A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Page
- A
- Abitation (1) de Kebec 34, 45
- Aboriginal Tribes 6
- Abram’s Village 204
- Acadia 13, 177, 204, 232
- Acadia, Heroine of 13, 177, 178
- Acadian Expulsion 5, 204, 232, 274
- Acadian French 17, 21, 156, 239, 275
- Acadian Settlements 22, 133, 139, 201, 204, 223, 224, 256
- Acadian Story 210
- Acadian Relics 218, 233, 239
- Acadian Villages 80, 229, 295, 297
- Adam’s Lake 182
- Advocate Harbor 233
- Albert 195
- Alberton 17, 205, 208, 209
- Algonquin Indians 34, 187
- Alma 195
- Alpine Scenery 10, 57, 59, 75, 96
- American’s Prisoner’s Escape 44
- Amqui 105
- Amherst 232
- Annapolis Basin 231
- Annapolis Royal 21
- Annapolis Valley 21, 244, 258
- Anse a l’Eau 84
- Anticosti 68
- Antigonish 260, 264, 265
- Antigonish Mountains 265
- Apohaqui 192, 195
- Apple River 233
- Arctic Current 20
- Arichat 24, 297
- Arisaig 265
- “Arm of Gold,” The 24
- Arnold 40
- Ashuapmouchouan 89
- Asiatic Continent 8
- Aspy Bay 293
- Assametquaghan 107
- Atlantic Provinces 22
- Atlantic Seaboard 69, 231, 244, 246, 265
- Aulac River 232
- Aurora Borealis 85
- Aylmer, Lord 123
- B
- Baccalaos 271
- Back to the Farm 209
- Baddeck 24, 272, 278, 282, 295
- Baddeck River 292
- Baie St. Paul 68, 70
- Bake Oven 59
- Bald Head 111
- Barnaby River 200
- Barachois 278, 280
- Bartholomew River 145
- Bartholomy 9
- Basque Fishermen 7
- Basque Peasants 29
- Bathing 59, 78, 101, 134, 157, 178, 182, 192, 200, 205, 255, 256, 260, 262, 293, 295
- Bathurst 113, 138, 140
- Battle of Montmorency 37
- Battle of Ste. Foye 46
- Battle of the Plains 40, 44
- Bay of Chaleur 13, 105, 112, 120, 121, 133, 138, 139, 185
- Bay of St. Lawrence 293
- Bear 293
- Bears, Anecdotes of 31, 114, 116, 214
- Beauport 38, 54
- Beauport, Lake 47
- BeauprÉ 10
- Beau Rivage 106
- Bedeque Bay 205
- Bedford 255
- Bedford Basin 244, 255, 256
- Beinn Bhreagh 289, 290, 291
- Belange 9
- Belvedere 216
- Bellevue 255
- Bic 69, 76
- Bigot and Caroline, Story of 48
- Blackville 144
- Blue Mountains 111
- Boar’s Head 193
- Boating 66, 71, 75, 78, 85, 101, 122, 135, 146, 157, 171, 178, 182, 192, 195, 200, 216, 218, 226, 232, 233, 255, 256, 260, 261, 266, 281, 288
- Boiestown 145
- Boisdale 278
- Bonaventure Island 126
- Bonaventure River 132
- Bonshaw 216
- Boularderie 276
- Boylston 266
- Brackley Point 215
- Bras d’Or Lake 24, 231, 275, 276, 288, 296
- Bradalbane 212
- Bretagne 17, 204
- Bride’s Corner 176
- Bride’s Mecca 101
- Brudenell 224
- Buctouche 200
- Buctouche River 200
- Bungalow Life 137, 174, 176, 192, 237, 261, 289
- C
- Cabot 5, 6, 15, 30, 203, 271
- Cacouna 80, 94
- Cain’s River 145
- Call of Nature, The 235
- Calling the Ferry 152
- Camp Bedford 176
- Campbellton 111, 117, 121, 129, 133
