

Abitation (1) de Kebec 34, 45
Aboriginal Tribes 6
Abram’s Village 204
Acadia 13, 177, 204, 232
Acadia, Heroine of 13, 177, 178
Acadian Expulsion 5, 204, 232, 274
Acadian French 17, 21, 156, 239, 275
Acadian Settlements 22, 133, 139, 201, 204, 223, 224, 256
Acadian Story 210
Acadian Relics 218, 233, 239
Acadian Villages 80, 229, 295, 297
Adam’s Lake 182
Advocate Harbor 233
Albert 195
Alberton 17, 205, 208, 209
Algonquin Indians 34, 187
Alma 195
Alpine Scenery 10, 57, 59, 75, 96
American’s Prisoner’s Escape 44
Amqui 105
Amherst 232
Annapolis Basin 231
Annapolis Royal 21
Annapolis Valley 21, 244, 258
Anse a l’Eau 84
Anticosti 68
Antigonish 260, 264, 265
Antigonish Mountains 265
Apohaqui 192, 195
Apple River 233
Arctic Current 20
Arichat 24, 297
Arisaig 265
“Arm of Gold,” The 24
Arnold 40
Ashuapmouchouan 89
Asiatic Continent 8
Aspy Bay 293
Assametquaghan 107
Atlantic Provinces 22
Atlantic Seaboard 69, 231, 244, 246, 265
Aulac River 232
Aurora Borealis 85
Aylmer, Lord 123
Baccalaos 271
Back to the Farm 209
Baddeck 24, 272, 278, 282, 295
Baddeck River 292
Baie St. Paul 68, 70
Bake Oven 59
Bald Head 111
Barnaby River 200
Barachois 278, 280
Bartholomew River 145
Bartholomy 9
Basque Fishermen 7
Basque Peasants 29
Bathing 59, 78, 101, 134, 157, 178, 182, 192, 200, 205, 255, 256, 260, 262, 293, 295
Bathurst 113, 138, 140
Battle of Montmorency 37
Battle of Ste. Foye 46
Battle of the Plains 40, 44
Bay of Chaleur 13, 105, 112, 120, 121, 133, 138, 139, 185
Bay of St. Lawrence 293
Bear 293
Bears, Anecdotes of 31, 114, 116, 214
Beauport 38, 54
Beauport, Lake 47
BeauprÉ 10
Beau Rivage 106
Bedeque Bay 205
Bedford 255
Bedford Basin 244, 255, 256
Beinn Bhreagh 289, 290, 291
Belange 9
Belvedere 216
Bellevue 255
Bic 69, 76
Bigot and Caroline, Story of 48
Blackville 144
Blue Mountains 111
Boar’s Head 193
Boating 66, 71, 75, 78, 85, 101, 122, 135, 146, 157, 171, 178, 182, 192, 195, 200, 216, 218, 226, 232, 233, 255, 256, 260, 261, 266, 281, 288
Boiestown 145
Boisdale 278
Bonaventure Island 126
Bonaventure River 132
Bonshaw 216
Boularderie 276
Boylston 266
Brackley Point 215
Bras d’Or Lake 24, 231, 275, 276, 288, 296
Bradalbane 212
Bretagne 17, 204
Bride’s Corner 176
Bride’s Mecca 101
Brudenell 224
Buctouche 200
Buctouche River 200
Bungalow Life 137, 174, 176, 192, 237, 261, 289
Cabot 5, 6, 15, 30, 203, 271
Cacouna 80, 94
Cain’s River 145
Call of Nature, The 235
Calling the Ferry 152
Camp Bedford 176
Campbellton 111, 117, 121, 129, 133
Camping Out 133, 157, 219, 221, 222, 256
Campobello 184
Canaan River 142, 200
Canadian Government Railways 24, 206
Canadian Mediterranean 8
Canine Intelligence 214
Canoeing 66, 129, 133, 142, 145, 157, 171, 182, 192, 205, 218, 255, 264, 281
Canoe Trip 146
Cap À l’Aigle 10, 71, 73, 78
Cap au Corbeau 70
Cap au Diable 129
Cap d’Or 233
Cape Blomidon 233
