The Will of the Queen of Scots.


Strickland's Letters of Mary Queen of Scots, vol. ii. p. 237.

[The Will contains clauses relative to the payments of her debts, and of legacies to her servants. The selections given are of more general interest.]

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, I, Mary, by the grace of God, Queen of Scotland and Dowager of France, being on the point of death, and not having any means of making my will, have myself committed these articles to writing, and I will and desire, that they have the same force, as if they were made in due form.

In the first place, I declare that I die in the Catholic, Apostolic, and Romish faith. First, I desire that a complete service be performed for my soul in the Church of St. Denis in France, and another in St. Peter's, at Rheims, where all my servants are to attend, in such manner as may be ordered to do by those to whom I have given directions, and who are named therein.

Further, that an annual obit be founded for prayers for my soul, in perpetuity, in such place, and after such manner, as shall be deemed most convenient....

I appoint my cousin, the Duke of Guise, principal executor of my will. After him, the Archbishop of Glasgow, the Bishop of Ross, and Monsieur de Ruissieu, my chancellor....

I recommend Marie Paiges, my god-daughter, to my cousin, Madame de Guise, and beg her to take her into her service, and my aunt de Saint Pierre to get Moubray some good situation, or retain her in her service, for the honour of God.

Done this day, 7th February 1587.

Mary, Queen.


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