Boy Scouts in the Canal Zone; Or, The Plot Against Uncle Sam

Boy Scouts

in the Canal Zone


The Plot Against Uncle Sam


Scout Master, G. Harvey Ralphson

Author of

“Boy Scouts in Mexico; or On Guard with Uncle Sam.”

“Boy Scouts in the Philippines; or The Key to the Treaty Box.”

“Boy Scouts in the Northwest; or Fighting Forest Fires.”

Embellished with full page and other illustrations.

M. A. Donohue & Company, Chicago

Copyright 1911.

M. A. Donohue & Company.


Made in U. S. A.

Electrotyped, Printed and Bound by

M. A. Donohue & Co.


I. The Plot Against the Gatun Dam.   7
II. Theft of the Emerald Necklace.   19
III. How the Trick was Turned.   31
IV. The Man in the Closet.   43
V. At the Great Gatun Dam.   55
VI. A Bomb and a Ruined Temple.   67
VII. Working on Ned’s Theory.   79
VIII. Explosives for the Gatun Dam.   93
IX. A Fasting Stunt is Suggested.   105
X. A Delegation of Boy Scouts.   116
XI. Jack and His Friend Gastong.   127
XII. Lost in the Jungle at Night.   139
XIII. Boy Scouts to the Rescue.   150
XIV. The Kill in the Jungle.   161
XV. Signal Fires in the Jungle.   172
XVI. A Mighty Jar in the Jungle.   183
XVII. The Watcher in the Thicket.   194
XVIII. Jimmie Releases a Prisoner.   207
XIX. A Guardian Needing Guarding.   220
XX. The Spoil of the Locks.   233
XXI. The Tangle Straightened Out.   245

Boy Scouts in the Canal Zone


The Plot Against Uncle Sam

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