“Oh! I shall surely reach that place, Through matchless grace! One moment more below I linger, then I go, From this dark world of woe, Where floods of sorrow overflow, To those bright beauteous Plains, Where Glory everlasting reigns: That Land of heavenly Rest, Among the Pure and Blest, Where Jesus is—where I Shall never sin again or sigh;— In that bright World on high, There are no stains Of sin, and no remains Of sorrow, sighs, and pains; But pure and perfect happiness, And royal robes of heavenly dress, I shall eternally possess: Where holiness and peace Never to cease, But ever to increase, Abound—ah yes! this Bliss, Which I shall there possess, In all its glorious blessedness, Forever and forever reigns, O’er all those wide extended plains.” “Oh! I must meet you there, My brothers! you must share That Blessedness with me, So wonderful, so free; That Mansion in the skies, Not bought with gold or price, But with the precious blood, Of Christ, the Lamb of God, Who died on Calvary’s bloody tree, In pain, and bitterest agony, To set us guilty sinners free, From all our sin and misery. Oh! wondrous Love! that we, even WE, Despised, degraded, though we be, In wretchedness and poverty, May find Redemption in his Name, That rich Inheritance to claim, With yonder blood-washed company, All robed in spotless purity, And Joy, to all eternity.” “Oh! listen to the Great Redeemer’s voice, Receive His Word, make Him your choice, Trust in His Name, and in His Love rejoice, Forsake all sin, repent, and be forgiven, Then I shall meet you all again in Heaven.” |