Or thus; Like plaines have the proportion of their correspondent proportionall sides doubled, & one meane proportionall: Hitherto wee have spoken of plaine lines and their affections: Plaine figures and their kindes doe follow in the next place. And first, there is premised a common corollary drawne out of the 24. e. iiij. because in plaines there are but two dimensions. Straightnesse, and crookednesse, was the difference of lines at the 4. e. ij. From thence is it here repeated and attributed to a surface, which is geometrically made of lines. That made of right lines, is rectileniall: that which is made of crooked lines, is Obliquilineall. A plaine rightlined surface is that which is on all sides inclosed and comprehended with right lines. And yet they are not alwayes right betweene themselves, but such lines as doe lie equally betweene their owne bounds, and without comparison are all and every one of them right lines. Or thus: A right lined plaine maketh his angles equall unto right angles: Namely the inward angles generally, are equall unto the even numbers from two forward, but the outward angles are equall but to 4. right angles. H. The first kinde I meane of rectilineals, that is a triangle doth make all his inner angles equall to two right angles, that is, to a binary, the first even number of right angles: the second, that is a quadrangle, to the second even number, that is, to a quaternary or foure: The third, that is, a Pentangle, of quinqueangle to the third, that is a senary of right angles, or 6. and so farre forth as thou seest in this Arithmeticall progression of even numbers,
Notwithstanding the outter angles, every side continued and drawne out, are alwayes equall to a quaternary of right angles, that is to foure. The former part being granted (for that is not yet demonstrated) the latter is from thence concluded: For of the inner angles, that of the outter, is easily proved. For the three angles of a triangle are equall to two right angles. The foure of a quadrangle to foure: of a quinquangle, to sixe: of a sexe angle, to eight: Of septangle, to tenne, and so forth, form a binarie by even numbers: Whereupon, by the 14. e. V. a perpetuall quaternary of the outer angles is concluded. As before of a line was made a lineate: so here in like manner of a triangle is made a triangulate. As here aei. A triangular figure is of Euclide defined from the three sides; whereupon also it might be called Trilaterum, that is three sided, of the cause: rather than Trianglum, three cornered, of the effect; especially seeing that three angles, and three sides A triangle or threesided figure is the prime or most simple figure of all rectilineals. For amongst rectilineall figures there is none of two sides: For two right lines cannot inclose a figure. What is meant by a prime figure, was taught at the 11. e. iiij. And Thus much of the difinition of a triangle; the reason or Let the triangle be aei; I say, the side ai, is shorter, than the two sides ae, and ei, because by the 6. e ij, a right line is betweene the same bounds the shortest. Therefore Let it be desired that a triangle be made of these three lines, aei, given, any two of them being greater than the other: First let there be drawne an infinite right; From this let there be cut off continually three portions, to wit, ou, uy, and ys, equall to ae, and i, the three lines given. Then upon the ends y, and u, at the distances ou, and ys; let two peripheries meet in the point r. The rayes from that meeting unto the said ends, u, and y, shall make the triangle ury: for those rayes shall be equall to the right lines given, by the 10. e v. And As here upon ae, there is made the equilater triangle, aei; And in like manner may be framed the construction of an equicrurall triangle, by a common ray, unequall unto the line given; and of a scalen or various triangle, by three diverse raies; all which are set out here in this one figure. But these specialls are contained in the generall probleme: neither doe they declare or manifest unto us any new point of Geometry. Such therefore was the reason or rate of the sides in one triangle; the proportion of the sides followeth. As here in the triangle aei, let ou, be parallell to the base; and let a third parallel be understood to be in the toppe a; therefore, by the 28. e. v. the intersegments are proportionall. The converse is forced out of Hitherto therefore is declared the comparison in the sides of a triangle. Now is declared the reason or rate in the angles, which joyntly taken are equall to two right angles. The truth of this proposition, saith Proclus, according to common notions, appeareth by two perpendiculars erected upon the ends of the base: for looke how much by the leaning of the inclination, is taken from two right angles at the base, so much is assumed or taken in at the toppe, and so by that requitall the equality of two right angles is made; as in the triangle aei, let, by the 24. e v, ou, be parallell against ie. Here three particular angles, iao, iae, eau, are equall to two right lines; by the 14. e v. But the inner angles are equall to the same three: For first, eai, is equall to it selfe: Then the other two are equall to their alterne angles, by the 24. e v. Therefore For if three angles be equall to two right angles, then And This is the rate of the inner angles in one and the same triangle: The rate of the outter with the inner opposite angles doth followe. As in the triangle aei, let the side ei, be continued or drawne out unto o; the two angles on each side aio and aie, are by the 14 e v. equall to two right angles: and the three inner angles, are by the 13. e. equall also to two right angles; take away aie, the common angle, and the outter angle aio, shall be left equall to the other two inner and opposite angles. Therefore This is a consectary following necessarily upon the next former consectary. The antecedent is apparent by the 7. e iij. The converse is apparent by an impossibilitie, which otherwise must needs follow. For if any one shanke be greater than the other, as ae: Then by the 7. e v. let oe, be cut off equall to it: and let oi, be drawne: then by 7. e iij. the base oi, must Therefore For the angles aei, and ieo: Item aie, and eiu, are equall to two right angles, by the 14. e v. Therefore they are equall betweene themselves: wherefore if you shall take away the inner angles, equall betweene themselves, you shall leave the outter equall one to another. And It is a consectary out of the condition of an equicrurall triangle of two, both shankes and angles, as in the example aei, shall be demonstrated. And For seeing that 3. angles are equall to 2. 1. must needs be equall to 2/3. And As here. For 2/3. of a right angle sixe lines added together doe make 12/3. that is foure right angles; but foure right angles doe fill a place by the 27. e. iiij. Subtendere, to draw or straine out something under another; and in this place it signifieth nothing else but to make a line or such like, the base of an angle, arch, or such like. And subtendi, is to become or made the base of an angle, arch, of a circle, or such like: As here, let ai, be a greater side than ae, I say the angle at e, shall be greater than that at i. For let there be cut off from ai, a portion equall to ae,; and let that be io: then the angle aei, equicrurall to the angle oie, shall be greater in base, by the grant. Therefore the angle shall be greater, by the 9 e iij. The converse is manifest by the same figure: As let the angle aei, be greater than the angle aie. Therefore by the same, 9 e iij. it is greater in base. For what is there spoken The mingled proportion of the sides and angles doth now remaine to be handled in the last place. Let the triangle be aei; and let the angle eai, be cut into two equall parts, by the right line ao: I say, as ea, is unto ai, so eo, is unto oi. For at the angle i, let the parallell iu, by the 24. e v. be erected against ao; and continue or draw out ea, infinitly; and it shall by the 20. e v. cut the same iu, in some place or other. Let it therefore cut it in u. Here, by the 28. e v. as ea, is to au, so is eo, to oi. But au, is equall to ai, by the 17. e. For the angle uia, is equall to the alterne angle oai, by the 21. e v. And by the grant it is equall to oae, his equall: And by the 21. e v. it is equall to the inner angle aui; and by that which is concluded it is equall to uia, his equall. Therefore by the 17. e, au, and ai, are equall. Therefore as ea, is unto ai, so is eo, unto oi. The Converse likewise is demonstrated in the same figure. For as ea, is to ai; so is eo, to oi: And so is ea, to au, by the 12 e: therefore ai, and au, are equall, Item the angles eao, and oai, are equall to the angles at u, and i, by the 21. e v. which are equall betweene themselves by the 17. e. |