This division is made in the proper termes: but the thing it selfe and the subject difference is common out of the angles and sides. Quadratum, a Quadrate, or square, is a rectangled parallellogramme of equall sides: as here thou seest aeio, to be. Plaines are with us, according to their diverse natures and qualities, measured with divers and sundry kindes of measures. Boord, Glasse, and Paving-stone are measured by the foote: Cloth, Wainscote, Painting, Paving, and such like, by the yard: Land, and Wood, by the Perch or Rodde. Of Measures and sundry sorts thereof commonly used and mentioned in histories we have in the former spoken at large: Yet for the farther confirmation of some thing then spoken, and here againe now upon this particular occasion repeated, it shall not be amisse to heare what our Statutes speake of these three sorts here mentioned. It is ordained, saith the Statute, That three Barley-cornes dry and round, doe make an Ynch: twelve ynches doe make a Foote: three foote doe make a Yard: Five yards and an halfe doe make a Perch: Fortie perches in length, and foure in breadth doe make an Aker. 33. Edwardi 1. De Terris mensurandis. Item, De compositione Ulnarum & Perticarum. Moreover observe, that all those measures there spoken A Quadrate therefore or square, seeing that it is equilater that is of equall sides: And equiangle by meanes of the equall right angles, of quadrangles that onely is ordinate. Therefore And The sides of equall quadrates are equally compared: If therefore two or more quadrates be equall, it must needs follow that their sides are equall one to another. And Or thus: The possibility of a right line is a square H. A right line is said posse quadratum, to be in power a square; because being multiplied in it selfe, it doth make a square. Or thus: If two equall perpendicular lines, ioyning one with another, be inclosed together by parallell lines they will make a square. H. As in aeio, let the perpendiculars ae, and ei, equall betweene themselves, be closed with two parallells, ao, against ei: And oi, against ae; they Or thus: The plaine number of a square, is a plaine number of equall sides, H. A quadrate or square number, is that which is equally equall: Or that which is comprehended of two equall numbers, A quadrate of all plaines is especially rationall; and yet not alwayes: But that onely is rationall whose number is a quadrate. Therefore the quadrates of numbers not quadrates, are not rationalls. Therefore Such quadrates are the first nine. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, made of once one, twice two, thrise three, foure times foure, five times five, sixe times sixe, seven times seven, eight times eight, and nine times nine. And this is the summe of the making and invention of a quadrate number of multiplication of the side given by it selfe.
Hereafter diverse comparisons of a quadrate or square, with a rectangle, with a quadrate, and with a rectangle and a quadrate iointly. The comparison or rate of a quadrate with a rectangle is first. And Or thus: If three lines be proportionall, the square made of the middle line is equall to the right angled parallelogramme made of the two outmost lines: H. It is a corallary out of the 28. e x. As in ae, ei, io. It is a consectary out of the 11. e viij. But it is sometime rationall, and to be expressed by a number: yet but in a scalene triangle onely. For the sides of an equicrurall right-angled triangle are irrationall; Whereas the sides of a scalene are sometime rationall; and that after two manners, the one of Pythagoras, the other of Plato, as Proclus teacheth, at the 47. p j. Pythagora's way is thus, by an odde number. Or thus: If the square of an odde number given for the first As in the example: The sides are 3, 4, and 5. And 25. the square of 5. the base, is equall to 16. and 9. the squares of the shanks 4. and 3. Againe, the quadrate or square of 3. the first shanke is 9. and 9 - 1. is 8, whose halfe 4, is the other shanke. And 9 + 1, is 10. whose halfe 5. is the base. Plato's way is thus by an even number. As in this example where the sides are 6, 8. and 10. For 100. the square of 10. the base is equall to 36. and 64. the squares of the shankes 6. and 8. Againe, the quadrate or square of 3. the halfe of 6, the first shanke, is 9. and 9 - 1, is 8, for the second shanke. And out of this rate of rationall powers (as Vitruvius, in the 2. Chapter of his IX. booke) saith Pythagoras taught how to make a most exact and true squire, by joyning of three rulers together in the forme of a triangle, which are one unto another as 3, 4. and 5. are one to another. From hence Architecture learned an Arithmeticall proportion in the parts of ladders and stayres. For that rate or proportion, as in many businesses and