The large, far intent Of the Kingly One Is only begun In rearing the tent; To nurture a soul Is the shining goal. Keen science speaketh A word clear and fair "The carbon in air The young oak seeketh In the greening years, Lo, a giant appears! "Shelter and warmth, see! Here final cause Of nature's wise laws; And the breath of the tree Is life unto man And lengthens his span.' But the Chemist who moves The atoms in dance, His all-seeing glance By His working proves,— From far-off to nigher, Feeds life that is higher. From blade to full ear, From acorn to beam, Unfoldings of dream, LinkËd series of cheer, Evolvings of grace, Shadows bright of His face! Sweet procession and slow, Every step of the way More precious each day, Till the starlit airs blow, Wake emotion that sleeps, Stir the fount of the deeps. O heaven's own fact Eternal, that beauty, As the sword on duty, Hangs silent on act Of nature forever,— Soul and body together! Nature, series divine Of act and of word From God's mouth seen or heard! As thou bring'st bread and wine I hear thy deep tone, "O not these alone!" All-divine unity! Writes the heaven-touched mind Responsive, once blind: All-divine harmony! Emotion's attest In the glow of my breast. |