Barnes, James—
Anecdotes by, 223
Edits the thirteenth No. of The Friend, 221
Battersby, Prevost, Contributor to The Friend, 132
Concert in, 227
Cronje warned that we should march to, 2
Evening Concert in Aid of the Widow' and Orphans' Fund, 408
Fooled by the Boers in, 283
"Free State Hospital" and Staff, 207
Settles down under Lord Roberts' Rule, 115
State of the Army on arrival at, 1
The Boer women in, 350
The Club at, 48
War Trophy Mania in, 318
Women of, The, 353
Burleigh, Bennet, Experience of, 35
Buxton, F. W., Facts about, 10
Canadians on Majuba Day, Description of, 22
Christian, Pt. Ewan, Story of a Colonial Hero, 39
Colvile, Gen. Sir Henry, Contributor to The Friend, 131
Conan Doyle, Dr. A.—
Arrival of in Bloemfontein, 305
Contributor to The Friend, 312
Enteric and its Ravages in Bloemfontein, 275
Eyre, Fred, Contributor to The Friend, 292
Faulkner, Chaplain T. E., Contributor to The Friend, 295
Gatacre and Clements join hands, Account of how, 76
Guards, The, Splendid characteristics of, 249
Guthrie, M.P., Mr. Murray, And the soldiers' comforts, 346
Gwynne, Mr. H. A., Facts about, 9
Hospitals and supplies from civilians, 260
I (Julian Ralph)—
Get ill and dispirited, 362
Replenish the Mess, 184
Visit Miss Bloemfontein, 160
James, Mr. Lionel, Contributor to The Friend, 132, 301
Jenkins, J. W., Reporter to The Friend, 395
Kellner, Dr., Tribute to, 362
Kipling, Rudyard—
And myself lunch with Lord Roberts, 113
And the Tommies in hospital, 259
And Tommy's poetry, 83
As Associate Editor, 99
At work for The Friend, 133
Birthday Greeting by, 226
Departure of from Bloemfontein, 258
Editorial on, 86
Enthusiasm of, 132
"Fables for the Staff" by, 134, 167, 211, 225, 242, 250
"General Joubert" by, 241
I toast, 205
"Kopje-Book Maxims" by, 168, 251
Pen portrait of, 113
"St. Patrick's Day" by, 31, 116
Sends his first contribution to The Friend, 28
"Song of the White Men, A," by, 262
Landon, Perceval, Facts about, 9
Langman Hospital, The, Facts about, 306
Love Letter, to Miss Bloemfontein, 32
Lowther, Capt. Cecil, Contributor to The Friend, 392
Menpes, Mortimer, Contributor to The Friend, 381
Milner, Sir Alfred, Speech by, at our Dinner, 204
Newman, R.N., Lieut. E. J. K., Contributor to The Friend, 141
Nicholson, K.C.B., Sir William, Contributor to The Friend, 131
Order of the Friendlies, The, Seven members of, 414
Paterson, A. B., Contributor to The Friend, 92, 309, 376
"Advice to an Officer on going to the War," 180
"Ballade of Ten-a-Penny, A," 324
"Barrack-Room Ballads," 342
"Birthday Greeting, A," 226
"Commandeering," 134
"Driving the Ox," 210
"Empire's Defenders, The," 244
"Fed up," 92
"For Freedom's Cause," 267
"General Joubert," 241
"Grumbles from the Ranks," 246
"Moderate Drinker's Lament, The," 315
"My Comrades' Conversation," 389
"Old Friends," 347
"'Orse or Fut?" 328
"Poor Old Cronje," 271
"Prices in Bloemfontein," 252
"Quartermaster's Yarn, The," 141
"St. Patrick's Day," 31, 116
"Silent Army, The," 245
"Smart," 368
"Socialism in Verse," 366
"Soldiers of the Queen," 292
"Song of the White Men, A," 262
"Sons of Britain," 254
"That V.C.," 309
"The N.C.O.," 233
"The Weary Trek," 110
"To the Soldiers' Poet," 59
"United we Stand," 215
"Voices from over the Sea," 299
Pole-Carew, General—
Headquarters of, 248
In War, 248
Press Censors, Examples of, 4
Prince Francis of Teck, H.H.—
And the Artist, 101
Duties of, The, 100
Our guest at dinner, 319
Ralph, Lester, Ill with enteric, 207
Roberts, V.C., Field-Marshal Lord—
And The Friend, 84
Communication to Kruger from, 387
Dines with the Staff of The Friend, 202
I am introduced to, 114
Speech of, at our Dinner, 205
Telegram of sympathy on General Joubert's Death from, 240
Scott, H. Owen, Contributor to The Friend, 357
Shelley, H. C., Contributor to The Friend, 401
Simes, Tr. George, Contributor to The Friend, 215, 267, 299
Smith-Dorrien, Maj.-Gen., Letter from, 37
Stanley, Lord—
Contributor to The Friend, 269
Daily visits of, to The Friend Office, 164
Office of, at Bloemfontein, 5
Tribute to, as Press Censor, 3
The Friend, and its Contents—
"Absent-bodied Burgher, The," 376
Advertisement in, 14
"Advice to an Officer on going to the War," 180
All Ranks contribute to, 131
"Anecdotes," 8, 66, 380
"Another Letter Home," 392
"Army Orders," 15, 49, 50, 108, 295
"As to the Future," 222
"Australian Correspondent, The," 67
