1560. July. The Treaty of Edinburgh.


Rymer's Foedera, vol. xv. p. 594.

[The Treaty of Edinburgh provided that both the French soldiers who had come to help the Queen Regent, and the English soldiers who aided the insurgents, should leave the kingdom, and it renounced Mary's claim to the throne of England: whether absolutely or only with reference to Elizabeth, is a matter of dispute. The clauses to which Mary objected are here quoted.]

... It is agreed that the said most Christian King and Queen Mary, and each of them, abstain henceforth from using the said title and bearing the arms of the kingdom of England or of Ireland, and that they will forbid and prohibit their subjects, so that no one in the kingdom of France and Scotland and their provinces, or in any part of them, do in any way use the said title or arms, and that they will, as far as possible, provide and guard that nobody in any way commingle the said arms with the arms of the kingdoms of France and Scotland.



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