
Ad, or Hades, 303
Anepou and Satou, story of, 122
Andrew, St., legend about, 348
Arimaspians, 190
Awful Drunkard, story of the, 46
Baba Yaga, her name and nature, 146;
stories about, 103-107, 148-166, 254-256
Back, cutting strips from, 155
Bad Wife, story of the, 52
Beanstalk stories, 35, 296
Beer and Corn, legend of, 339
Birds, legends about, 335
Blind Man and Cripple, story of the, 246
Bluebeard’s Chamber, 109
Brandy, legend about origin of, 378
Bridge-building incident, 306
Brothers, enmity between, 93
Brushes, magic, 151
Cat, Whittington’s, 56
Chort, or devil, 35
Christ’s Brother, legend of, 338
Chudo Morskoe, or water monster, 143
Chudo Yudo, a many-headed monster, 83
Clergy: their bad reputation in folk-tales, 40
Coffin Lid, story of the, 314
Combs, magic, 151
Creation of Man, legends about, 330
Cross Surety, story of the, 40
Curses, legends about, 363
Days of the Week, legends about, 206-212
Dead Mother, story of the, 32
Demons: part played in the Skazkas by, 361;
souls of babes stolen by, 363;
legends about children devoted to, 364;
about persons who give themselves to, 367;
dulness of, 375;
tricks played upon, 375;
gratitude of, 377;
resemblance of to snakes, 380
Devil, legends about, 330, 331, 333
Dnieper, Volga, and Dvina, story of the, 217
Dog, legends about, 330-332
Dog and Corpse, story of the, 317
Dolls, or puppets, magic, 167-169
Don and Shat, story of the rivers, 215
Drink, Russian peasant’s love of, 42;
stories about, 48
Durak, or Ninny, stories about, 23, 62
Eggs, lives of mythical beings connected with, 119-124
Elijah, traditions about, 341-343
Elijah and Nicholas, legend of, 344
Emilian the Fool, story of, 269
Evil, personified, 186
Fiddler in Hell, story of the, 303
Fiend, story of the, 24
Fool and Birch-tree, story of the, 62
Fools, stories about, 62
Fortune, stories about, 203
Fox-Physician, story of the, 296
Fox-Wailer, story of the, 35
Friday, legend of, 207
Frost, story of, 221
George, St., legends about, 348;
the Wolves and, 349;
the Gypsy and, 350;
the people of Troyan and, 351
Ghost stories, 295-328
Gold-Men, 231
Golden Bird, the Zhar-Ptitsa or, 291
Golovikha, or Mayoress, story of the, 55
GorÉ, or Woe, story of, 192
Gossip’s Bedstead, story of the, 381
Gravestone, story of the Ride on the, 308
Greece, Vampires in, 323
Gypsy, story of St. George and the, 350
Hades, 303
Hasty Word, story of the, 370
Head, story of the trunkless, 230
Headless Princess, story of the, 276
Heaven-tree Myth, 298
Helena the Fair, story of, 262
Hell, story of the Fiddler in, 303
Hills, legend of creation of, 333
Ivan Popyalof, story of, 79
Katoma, story of, 246
Koshchei the Deathless, stories of, 96-115
KruchÌna, or Grief, 201
Kuzma and Demian, the holy Smiths, 82
Lame and Blind Heroes, story of the, 246
Laments for the dead, 36
Leap, bride won by a, 266-269
Legends, 329-382
LÉshy, or Wood-demon, story of the, 213
Life, Water of, 237
Likho the One-Eyed, story of, 186
Luck, stories about, 203-206
Marya Morevna, story of, 97
Medea’s Cauldron incident, 359, 368
Miser, story of the, 60
Mizgir, or Spider, story of the, 68
Morfei the Cook, story of, 234
Mouse, legends about the, 334
Mythology, &c. Personifications of Good and Evil, 77;
the Snake, 78;
Daylight eclipsed by a Snake, 81;
the Chudo-Yudo, 83;
the Norka-Beast, 86;
the Usuinya-Bird, 95;
Koshchei the Deathless, 96-116;
the Bluebeard’s Chamber myth, 109;
stories about external hearts and fatal eggs, &c., 119-124;
the Water Snake, 129;
the Tsar Morskoi or Water King, 130-141;
the King Bear, 142;
the Water-Chudo, 143;
the Idol, 144;
Female embodiments of Evil, 146;
the Baba Yaga, 146-166;
magic dolls or puppets, 167;
the story of Verlioka, 170;
the Supernatural Witch, 170-183;
The Sun’s Sister and the Dawn, 178-185;
Likho or Evil, 186-187;
Polyphemus and the Arimaspians, 190;
GorÉ or Woe, 192;
Nuzhda or Need, 199;
KruchÌna or Grief, 201;
Zluidni, 201;
stories about Luck, 203-206;
Friday, 206;
Wednesday, 208;
Sunday, 211;
the LÉshy or Woodsprite, 213;
stories about Rivers, 215-221;
about Frost, 221;
about the Whirlwind, 232;
Morfei, 234;
Oh! the, 235;
Waters of Life and Death, 237-242;
SymplÊgades, 242;
Waters of Strength and Weakness, 243-245;
Magic Horses, 249, 264;
a Magic Pike, 269-273;
Witchcraft stories, 273-295;