measures is very commodious; so also in buildings, and making of ladders or staires, that they may have moderate rises of the steps, it is very speedy. For 9 + 1. is, 10, base. Or thus: The diagonall line is in power double to the side, and is incommensurable unto it, H. As here thou seest, let the first quadrate bee aeio: Of whose diagony ai, let there be made the quadrate aiuy: This, I say, shall be the double of that: seeing that the diagonies power is equall to the power of both the equall shankes. Therefore it is double to the power of one of them. This is the way of doubling of a square taught by Plato, as Vitruvius telleth us: Which notwithstanding may be also doubled, trebled, or according to any reason assigned increased, by the 25 e iiij, as there was foretold. But that the Diagony is incommensurable unto the side it is the 116 p x. The reason is, because otherwise there might be given one quadrate number, double to another quadrate number: Which as Theon and Campanus teach us, is impossible to be found. But that reason which Aristotle bringeth is more cleare which is this; Because otherwise an even number should be odde. For if the Diagony be 4, and the side 3: The square of the Diagony 16, shall be double to the square of the side: And so the square of the side shall be 8. and the same square shall be 9, to wit, the square of 3. And so even shall be odde, which is most absurd. Hither may be added that at the 42 p x. That the segments of a right line diversly cut; the more unequall they are the greater is their power. Or thus: If the base of a right angled triangle be cut in double proportion, by a perpendicular comming from the right angle, it is in power sesquialter to the greater foote; and treble to the lesser: But if the base be cut in quadruple proportion, it is sesquiarta to the greater side, and quintuple to the lesser. As in aei, let the base ae, be so cut that the segment ao, be double to the segment oe, to wit, as 2 is to 1. The whole ae, shall be unto ao sesquialtera, that is, as 2 is to 3. And therefore by the 10 e viij, and 25 e iiij, the square of ae, shall be sesquialterum unto the square of ai. And by the same argument it shall be treble unto the quadrate or square of ei. The other, of the fourefold or quadruple section, are manifest in the figure following, by the like argument. Or thus: if a right line be cut into how many parts soever it is in power the multiplex of the segment, the square of the number of the section, being denominated thereof: H. So if it be cut into two equall parts, the power of it shall be foure times so much, as is the power of the halfe, taking demonstration from 4, which is the square of 2, according to which the division was made: If it be cut into three equall parts, the power of it shall be nine fold the power of the third part. If into foure equall parts, it shall be 16 times so much as is the power of the quarter: As here thou seest in these examples. The third rate of a quadrate is hereafter with two rectangles, and two quadrates, and first of equality. This is a consectary out of the 22 e x: Because a parallelogramme is equall to his two diagonals and complements. If the right ae, be cut in i, it maketh the quadrate aeuo, greater than eyi, and yus, the quadrates of the segments, by the two rectangles ay and yo. This is the rate of a quadrate with a rectangle and a quadrate. But the side of a quadrate proposed in a number is oft times sought. Therefore by the Therefore The side of a quadrate given is many times in numbers sought. Therefore by the former element and his consectaries the resolution of a quadrates side is framed and performed. Let therefore the side now of the quadrate number given be sought: And first let the Genesis or making be considered, such as you see here by the multiplication of numbers in the numbers themselves:
This is the rate of a quadrate with a rectangle & a quadrate, from whence is had the analisis or resolution of the side of a quadrate expressable by a number. For it is the same way fro Cambridge to London, that is from London to Cambridge. And this use of geometricall analysis remaineth, as afterward in a Cube, when as otherwise through the whole booke of Euclides Elements there is no other use at all of that. Here therefore thou shalt note or marke out the severall quadrates, beginning at the right hand and so proceeding towards the left; after this manner, 144. These notes doe signifie that so many severall sides to be found, to make up
Sometime after the quadrate now found, in the next places, there is neither any plaine nor square to bee found: Therefore the single side thereof shall be O. As in the quadrate 366025, the whole side is 605, consisting of three severall sides, of which the middle one is o.
