Full of matter which is no longer a tenth as interesting as it was there and then. Number 21 of The Friend, dated April 10th, was a splendid number for Bloemfontein, and for the time, yet there is nothing to reproduce except an Australian's trooper's poetic salute to the eucalyptus, or gum-trees, that he recognised as fellow inhabitants of his distant land, whence they have been sent to cheer the waste places of California, the American Plains, and all South Africa. Three solid columns of the paper were justly given up to Mr. Kipling's exposure in the London Times of the treacherous element of the Cape population, and its relations with those neighbours who are honest and loyal subjects of the Queen and with the army. Two columns of "Reuter's" despatches from abroad, one column of similar telegrams from South African points, and a notable leader by Mr. Perceval Landon on Mr. Kipling's article, made up the contents of the reading page. Mr. Guthrie, M.P., now required two columns of the paper in which to announce the cases and parcels THE FRIEND. No. 21.] [Price One Penny BLOEMFONTEIN, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1900. NOTICE.The Field-Marshal Commanding in Chief having decided that twenty Railway Trucks are to be placed at the disposal of the tradesmen of Bloemfontein for the conveyance of food necessaries, it is requested that those wishing to take advantage thereof will communicate with the Director of Supplies at his office at the corner of Green Street and Douglas Street, between the hours of 2 and 3 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday next, 11th and 12th inst. As the amount of truck accommodation will be divided by the Director of Supplies among the various applicants, a statement of the Supplies required as a first consignment must be submitted. When the statements have been received an allotment will be made among the applicants. OLD FRIENDS.Gum trees! Here in the Dutchman's land? Back, by the creeks in the far-off plains; It's carry me back to the Castlereagh, Oh, hurry the show, and give us a lead, And when we are back on the Murray lands, So hurry it up, for we've work to do J. H. M. A. BRAVE YOUNG HIGHLANDERS.To the Editors of The Friend,—Sirs,—In your Saturday's issue an appreciation of the R.A.M.C. appears, in which the Morning Post correspondent speaks of their services as stretcher-bearers at Magersfontein with the Highland Brigade, whereas the R.A.M.C. has furnished no stretcher-bearers to the Highland Brigade, the whole of this dangerous work having been done by the Regimental bearers, and "A" Company Volunteer Ambulance (King William's Town), and as this company—consisting principally of mere striplings—has "faced the music" right through, and kept shoulder to shoulder with the veterans of the Highland Brigade, they surely should be credited with the work they have so gallantly performed. Yours very truly, Britisher. |