the Zhar-Ptitsa or Glow-Bird, 289-292;
upper-world ideas, 296;
the heaven-tree myth, 296-302;
lower-world ideas, 303;
Ghost-stories, 308;
stories about Vampires, 313-322;
home and origin of Vampirism, 323-328;
legends about Saints, the Devil, &c., 329;
Perun, the thunder-god, 341;
superstitions about lightning, 343;
legends about St. George and the Wolves, 349;
old Slavonian gods changed into demons, 362;
power attributed to curses, 364;
dulness of demons, 375;
their resemblance to snakes, 380
National character, how far illustrated by popular tales, 18
Need, story of Nuzhda or, 199
Nicholas, St., legends about, 343;
his kindness, 352-354;
story of the Priest of, 355
Nicholas, St., and Elijah, story of, 343
Norka, story of the, 86
Oh! demon named, 235
One-Eyed Likho, story of, 186
One-Eyes, Ukraine legend of, 190
Peewit, legend about the 335
Perun, the thunder-god, 341
Pike, story of a magic, 269
Polyphemus, 190
Poor Widow, story of the, 336
Popes, Russian Priests called, 36
Popular Tales, their meaning &c., 16-18;
human and supernatural agents in, 75-78
Popyalof, story of Ivan, 79
Priest with the Greedy Eyes, story of the, 355
Princess Helena the Fair, story of the, 262
Purchased Wife, story of the, 44
Ride on the Gravestone, story of the, 308
Rip van Winkle story, 310
Rivers, legends about, 215-221
Russian children, appearance of, 157
Russian Peasants;
their dramatic talent, 19;
pictures of their life contained in folk-tales, 21;
a village soirÉe, 24;
a courtship, 31;
a death, 32;
preparations for a funeral, 33;
wailing over the dead, 35;
a burial, 36;
religious feeling of, 40;
passion for drink, 42;
humor, 48;
their jokes against women, 49;
their dislike of avarice, 59;
their jokes about simpletons, 62
Rye, legends about, 332
Saints, legends about, 341;
Ilya or Elijah, 341-343;
story of Elijah and Nicholas, 344;
St. Andrew, 348;
St. George, 348-352;
St. Nicholas, 352-354;
St. Kasian, 352
Scissors story, 49
SemilÉtka, story of, 44
Shroud, story of the, 311
Skazkas or Russian folk-tales,
their value as pictures of Russian life, 19-23;
occurrence of word skazka in, 23;
their openings, 62;
their endings, 83
Smith and the Demon, story of the, 70
Snake, the mythical, his appearance, 78;
story of Ivan Popyalof, 79;
story of the Water Snake, 126;
Snake Husbands, 129;
legend about the Common Snake, 334;
likeness between Snakes and Demons, 380
Soldier and Demon, story of, 380
Soldier and the Devil, legend about, 366
Soldier and the Vampire, story of the, 318
Soldier’s Midnight Watch, story of the, 279
Sozh and Dnieper, story of, 216
Sparrow, legends about the, 335
Spasibo or Thank You, 202
Spider, story of the, 68
Stakes driven through Vampires, 326-328
Stepmothers, character of, 94
Strength and Weakness, Waters of, 243
Suicides and Vampires, 327
Sunday, tales about, 211
Sun’s Sister, 178-182
Swallow, legends about the, 335
Swan Maidens, 129
SymplÊgades, 242
Terema or Upper Chambers, 182
Three Copecks, story of the, 56
Treasure, story of the, 36
Troyan, City of, legend about, 351
Two Corpses, story of the, 316
Two Friends, story of the, 309
Ujak or Snake, 126
Unwashed, story of the, 366
Usuinya-Bird, 95
Vampires, stories about, 313-322;
account of the belief in, 322-328
Vasilissa the Fair, story of, 158
Vazuza and Volga, story of, 215
Vechernitsa or Village SoirÉe, 24
Verlioka, story of, 170
Vieszcy, the Kashoube Vampire, 325
Vikhor or the Whirlwind, story of, 232-244
Volga, story of Vazuza and, 215;
of Dnieper and Dvina and, 217
Vy, the Servian, 84
Warlock, story of the, 292
Water King and Vasilissa the Wise, story of the, 130
Water Snake, story of the, 126
Waters of Life and Death, 237-242
Waters of Strength and Weakness, 243
Wednesday, legend of, 208
Week, Days of the, 206-21
Whirlwind, story of the, 232
Whittington’s Cat, 56-58
Wife, story of the Bad, 49;
about a Good, 56
Wife-Gaining Leap, stories of a, 266-269
Witch, story of the, 171
Witch, story of the Dead, 34
Witch and Sun’s Sister, story of the, 178
Witch Girl, story of the, 274
Witchcraft, 170-183, 273-295
Woe, story of, 193
Wolf-fiend, story of a, 376
Wolves, traditions about, 349
Women, jokes about, 49-56
Yaga Baba. See Baba Yaga
Youth, Fountain of, 72
Zhar-Ptitsa or Glow Bird, 289-292
Zluidni, malevolent beings called, 201

