Introduction xiii
Part I.—Description of the industries and processes attended with risk of poisoning: incidence of such poisoning
Chemical Industry 1
Sulphuric acid industry (sulphur dioxide): use of sulphuric acid 4
Its effects on health 9
Hydrochloric acid, saltcake and soda industry 14
Their effects on health 20
Use of sulphate and sulphide of soda 22
Ultramarine 22
Sulphonal 22
Diethyl sulphate 23
Chlorine, chloride of lime and chlorates 23
Their effect on health 26
Other chlorine compounds and their use as well as bromine, iodine and fluorine 29
Chlorides of phosphorus 30
Chlorides of sulphur 31
Zinc chloride 32
Rock salt 32
Organic chlorine compounds 32
Carbon oxychloride (phosgene) 32
Carbon chlorine compounds (aliphatic) 33
Methyl chloride 33
Methylene chloride 34
Carbon tetrachloride 34
Ethyl chloride 34
Monochloracetic acid 34
Chloral 34
Chloroform 34
Chloride of nitrogen 35
Cyanogen chloride 35
Chlorobenzene 35
Benzo trichloride, benzyl chloride 35
Nitro- and dinitro-chlorobenzene 35
Iodine and iodine compounds 36
Bromine and bromine compounds 36
Methyl iodide and methyl bromide 36
Fluorine compounds 37
Hydrofluoric and silicofluoric acids 38
Manufacture and uses of nitric acid 39
Its effect on health 40
Nitric and nitrous salts and compounds 44
Barium nitrate 44
Ammonium nitrate 44
Lead nitrate 44
Mercurous and mercuric nitrate 204
Naphthalene 208
Sub-group: Halogen substitution products of the aliphatic series (narcotic poisons) 208
Sub-group: Halogen substitution products of the benzene series 209
Sub-group: Hydroxyl substitution products of the fatty series 210
Group: Nitro- and amido-derivatives of the aliphatic and aromatic series 211
Sub-group: Nitro-derivatives of the aliphatic series 212
Sub-group: Nitro- and amido-derivatives of the aromatic series 212
Turpentine, pyridene, alkaloids, nicotine, poisonous woods 215
Part III.—Preventive measures against industrial poisoning
General preventive measures 217
International action, notification of poisoning, schedules of poisons 218
Special preventive measures for workers—selection, periodical medical examination, co-operation of workers, &c. 226
Rescue appliances 230
Washing accommodation and baths 237
Removal of dust and fumes by exhaust ventilation 242
Preventive Measures in Particular Industries 256
Sulphuric acid industry 256
Hydrochloric acid and soda industries 257
Chlorine, bleaching powder, chlorine compounds 259
Manufacture of nitric acid and explosives 260
Artificial manures, basic slag 261
Chromium and its compounds 265
Petroleum, benzine 267
Phosphorus, lucifer matches 268
Bisulphide of carbon 271
Illuminating gas, tar production 275
Gas power plant 276
Acetylene gas installations 278
Ammonia 279
Cyanogen, cyanogen compounds 280
Coal tar, tar products 280
Organic dye-stuffs, coal tar colours 285
Recovery and use of metals 288
Iron 289
Lead 292
Lead smelting 299
Electric accumulators 305
White lead and lead colours 310
Letterpress printing 316
Ceramic industry 319
File cutting 321
Other uses of lead 322
Zinc smelting


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