s final revision, I have occasionally edited the text, without scruple, by omitting weak lines or even altering a word. R. B. J.
RAT-TAT! the postman knocks! This is the Lilliput letter-box. A penny for your thoughts, my dear! So said the Raven in Odin’s ear. Here comes a letter from Thing-a-my-Bob, A letter from Ruth, a letter from Rob. Rat-tat! the postman knocks! This is the Lilliput letter-box.