Randolph to Cecil. Foreign Calendar, 1565. Greater triumphs there never were in time of Popery than were this Easter at the resurrection and at her high mass. Organs were wont to be the common music. She wanted now neither trumpet, drum, nor fife, bagpipe nor tabor.... Upon Monday she and divers of her women apparelled themselves like burgesses' wives, went upon their feet up and down the town, and of every man they met they took some pledge for money towards the banquet; and in the lodging where the writer was accustomed to lodge was the dinner prepared, at which she was herself, with the wonder and gazing of men, women, and children.
"LESS COMFORT" FOR QUEEN MARY Randolph to Cecil from Edinburgh, July 2, 1565 {date of end of letter}. Keith's History, vol. ii. p. 300. I wrote that there was a convention appointed at St. Johnstone {Perth} the 22nd of this instant {i.e. June}, to which there were specially named these, the Duke, Earls Argyll, Murray, Morton, and Glencairn; only Morton came; the other some tarried at their houses, as the Duke, and Earl of Murray; other as Argyll and Glencairn came to Edinburgh the 24th to the Convention {General Assembly} of the Protestants there. With this her Grace is greatly offended, and layeth the whole fault hereof to the Earl of Murray and Argyll, which both had come to St. Johnstone, but that my Lord of Murray was assuredly advertised that it was intended that he should be slain there.... With my Lord of Murray I have lately spoken; he is grieved to see these extreme follies in his sovereign; he lamenteth the state of this country that tendeth to utter ruin; he feareth that the nobility shall be forced to assemble themselves together, to do her honour and reverence as they are in duty bound, but to provide for the State that it do not utterly perish.... The Duke, the Earl of Argyll, and he concur in this device; many other are like to join with them in the same; what will ensue let wise men judge.... The less comfort that this Queen be put in, that the Queen's majesty will allow of her doings, the sooner shall her Majesty bring that to pass here that she most desireth, and more at her Majesty's devotion than at this time she hath, there were never in Scotland. Some that already have A HASTY RIDE Randolph to Cecil from Edinburgh, July 4. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 309. Upon Saturday her Grace came ... to St. Johnston, where word was brought her that the Earl of Argyll and Earl of Murray had assembled many of their friends and servants, and intended to take her and the Lord Darnley riding between that town and the Lord of Livingstone's house, and to have carried the Queen's Grace to St. Andrews, and the Lord Darnley to Castle Campbell, a house of the Earl of Argyll.... She took her horse by five of the clock in the morning, and rode with great speed, having only three women in her train, until she came to the Queen's Ferry, passing through a little town called Kinross, hard by Lochleven, where my Lord of Murray was in a house in the loch with his mother and the Laird of Lochleven, his brother, with a small number of his servants, having been sick of a flux not four days before, intending for all that to have met the Queen, and to have convoyed her as far as her Grace would give him leave; but hearing that her Grace was past that town three or four hours before that he looked for her, he remained still and went not forth.... A REQUEST FOR MONEY They {the two Earls} think it time to put to that remedy they can; they depend greatly upon the comfort received from the Queen's majesty our sovereign; they know that it as well tendeth to her Majesty's surety for that which may ensure as the present hurt and danger to themselves. Wherefore, having considered her Majesty's friendly and godly offer to concur with them, and to assist them, ... as from subjects that see how far the Sovereign is led by unadvised persons, from her duty to God, and care that she ought to have of the weal of her country, they most humbly desire the performance of her Majesty's promise.... They are loth so far to charge her Majesty as to desire any number of men to take their part, but that it will only please her Majesty to help them with such sums of money as for a time may be able to keep themselves together, be it that they determine to be wheresoever the Queen's self is, or to remain in Edinburgh, where they may best put order unto all those grievous enormities.... They think that if her Majesty would bestow only three thousand pounds sterling for this year, except some foreign force shall be brought in against them. Acts of the Privy Council of Scotland, July 12, 1565. For as much as divers evil disposed persons ... wickedly and ungodly have pretended by untrue reports ... that her Majesty had begun or intended to impede, stay, or molest any of them in using of their religion and conscience freely ... ordains letters to be direct to officers of the Queen's Sheriff in A ROYAL MARRIAGE I doubt not but your Lordship hath heard by such information as I have given from hence, what the present state of this country is, how this Queen is now become a married wife, and her husband, the self same day of his marriage, made a king.... So many discontented minds, so much misliking of the subjects to have these matters, ordered in this sort, to be brought to pass, I never heard of any marriage.... Thus they fear the overthrow of religion, the breach of amity with the Queen's Majesty {Elizabeth}, destruction of as many of the nobility as she hath misliking of, or that he to pick a quarrel unto.... He {Darnley} would now seem to be indifferent to both the religions, she to use her mass, and he to come sometimes to the preaching. They were married with all the solemnities of the "GOD SAVE HIS GRACE!" All honour that may be attributed unto any man by a wife, he hath it wholly and fully ... all dignities that she can indue him with are already given and granted. No man pleaseth her that contenteth not him, and what may I say more, she hath given over unto him her whole will, to be ruled and guided as himself best liketh. She can as much prevail with him in anything that is against his will, as your Lordship may with me to persuade that I should hang myself.... Upon Saturday ... at nine hours at night, by three heralds at sound of the trumpet he was proclaimed king. This was the night before the marriage. This day, Monday, at twelve of the clock, the Lords, all that were in this town, were present at the proclaiming of him again, when no man said so much as Amen, saving his father, that cried out aloud, "God save his Grace!" The manner of the marriage was of this sort. Upon Sunday, in the morning, between five and six, she was conveyed by divers of her nobles to the chapel. She had upon her back the great mourning gown of black, with the great wide mourning hood, not unlike unto that which she wore the doleful day of the burial of her husband. She was ELIZABETH ASKED TO EXPLAIN Cecil to Sir Thomas Smith, from Windsor, August 21, 1565. Wright's Elizabeth, vol. i. p. 206. Mr. Tomworth was sent to the Queen of Scots upon this occasion; the Scottish Queen hath sent twice hither to require the Queen's Majesty to declare for what causes she did mislike of this marriage, offering also to satisfy the same. In the meantime troubles arise there betwixt her and the Earl of Murray and others being friendly to the warm amity of the realm, whereunto for sundry respects it seemeth THE REBELS OUT-LAWED Register of the Privy Council, December 1, 1565. The which day, in presence of the King and Queen's Majesties and Lords of Secret Council, compeared Master John Spence of Condy, advocate to their Highnesses, and exponed how at their Majesties' command he had libelled summonses of treason against Archibald, Earl of Argyll, James, Earl of Murray, Alexander, Earl of Glencairn, Andrew, Earl of Rothes, Andrew, Lord Ochiltree, Robert, Lord Boyd, and divers others,—to compear in the next Parliament, to begin the fourth day of February next to come, to hear them decerned to have incurred the crime of lese majestie, and to have lost and forfeited life, lands, and goods.... But because there were GOOD AND COURTEOUS ENTERTAINMENT