O LITTLE Ben Bute Had a flute, flute, flute, And went about the world in a knickerbocker suit; Down, up and down, And round about the town, He played and he played tootle-too, toot, toot! Tootle-too, tootle-too-ey! He could not play it well, So the notes rose and fell, Tootle, tootle-too, with a twirl and a squeak; The wind, puff, puff, Was forty times enough, That he sent into the flute from his cheek, cheek, cheek, Tootle-too, tootle-too-ey! Then people to the lad Said, “This is very bad! Our ears they are splitting, with your toot, toot, toot; Is there no one within reach— What, no one!—who will teach Little Bute how to play upon the flute, flute, flute?” Tootle-too, tootle-too-ey! |