Cape Breton 7, 18, 22, 24, 37, 69, 231, 195, 199, 212, 215, 216, 226, 233, 255, 262, 264, 266, 281, 285, 288, 292, 295, 296
Duck Cove 129
Dufferin Terrace 30, 46
Dungarvon 145
Dunk River 205
Dutch Village 256
Eagle 149
Early Indians 122
Eastport 184
East River 19, 264
Eboulements, Les 70
Edmundston 80
Egg Island 37, 128
Elliot River 215
Ellis River 206
Elmsdale 208
Emerillon 70
Enchanted Lake 182
Enjoying Old Age 204
Eric, The Red 6
Escoumains, Les 68
Escuminac 143
Eternity Bay 88
Europe and Middle Ages 9
Excursions by Rail 264
Fairville 182
Fairy River 56, 139
Falkland Village 256
Farm Subdivisions 59
Fast Pilgrimage Train 56
Fishing 75, 78, 122, 126, 133, 139, 142, 144, 171, 178, 195, 200, 222, 233, 158
Kouchibouguac Bay 143, 200
Kouchibouguacis 144, 200
Lac au Saumon 105
Lake Ainslie 295
Lake O’Law 293
Lake Scenery 279, 280
L’Ardoise 297
La Tour, Charles 13, 21, 177
La Tour, Frances 13, 177, 178
Lawrencetown 256
Leaping Tuna 21, 258, 282
Legend of PercÉ Rock 127
LÉvis 10, 28, 37, 58, 62
Lily Lake 181
L’Islet 69
Little MÉtis 68, 101, 105
Liverpool 258
Lochaber 265
Loch Lomond, N.B. 182, 183
Loch Lomond, C.B. 297
Lockeport 258
Loggieville 143
Londonderry 239
Long Island 158, 192
Longueuil 9
Loreine, Cape 271
Lorette 54
Louis XIV 22, 43, 52, 285
Louisbourg 22, 24, 274, 281, 285, 286
Loyalists 156, 178, 196, 232
Lumbering 144
Lunt’s Ferry 160
Lyon’s Brook 261
Mabou 226
Musquodoboit River 244, 256
Nacawick River 164
Nashwaak River 142, 145, 146, 151, 156, 180
Nature-Lover, The 224, 226, 235, 239
Nauwigewauk 193
Navy Island 256
Nearn Fall 76
Neguac 143
Neigette 108
Nelson 29, 49
Nepisiguit Bay 138
Nepisiguit Falls 113, 139
Nepisiguit Junction 113, 139
Nepisiguit Lake 111, 139
Nepisiguit River 14, 109, 111, 113, 138, 142
New Brunswick 7, 12, 13, 69, 108, 142, 144, 145, 230
New Carlisle 121
Newcastle 142, 144
New England Colonists 5, 21, 22, 247, 286
New France 30, 32
New Glasgow, P.E.I. 212
New Glasgow, N.S. 264
New London 212
Newport 129
New Richmond 121, 132
Neil’s Harbor 293
Nictor Lake 111
Normandy 9, 17, 204
Norman Life 70
Norman Peasants 265
St. Lawrence Gulf 12, 15, 135, 208, 271, 293
St. Lawrence Islands 69
St. Lawrence River 7, 12, 28, 31, 35, 68, 86, 101, 105, 121, 135, 184, 230, 232
St. Lawrence Steamboats 73
St. Lawrence Sunset 78
St. Lawrence System 8
St. Leonard’s 113
St. Louis 200
St. Margaret’s Bay 256, 258
St. Martin’s 193
St. Mary’s River 265
St. Maurice 31
St. Maurice River 8
St. Modeste 94
St. Moise 105
St. Octave 101
St. Paschal 80
St. Paul’s Island 293
St. Peter’s 274, 278, 288, 297
St. Peter’s Bay 218
St. Romuald 62
St. Simeon 78
Table Head 282
Tabusintac 143
Tadousac 8, 68, 73, 80, 81, 83, 84, 94
Tantramar River 229
Tapley Bar 158
Tatamagouche 261
Taxis River 145
Tay River 145
Temiscouata Lake 80
Tennis 66, 71, 75,

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