THERE was a little jackdaw Lived on a vane; He was a very black daw, Shiny in the rain. There was a boy in gold; There was a girl in green; The lad was very bold; The maid was more serene. There was a little church; It had a little steeple; The jackdaw on his perch Cawed at the people. This little golden boy And green damosel Did make it their employ Their loves for to tell. And early in the morning, It came into their head Themselves to be adorning And go for to be wed. The girl in green did stammer At saying I take thee; Gaffer said, and Gammer, “What a pair they be!” The yellow boy was bolder, And spoke up like a king, As if he had been older— Hark, the bells ring! In pops the jackdaw At the belfry-door; “Caw!” says the jackdaw, “One peal more!” |