Frontispiece, reproduced from a copper engraving in Swedenborg’s Opera Philosophica et Mineralia, Vol. I., printed in Dresden and Leipzig, in 1734.
Title Page 5
The vignette on the title page is reproduced from the medal struck in honour of Emanuel Swedenborg, in 1852, by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Introduction 9
Swedenborg’s investigations in natural science.
Swedenborg’s mathematical, mechanical and astronomical investigations 11
Swedenborg’s geological, mineralogical, chemical, physical, and cosmological investigations 14
Swedenborg’s anatomical and physiological investigations 16
The basis for Swedenborg’s statements concerning the functions of the brain.
On the centres of the vegetative functions 27
On the centres of the psychical functions, especially the sensory centres 28
On the centres of the motor functions 32
The doctrine of localizations 35
The cerebellular theory 43
Concluding summary 47
Notes 50


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