"Ballade of Ten-a-Penny, The" (Poem), 324
"Barrack-room Ballads" (Poem), 342
"Birthday Greeting, A" (Poem), 226
"Boer Plans and Views," 333
"Brave Canadian, A," 242
"Brave young Highlanders," 349
"British Leniency," 290
"Canadians on Majuba Day," 22
"Caught by the Boers," 278
Christening Competition in, 274
Circulation of, 413
"Colonel de Villebois-Mareuil," 322
"Colonial Hero, A," 39
"Commandeering" (Poem), 134
Concerning Acrostics, 188
"Confession of a Horse-stealer," 46, 53
"Corne Drift," 339
Correspondence, 37, 90, 111, 188, 406
"Death of General Joubert," 241
"Don't" (Advice to Looters), 197
"Dots or no Dots" (Stamps), 381
"Driving the Ox" (Poem), 210
Editorial Announcements in, 17
"Empire's Defenders, The" (Poem), 244
"Enteric Fever," 281
"Fables for the Staff," 134, 167, 211, 225, 242, 250
"Facts and Otherwise," 22, 120
"Fed up" (Poem), 92
"First Impression, A," 312
First Issue of, 14
"For Freedom's Cause" (Poem), 267
From Enslin to Bobsfontein, 153
Gatacre and Clements join Hands, 76
"General Joubert" (Poem), 241
"Gleanings from Great Minds," 391
"Grumbles from the Ranks" (Poem), 246
"G. W. Steevens," 155
"How the Calf was Avenged," 325
"Humorous Side of the Campaign Recorded," 20
"Hungry Bloemfontein," 395
"Is the Art of War Revolutionised?"—
Artillery, 172
Cavalry, 234
Infantry, 148
Its Infancy, 12
"Jokes to Burn," 294
"Karree Siding," 195
"Kopje-Book Maxims," 168, 251
"Lesson Learned, A," 269
"Love Letter to Miss Bloemfontein," 29, 32
"Military Law," 118
"Military Letter Writer, The," 212
"Miss Bloemfontein's Answer," 70
"Miss Uitlander replies to Miss Bloemfontein," 169
"Moderate Drinker's Lament, The" (Poem), 315
Money Profit on, handed over, 412
"My Comrades' Conversation" (Poem), 389
Names sent in for the New Colony, 330
"New Machine Gun, The," 179
Offices of, 12
Official Dinner at Government House, 129
"Old Friends" (Poem), 347
"Orange Peel," 255
"'Orse or Fut?" (Poem) 328
"Our Friend" no longer, 399
"Our Portrait Gallery," 370, 375, 392, 401
"Our Reply to Miss Bloemfontein," 74
Parodies, 65
Peculiarities of, 410
"Pont filled with Bullion," 218
"Poor Old Cronje" (Poem), 271
Price of, The, 85
"Prices in Bloemfontein" (Poem), 252
Printing Machines used for, 44
"Proclamations" in, 25, 45, 62, 107, 208, 272, 276, 291, 374
Queen's English and Dutch Compositors, 83
"Ration Scale," 394
"Realistic Comedy, A," 227
"Recent Engagements," 301
"Recent Experience of Mr. Bennet Burleigh," 35
Rights of Purchased for £200, 8
"Rudyard Kipling" (Welcome and Farewell to), 86, 263
"St. Patrick's Day" (Poem), 31, 116
Second Issue of, 28
"Second Relief of Kimberley," 142
"Serious Matter, A," 60
"Should Beards be worn in War?" 157
"Silent Army, The," 104, 245
"Sir Alfred Milner," 209
"Sir William Lockhart," 136
"Smart" (Poem), 368
"Socialism in Verse" (Poem), 366
"Society's Doings," 364
"Soldiers' Battles and Generals' Campaigns," 125
"Soldiers of the Queen" (Poem), 292
"Song of the White Men, A" (Poem), 262
"Sons of Britain" (Poem), 254
Strange Editorial Adventure, 42
"Sulk or Duty," 18
"Ten-a-Penny's," 216
"That V.C." (Poem), 309
"The Bravest Deed," 256
"The Down-trodden (?) Negro," 63
"The Great Ride," 94
"The late Colonel the Hon. G. Gough," 265
"The N.C.O." (Poem), 233
"The Quartermaster's Yarn," (Poem), 141
"The Russians Capture London!" 277
"The Soberest Army in the World," 88
"The Steynless City" (Loot News), 31
"The Weary Trek" (Poem), 110
"They Want More of Tommy," 343
"To the People of the Free State," 311
"To the Soldiers' Poet" (Poem), 59
"Tommy in a Lady's Eyes," 182
"Towards War," 189
"United we Stand" (Poem), 215
"Voices from over the Sea" (Poem), 299
We begin to feel at Home, 41
We Retire from, 398
Working Staff of, 12
"War Artist of To-day, The," 357, 379, 401
Thyme, Mark, Contributor to The Friend, 315, 328, 342, 366, 368
As a Poet, 82
In Bloemfontein, 184
Tucker, Charles, Contributor to The Friend, 59, 244
Villebois-Mareuil, Colonel de, Facts about his Death, 321
War Correspondents—
Battersby, Prevost, 132
Burleigh, Bennet, 35
Buxton, F. W., 6, 10
James, Lionel, 132, 301
Gwynne, H. A., 6, 9
Landon, Perceval, 6, 9
We Four—
Asked to undertake the bringing out of a Paper, 6
Grand Dinner-party given by, 202
Leave The Friend to see a Fight, 221
Sent for by Lord Stanley, 3
Wilkinson, F., Contributor to The Friend, 67
Wollen, R.I., Mr. W. B., Contributor to The Friend, 379