The table on p. 222 shows the number of reports included in returns for the years 1900-12. Cases of acute poisoning in factories and workshops are reportable to the Inspector and certifying surgeon, under the Notice of Accidents Act, 1906, when (a) causing loss of life or (b) due to molten metal, hot liquid, explosion, escape of gas or steam, and so disabling any person as to cause absence throughout at least one whole day from his ordinary work. The following table gives indication of the relative frequency of cases of poisoning from gases and fumes, although some were reported as accidents the result of the unconsciousness induced:
The principal figures are those of all cases, fatal and non-fatal; the small figures relate to fatal cases. If the teeth are set, close the lips and one nostril. Let the conical end of the mouthpiece slightly enter the other nostril during breathing in, and remove it for breathing out. 1. Ferro-silicon should not be sent out from the works immediately after manufacture, but after being broken up into pieces of the size in which it is usually sold, should be stored under cover, but exposed to the air as completely as possible, for at least a month before being despatched from the works. 2. Manufacturers should be required to mark in bold letters each barrel or other parcel of ferro-silicon with the name and percentage grade (certified by chemical analysis) of the material; the name of the works where it is produced; the date of manufacture; and date of despatch. 3. The carriage of ferro-silicon on vessels carrying passengers should be prohibited. When carried on cargo boats it should, if circumstances permit, be stored on deck. If it be considered necessary to store it elsewhere, the place of storage should be capable of being adequately ventilated, and such place of storage should be cut off by airtight bulkheads from the quarters occupied by the crew of the vessel. 4. This regulation should apply to the transport of ferro-silicon on river or canal barges as well as on sea-going vessels. 5. Storage places at docks or at works where ferro-silicon is used should have provision for free access of air, and should be situated at a distance from work-rooms, mess-rooms, offices, &c. |