1563. The Meeting of Parliament.


Laing's Knox, vol. ii. p. 381.

Such stinking pride of women, as was seen at that Parliament, was never seen before in Scotland. Three sundry days, the Queen rode to the Tolbooth; the first day, she made a painted oration, and there might have been heard amongst her flatterers, "Vox DianÆ, the Voice of a Goddess (for it could not be Dei) and not of a woman. God save that sweet face. Was there ever Orator spake so properly and so sweetly?"

All things misliking the Preacher, they spake boldly against the targetting of their taillies {i.e. the adornment of their robes with tassels}, and against the rest of their vanity, which they affirmed should provoke God's vengeance, not only against these foolish women, but against the whole realm.... Articles were presented, for orders to be taken for apparel, and for reformation of other enormities; but all was winked at.



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