And from hence the invention of a meane proportionall, betweene two numbers given, (if there be any such to be found) is manifest. For if the product of two numbers given be a quadrate, the side of the quadrate shall be the meane proportionall, betweene the numbers given; as is apparent by the golden rule: As for example, Betweene 4. and 9. two numbers given, I desire to know what is the meane proportion. I multiply therefore 4 and 9. betweene themselves, and the product is 36: which is a quadrate number; as you see in the former; And the side is 6. Therefore I say, the meane proportionall betweene 4. and 9. is 6, that is, As 4. is to 6. so is 6. to 9. If the number given be not a quadrate, there shall no arithmeticall side, and to be expressed by a number be found: And this figurate number is but the shadow of a Geometricall figure, and doth not indeede expresse it fully, neither is such a quadrate rationall: Yet notwithstanding the numerall side of the greatest square in such like number may be found: As in 148. The greatest quadrate continued is 144 and the side is 12. And there doe remaine 4. Therefore of such kinde of number, which is not a quadrate, there is no true or exact side: Neither shall there ever be found any so neare unto the true one; but there may still be one found more neare the truth. Therefore the side is not to be expressed by a number. Of the invention of this there are two wayes: The one is by the Addition of the gnomon; The other is by the Reduction of the number assigned unto parts of some greater denomination. The first is thus: For the sides is one of the complements, and being doubled it is the side of both together. And an unity is the latter diagonall. So the side of 148 is 12.4/25. The reason of this dependeth on the same proposition, Let the same example be reduced unto hundreds squared parts, thus: 1480000/10000. The side of 10000. by grant is 100. But the side of 1480000. the numerator by the former is 1216. and beside there doe remaine 1344: thus, 1216/100. that is, 12.16/100, or 4/25 which was discovered by the former way. But in the side of the numerator there remained 1344. By which little this second way is more accurate and precise than the first. Yet notwithstanding those remaines are not regarded, because they cannot adde so much as 1/100 part unto the side, found: For neither in deed doe 1344/2426. make one hundred part. Moreover in lesser parts, the second way beside the other, doth shew the side to be somewhat greater than the side, by the first way found: as in 7. the side by the first way is 3/25. But by the second way the side of 7. reduced unto thousands quadrates, that is unto 7000000/1000000, that is, 2645/1000, and beside there doe remaine 3975. But 645/1000 are greater than 3/5. Therefore this is the Analysis or manner of finding the side of a quadrate, by the first rate of a quadrate, equall to a double rectangle and quadrate. The Geodesy or measuring of a Triangle. There is one generall Geodesy or way of measuring any manner of triangle whatsoever in Hero, by addition of the sides, halving of the summe, subduction, multiplication, and invention of the quadrates side, after this manner. As for example, Let the sides of the triangle aei, be 6. 8. 10: The summe 24. the halfe of the summe 12. From which halfe subduct the sides 6. 8. 10. and let the remaines be 6. 4. 2. Now multiply continually these foure numbers 12. 6. 4. 2. and thou shalt make first of 12. and 6. 72. Of 72. and 4. 288. Lastly, of 288. and 2. 576. And the side of 576. by the 16. e. shall be found to be 24. for the content of the triangle: which also here will be found to be true, by multiplying the sides ae and ei, containing the right angle, the one by the other; and then taking the halfe of the product. This generall way of measuring a triangle is most easie and speedy, where the sides are expressed by whole numbers. The speciall geodesy of rectangle triangle was before taught (at the 9 e xj.) But of an oblique angle it shall hereafter be spoken. But the generall way is farre more Or thus: If the base of a triangle doe subtend an obtuse angle, it is in power more than the feete, by the right angled figure twise taken, which is contained under one of the feete and the line continued from the said foote unto the perpendicular drawne from the toppe of the triangle. H. There is a comparison of a quadrate with two in like manner triangles, and as many quadrates, but of unequality. As in the triangle aei, the quadrate of the base ai, is greater in power, than the quadrates of the shankes ae, and ei, by double of the rectangle ar, which is made of ae, one of the shankes, and of eo, the continuation of the same ae, unto o, the perpendicular of the toppe i. For by 9. e, the quadrate of ai, is equall to the quadrates of ao, and oi, that is, to three quadrates, of io, oe, ea, and the double rectangle aforesaid. But the quadrates of the shankes ae, ei, are equall to those three quadrates, to wit, of ai, his owne quadrate, and of ei, two, the first io, the second oe, by the 9. e. Therefore the excesse remaineth of a double rectangle. |