| Pag. | Frontispiece, reproduced from a copper engraving in Swedenborg’s Opera Philosophica et Mineralia, Vol. I., printed in Dresden and Leipzig, in 1734. | | Title Page | 5 | The vignette on the title page is reproduced from the medal struck in honour of Emanuel Swedenborg, in 1852, by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. | | Introduction | 9 | Swedenborg’s investigations in natural science. | | Swedenborg’s mathematical, mechanical and astronomical investigations | 11 | Swedenborg’s geological, mineralogical, chemical, physical, and cosmological investigations | 14 | Swedenborg’s anatomical and physiological investigations | 16 | The basis for Swedenborg’s statements concerning the functions of the brain. | | On the centres of the vegetative functions | 27 | On the centres of the psychical functions, especially the sensory centres | 28 | On the centres of the motor functions | 32 | The doctrine of localizations | 35 | The cerebellular theory | 43 | Concluding summary | 47 | Notes | 50 |