Transcriber's Note:

The frontispiece illustration has been moved to follow the title page. Alphabetic links have been added to the Index for ease of navigation.

There are a few Greek words in this text, which may require adjustment of your browser settings to display correctly. A transliteration of each word is included. Hover your mouse over words underlined with a faint red dashed underline to see them.

The footnotes relating to vampires (pp. 323-4) reference modern Greek. In these cases only, has been transliterated as a v rather than a b.

There were a very large number of typographic errors in the source edition of this text. Minor punctuation errors (omitted or incorrect punctuation, mismatched quote marks etc.) have been amended without note. Regularly used abbreviations (for example, "Grimm, KM." or "P.V.S.") have been made consistent throughout, without note. Use of accents have been made consistent throughout without note. Hyphenation has been made consistent throughout, without note.

The author uses some alternative spellings—for example, "arn't" rather than "aren't", "dulness" rather than "dullness", both "shan't" and "sha'n't"—which have been left unchanged. There are also some unusual grammatical structures in places, which probably result from the author's intention to render the translations as literally as possible. These have also been left unchanged.

The remaining amendments are listed below. All were checked against a later edition of the book that had been retypeset, and references to other works were additionally checked against online library catalogues. In the case of proper names, the amendments were based on other available occurrences of the name in the text. These amendments are also shown in the text with a faint grey dotted underline. Hover your mouse over these words to see the original text or a note about the amendment.

