The following official letter from Hon. Horatio King explains itself. }Post-Office Department, Sir: In answer to your letter of 10th inst., I have to inform you, that the ocean mail steamship lines now under contract with the Government for the conveyance of mails, are as follows, namely: 1. The New-York and Liverpool (Collins) Line, performing twenty round trips per annum, at an annual compensation of $385,000. Length of route, 3,100 miles. 2. The New-York and Bremen Line, vi Southampton, performing thirteen round trips per annum, for the gross amount of United States postages, (sea and inland.) Length of route, 3,700 miles. 3. The New-York and Havre Line, vi Southampton, performing thirteen round trips per annum for the gross amount of United States postages, (sea and inland.) Length of route, 3,270 miles. 4. The New-York, Havana, New-Orleans, and Aspinwall Line, performing twenty-four round trips per annum, at an annual compensation of $290,000. Length of routes 2,000 miles from New-York to Aspinwall direct; 2,000 miles from New-York to New-Orleans vi Havana; and 1,200 miles from Havana to Aspinwall; making in all, 5,200 miles. 5. The Astoria, San Francisco, and Panama Line, performing twenty-four round trips per annum, at an annual compensation of $348,250. Length of route, 4,200 miles. 6. The Charleston, Savannah, Key West, and Havana Line, performing twenty-four round trips per annum, at an annual compensation of $60,000. Length of route, 669 miles. 7. The New-Orleans and Vera Cruz Line, performing twenty-four round trips per annum, at $1,210.93 the round trip. Length of route, 900 miles. The contracts on these lines expire as follows, namely:
I am very respectfully your obedient servant, Horatio King. To Dr. Thomas Rainey. |