Welcome, O Souveraine! Welcome, O natyve Quene! Welcome to us your subiects great and small! Welcome, I say, even from the verie splene, To Edinburgh your syttie principall. Whereas your people with harts both one and all Doth here{in} offer to your excellence Two proper volumes As gyfte most gainand Wherein your Grace may reade to understande The perfett waye unto the hevennes hie, And how to Rule your subiects and your land, And how your kingdom stablished shalbe, Judgment and wysdome therein shall ye see. Here shall you find your God his due commande, And who the contrarie does wilfullie, How them he threatens with his scurge and wand. Ane gyfte more precious cold Nor yet more needefull to your Excellence, Qwylk Trewlie translate with frutefull diligence, Qwylk to accepte with humble reverence With the hole subiects due obedience, Together with the keyes of their porte. In signe that they Bodie and good shall ever reddie be To serve you as their souveraine hie mistress Both daye and {night} after thair bound dutie: Besechinge Thair {too} shorte tyme and {their} godwill Accepte their harts and take it pacientlie That may be done, seing all is yours together. A TOLERANT PROCLAMATION