Page 9—Khudyayof amended to Khudyakof—"Khudyakof (I.A.). ..."
Page 9, footnote [7]—1 amended to i—"... Afanasief," i. No. 2, ..."
Page 10—Karadjich amended to Karajich—"The name "Karajich" refers to the ..."
Page 10—Tale amended to Tales—"... the "Popular Tales of the West Highlands," 4 vols. ..."
Page 14—page reference for The Shroud amended from 351 to 311.
Page 14—page reference for The Dog and the Corpse amended from 316 to 317.
Page 16—medieval amended to mediÆval—"... a blurred transcript of a page of mediÆval history ..."
Page 20, footnote [13]—Helen amended to Helena—"... the close of the story of Helena the Fair ..."
Page 32—bare amended to bore—"Well, the mistress bore a son ..."
Page 37—garveyard amended to graveyard—"I’ll go to the graveyard, ..."
Page 37—pack amended to back—"... and hobbled back again ..."
Page 41—rubles amended to roubles—"... he had gained a hundred and fifty thousand roubles ..."
Page 42, footnote [37]—Nicola's amended to Nicholas's—"In another story St. Nicolas’s picture is the surety."
Page 44, footnote [41]—Dei amended to Die—"Die kluge Bauerntochter"
Page 45—crouched amended to couched—"... couched in terms of the utmost severity ..."
Page 49—alternation amended to alteration—"... how little alteration it may undergo."
Page 54, footnote [54]—chortevnok amended to chortenok—"... (chortenok = a little chort or devil) ..."
Page 55—Golovh amended to Golova—"Golova = head"
Page 59—the author uses the statement, "The folk-tales of all lands delight to gird at misers and skinflints ...". While gird does not seem to be the right word in this context, it's unclear what the author really intended—possibly gibe?—so it is left as printed.
Page 80, footnote [77]—Afansief amended to Afanasief—"... i.e., says Afanasief ..."
Page 83, footnote [83]—Wissenchaften amended to Wissenschaften—"... Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften ..."
Page 92—MÄhrchen amended to MÄrchen—"...Schleicher’s "Litauische MÄrchen" ..."
Page 97, footnote [101]—Afansief amended to Afanasief—"Afanasief, viii. No. 8. ..."
Page 98—gronnd amended to ground—"The Eagle smote upon the ground ..."
Page 101—Is it amended to It is—"It is possible to sow wheat, ..."
Page 104—me amended to met—"Presently there met him a lioness ..."
Page 104—omitted 'I' added—"... so hungry, I feel quite unwell!"
Page 109, footnote [108]—No. 20o amended to No. 20—"Khudyakof, No. 20."
Page 110—faries amended to fairies—"... a lake in which fairies of the swan-maiden ..."
Page 113, footnote [114]—chigunnova amended to chugunnova—"Do chugunnova kamnya, to an iron stone."
Page 120, footnote [128]—SiebenbÜgen amended to SiebenbÜrgen—"... Deutsche VolksmÄrchen aus dem Sachsenlande in SiebenbÜrgen ..."
Page 123, footnote [136]—Professer amended to Professor—"... referred to by Professor Benfey ..."
Page 123, footnote [136]—Egyptain amended to Egyptian—"... parallel to part of the Egyptian myth ..."
Page 126—nto amended to into—"Then in a moment they rolled themselves into ..."
Page 129, footnote [142]—Rusalk amended to Rusalka—"For a description of the Rusalka ..."
Page 138, footnote [146]—traslated amended to translated—"The word here translated ..."
Page 143, footnote [148]—Afansief amended to Afanasief—"Afanasief, v. No. 28. In the preceding story ..."
Page 146, footnote [160]—the word "jenzi" is repeated. Probably one of the occurrences had a diacritical mark which was not reproduced in this edition; it has been left as printed.
Page 153—foul's amended to fowl's—"... twirling round on "a fowl’s leg.""
Page 160—By-and-bye amended to By-and-by—"By-and-by she put out the lights ..."
Page 167, footnote [194]—government amended to Government—"From the Poltava Government."
Page 170, footnote [204]—Afansief amended to Afanasief—"Afanasief, vii. No. 18."
Page 170, footnote [205]—Sanscrit amended to Sanskrit—"... answering to the Sanskrit ..."
Page 171, footnote [206]—Voronej amended to Voroneje—"From the Voroneje Government."
Page 172, footnote [208]—Shazka amended to Skazka—"... the Skazka for that of witch ..."
Page 172—Ivaschechko amended to Ivashechko (verse following "... called to her son")—"Ivashechko, Ivashechko, my boy ..."
Page 177—servants-maids amended to servant-maids—"... the bereaved mother sends three servant-maids ..."
