
Abbot of Leicester, 15

,, Salop, 6

„ Tavistock, 15

Addison, 80

Albrighton red-coats, 30

Aldenham, 32

Alfred, 19

Algar, 19

Apley, 32

Apperley, Col., 84

Arrows, 22

Atterley, 22, 32

Bachelors’ Hall, 104

Badger, 52

Barons’ War, 25

Barrow, 32

Battle of Worcester, 26

Baxter, 65

Beacons, 168

Beaver, 4

Bellet’s, Rev. George, Antiquities of Bridgnorth, 66

Belswardine, 32

Benson, M., Esq., 48

Benthall, 32

Benthall Edge, 53

Bernard’s Hill, 23

Bishop Bonner, 66

,, Percy, 65

Bittern, 5

Black Toms, 182

Bold, 32

Boney, 167

Bowman’s Hill, 26

Bow, the weapon of sport and of war, 22

Brock-holes, 52

Broseley, 32, 40

Brown Clee, 96

Brug, 40

Buck, 16

Buildwas, 100

Cantreyne, 32

Castellan, 23

Castillon, 14

Cask of wine, 24

Castle, 22

Caughley, 32

Chace of Shirlot, 31

Chaucer, 46

Chesterton, 18

Chester, Earl of, 25

Chetton, 31

Childers, 88

Christmas Day, 38

Claverley, 25

Clee Hills, 39

Cliffords, 40

Coalbrookdale, 40

Coed, 19

Colemore, 32

Collars of gold, 9

Constable, 45

Coracle, 6

Corbett, 24

Corve Dale, 51

Cox Morris, 115

Craft of Hunting, 16

Cressage, 49

Creswick, 45

D—n the Church, 116

Danesford, 19

Dastardly devils, 157

Dawley, 58

Dean, 32

Deer, 31, 36, 37, 39

Deer Leap, 36

Dibdin, 141

Ditton, 39

Dodos, 4

Domesday, 71

Dothill, 65

Druids, 46, 50

Drury Lane, 144

Duke’s Antiquities, 28

Duke of York, 171

Early features of the country, 8

Earl of Derby, 26

Earl Dundonald, 171

Easthope, 49

Egret, 5

Elk, Gigantic, 11

England, The, of our ancestor, 79

Evelith, 66

Eyton, 58

Eyton, Sir H, 63

Eyton, T. C, 63

Falcon, 9

First iron barge, 170

Fishing a recreation for the sick, 7

Fishing an attractive art, &c., 6

„ practised by primitive dwellers, 5

Forest Lodge, 28

Forest Roll, 58

Forester, Brook, 76

„ George, 76

,, Hugh, 58

„ John, 63

„ Robert, 58, 60, 63

„ Roger, 63

„ Squire, 76

„ William, 73

Forester’s Folly, 66

Forster, Richard, 64

Foster, Anthony, Lord of the Manor of Little Wenlock, 64

Foster, Anthony, a different character to what Sir Walter Scott represents him, 67, 68

Fox-holes, 52

Fox-hunters’ Christening, 120

Fox-hunting Moll, 121

Gammer Gurton’s Needle, 26, 29

Gatacre, 26

Gentlemen nearest the fire, 175

George Earl of Shrewsbury, 29

Goats, 25

Grant, singular, to John Forester, 63

Hangster’s Gate, 145

Harold, 48

Harpswood, 33

Hay Gate, 59

Haye, 60

Haye of Shirlot, 40

,, Wellington, 58

Hawking, 10

Hermitage, 26, 27

Heron, 10

Hill Top, 49

Hinton, 115

Honest old Tom, 89

Hope Bowdler, 49

Hughley, 49

Hugh Montgomery, 39

Hunting as old as the hills, 1

Hunting-matches, 61

Imbert, 40

Incledon, 143

Ipikin’s Rock, 49

Iron, 41

Kennels, 86

King Canute, 12

„ Edward I., 24

,, „ VI., 29

„ Henry I., 13

„ „ III. in Shrewsbury, 14

,, ,, III., 28

,, ,, VII., 29

„ „ VIII., 10, 63

„ John, 10

,, Richard I., 13

„ „ II., 28

„ William I., 12

Lacon, 73

Lady Oak, 49, 50

Larden, 48

Larry Palmer, 109

Latimer, 15

Legend, 20

Leland, 41

Lilleshall, 5

Linley, 42

Little Wenlock, 10

Lodge Farm, 36

Long runs, 96

Lutwyche, 48

Major Forester and his Volunteers, 159

Marsh and forest periods, 8

Maypoles, 86

Merrie days, 16

Mog Forest, 49

Moody, 11

Moody’s Horn, 127

Morfe Forest, 17

„ Volunteers, 172

Morville, 31

Mount St. Gilbert, 57

Muckley Row, 34

Needle’s Eye, 56

Oaks, 51

Offenders in forests, 14

Old boots, 138

Old Hall, 73

„ Lodge, 29

„ names, 27

„ records, 96

„ style of hunting, 84

,, Simkiss, 96

„ tenures, 41

,, Tinker, 96

„ trees, 50, 55

„ Trojan, 130

Ordericus Vitalis, 13, 18

Original letters, 90, 91

Parson Stephens in his shirt, 111

Parson Stephens and the poacher, 119

Pendlestone Mill, 57

Phoebe Higgs, 95

Pigmy, 88

Pilot, 88

Piers Plowman, 14

Prince Rufus, 13

Quatford, 21

Red deer, 30

Robin Hood, 23

Roger de Montgomery, 21

Savory, 92

Seabright, 130

Second Wenlock Loyal Volunteers, 165

Shade of Tom Moody, 146

Sherwood, 47

Shirlot, 34

Shipton, 51

Smallman’s Leap, 49

Smith, Sidney Stedman, Esq., 66

Smithies, 42

Sore sparrow-hawk, 9

Spoonhill, 48

Sporting priors, 37

Sporting visitations, 38

Sportsmen attend, 136

Squire Forester’s gift to Dibdin, 143

Squire Forester among his neighbours, 173

Squire Forester and the rioters, 177

Squire Forester in Parliament, 151

Squire Forester not a model for imitation, 177

Squire Forester notorious for his amours, 180

Squire Forester, Death of, 185

,, „ Extracts from the will of, 185

Stoke St. Milburgh, 40

Stubbs, 89

Sutton Maddock, 65

Swainmote, 24, 37

Swine, 20

Sylvan slopes, 47

Tasley, 32

Taylor, the water-poet, 60

Tevici, huntsman to Edward I., 12

Thursfield, Thomas, 44

„ William, 84

Tickwood, 100

Tom Moody, 122

Tom Moody’s last request, 135

Trencher hounds, 130

Tumuli, 18

Turner, 114

Venison, 35

Vivaries, 5

Volunteers, 158, 166

“Walls,” The, 18

Wastes, 25

Weirs, 5

Welds, The, 73

Wenlock (Loyal Volunteers), 159

Wenlock, 38, 152

Wheatland, 45

Who-who-hoop, 129

Wild boar, 29

Wilkinson, 114

Willey, 70

,, Church, 173, 186

„ rector, 118

,, Wharf, 170

Williley, 72

Wilton, 79

Windfalls, 35

Woodcraft, 14

Worf, 18

Wrekin, 55



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