Army Boys in the French Trenches; Or, Hand to Hand Fighting with the Enemy — Homer Randall
Army Boys on German Soil: Our Doughboys Quelling the Mobs — Homer Randall
Army Boys on the Firing Line; or, Holding Back the German Drive — Homer Randall
Handbook to the Severn Valley Railway / Illustrative and Descriptive of Places along the Line from Worcester to Shrewsbury — John Randall
History of Madeley / including Ironbridge, Coalbrookdale, and Coalport — John Randall
Love and the Ironmonger — F. J. Randall
Old Sports and Sportsmen; or, the Willey Country / with sketches of Squire Forester and his whipper-in Tom Moody — John Randall
The Clay Industries, Including the Fictile & Ceramic Arts on the Banks of the Severn / with notices of the early use of Shropshire clays, the history of pottery, porcelain, &c. in the district — John Randall