1. Murray's plea for the Rizzio rebels.
2. The relations between Mary and Darnley.
(a) Mary's Will.
(b) The Birth of Prince James.
3. Mary to Elizabeth anent her support of the rebels.
4. Mary's treatment of Darnley, and Darnley's conduct towards Mary.
(a) As reported by M. le Croc, the French Ambassador.
(b) As reported by Buchanan, with the Alloa story.
(c) Nau's account of the Alloa story, and a letter of Mary's from Alloa.
5. The Ride to Hermitage.
(a) As reported in the Diurnal of Occurrents.
(b) As reported by Nau.
(c) As reported by Buchanan.
6. The Queen's illness at Jedburgh.
7. The Craigmillar Conference.
(a) As reported by Buchanan.
(b) In the Protestation of Huntly and Argyll.
8. The events immediately before the Darnley murder.
(a) Letter from Du Croc.
(b) The Baptism of the Prince.
(c) Restoration of the consistorial jurisdiction.
(d) Mary on Darnley's conduct.
(e) Beaton's warning.
9. The visit to Glasgow and the murder.
(a) As reported by Buchanan in the Detection.
(b) As described by Mary.
(c) As described by Nau.
(d) As described by Buchanan in his History.


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