Page 177, footnote [214]—Id. amended to Ibid.—"Ibid. No. 52."
Page 179—woman amended to women—"... where two old women were sewing ..."
Page 190—in amended to it—"... there is no occasion to dwell upon it here."
Page 208, footnote [255]—Rhudyakof amended to Khudyakof—"Khudyakof, No. 166."
Page 213—plating amended to plaiting—"... sat a moujik plaiting a bast shoe."
Page 214—alloting amended to allotting—"... when God was allotting their shares ..."
Page 215, footnote [267]—i.i. amended to ii.—"Afanasief, P.V.S., ii. 226."
Page 217, footnote [271]—Borichesky amended to Borichefsky—"Quoted from Borichefsky ..."
Page 218—withen amended to within—"... when he came within a few versts of the sea- shore ..."
Page 225—superfluous 'to' removed before "out to merry-makings"
Page 228—put amended to puts—"... the girl puts on the robes, and appears ..."
Page 233—n amended to in—"... went out one day to walk in the garden."
Page 233—omitted 'a' added—"... hiding him behind a number of cushions, ..."
Page 241—Brynhildr amended to Brynhild—"... who bear so great a resemblance to Brynhild ..."
Page 252, footnote [321]—omitted roman i. reference added—"See A. de Gubernatis, "Zool. Mythology," i. 181."
Page 255—euough amended to enough—"That’s no go, sure enough!"
Page 257—t amended to it—"If the Princess found it out, ..."
Page 260, footnote [326]—omitted word 'Cox' added—"... by G. W. Cox ..."
Page 261, footnote [328]—Kullish amended to Kulish—"For a little-Russian version see Kulish ..."
Page 262—shaskas amended to skazkas—"But skazkas tell that ..."
Page 276—the amended to The—"The fiend disappears howling, ..."
Page 276, footnote [363]—MÄrchensammlung amended to MÄhrchensammlung—"Brockhaus’s "MÄhrchensammlung des Somadeva Bhatta" ..."
Page 277—dont amended to don't—"... from your psalter and don’t look behind ..."
Page 286—of amended to off—"Do you drive off with the coffin, ..."
Page 288, footnote [368]—Gessellschaft amended to Gesellschaft—"... KÖnigl. SÄchs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften ..."
Page 291—sportman amended to sportsman—"... a sportsman finds in a forest ..."
Page 313, footnote [407]—GeÖthe amended to Goethe—"... Goethe founded his weird ballad ..."
Page 321—omitted word 'in' added—"The pyre became wrapped in flames ..."
Page 334, footnote [430]—Tereschenko amended to Tereshchenko—"Tereshchenko, v. p. 45."
Page 335, footnote [433]—Tereschenko amended to Tereshchenko—"Tereshchenko, v. 47."
Page 344, footnote [445]—Il'inskomy amended to Il'inskomu—"Il’inskomu bat’kye—to the Elijah father."
Page 350, footnote [448]—page reference 206 amended to 212—"... mentioned above, p. 212."
Page 354, footnote [453]—page reference 27 amended to 40—"... See above, p. 40."
Page 365, footnote [464]—omitted apostrophe added after Prolub—"Prolub’"
Page 369—merged amended to emerged—"At last he emerged from his ecstasy"
Page 374—cap amended to chap—"... into the “Gesta Romanorum” (chap. clxii.) ..."
Page 378—youself amended to yourself—"Hire yourself to him ..."
Page 379, footnote [482]—Governmen amended to Government—"From the Tula Government."
Page 381, footnote [486]—familar amended to familiar—"... a tale familiar to many lands."
Page 383—page reference 316 amended to 317 in index entry for "Dog and Corpse, story of the".
Page 384—page reference 194 amended to 201 in index entry for "Mythology, &c. Personifications of Good and Evil,—Zluidni".
Page 385 and Page 386—page reference 243 amended to 242 in index entries for "SymplÊgades".
Page 385—lighting amended to lightning—"superstitions about lightning, 343;"
Page 385—page reference 255 amended to 355 in index entry for "Priest with the Greedy Eyes, story of the".
Page 385—page reference 383 amended to 157 in index entry for "Russian children, appearance of".
Page 385—page reference 36 amended to 49 in index entry for "Russian peasants—their jokes against women".
Page 386—page reference 83 amended to 84 in index entry for "Vy, the Servian".
Page 386—page reference 113 amended to 130 in index entry for "Water King and Vasilissa the Wise, story of the".
Page 386—30-237 amended to 237-242, in line with other index entry for "Waters of Life and Death".

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Russian Fairy Tales, by W. R. S. Ralston


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