- Camping Out 133, 157, 219, 221, 222, 256
- Campobello 184
- Canaan River 142, 200
- Canadian Government Railways 24, 206
- Canadian Mediterranean 8
- Canine Intelligence 214
- Canoeing 66, 129, 133, 142, 145, 157, 171, 182, 192, 205, 218, 255, 264, 281
- Canoe Trip 146
- Cap À l’Aigle 10, 71, 73, 78
- Cap au Corbeau 70
- Cap au Diable 129
- Cap d’Or 233
- Cape Blomidon 233
- Cape Breton 7, 18, 22, 24, 37, 69, 231, 195, 199, 212, 215, 216, 226, 233, 255, 262, 264, 266, 281, 285, 288, 292, 295, 296
- Duck Cove 129
- Dufferin Terrace 30, 46
- Dungarvon 145
- Dunk River 205
- Dutch Village 256
- E
- Eagle 149
- Early Indians 122
- Eastport 184
- East River 19, 264
- Eboulements, Les 70
- Edmundston 80
- Egg Island 37, 128
- Elliot River 215
- Ellis River 206
- Elmsdale 208
- Emerillon 70
- Enchanted Lake 182
- Enjoying Old Age 204
- Eric, The Red 6
- Escoumains, Les 68
- Escuminac 143
- Eternity Bay 88
- Europe and Middle Ages 9
- Excursions by Rail 264
- F
- Fairville 182
- Fairy River 56, 139
- Falkland Village 256
- Farm Subdivisions 59
- Fast Pilgrimage Train 56
- Fishing 75, 78, 122, 126, 133, 139, 142, 144, 171, 178, 195, 200, 222, 233, 158
- Kouchibouguac Bay 143, 200
- Kouchibouguacis 144, 200
- L
- Lac au Saumon 105
- Lake Ainslie 295
- Lake O’Law 293
- Lake Scenery 279, 280
- L’Ardoise 297
- La Tour, Charles 13, 21, 177
- La Tour, Frances 13, 177, 178
- Lawrencetown 256
- Leaping Tuna 21, 258, 282
- Legend of PercÉ Rock 127
- LÉvis 10, 28, 37, 58, 62
- Lily Lake 181
- L’Islet 69
- Little MÉtis 68, 101, 105
- Liverpool 258
- Lochaber 265
- Loch Lomond, N.B. 182, 183
- Loch Lomond, C.B. 297
- Lockeport 258
- Loggieville 143
- Londonderry 239
- Long Island 158, 192
- Longueuil 9
- Loreine, Cape 271
- Lorette 54
- Louis XIV 22, 43, 52, 285
- Louisbourg 22, 24, 274, 281, 285, 286
- Loyalists 156, 178, 196, 232
- Lumbering 144
- Lunt’s Ferry 160
- Lyon’s Brook 261
- M
- Mabou 226
- Musquodoboit River 244, 256
- N
- Nacawick River 164
- Nashwaak River 142, 145, 146, 151, 156, 180
- Nature-Lover, The 224, 226, 235, 239
- Nauwigewauk 193
- Navy Island 256
- Nearn Fall 76
- Neguac 143
- Neigette 108
- Nelson 29, 49
- Nepisiguit Bay 138
- Nepisiguit Falls 113, 139
- Nepisiguit Junction 113, 139
- Nepisiguit Lake 111, 139
- Nepisiguit River 14, 109, 111, 113, 138, 142
- New Brunswick 7, 12, 13, 69, 108, 142, 144, 145, 230
- New Carlisle 121
- Newcastle 142, 144
- New England Colonists 5, 21, 22, 247, 286
- New France 30, 32
- New Glasgow, P.E.I. 212
- New Glasgow, N.S. 264
- New London 212
- Newport 129
- New Richmond 121, 132
- Neil’s Harbor 293
- Nictor Lake 111
- Normandy 9, 17, 204
- Norman Life 70
- Norman Peasants 265
- St. Lawrence Gulf 12, 15, 135, 208, 271, 293
- St. Lawrence Islands 69
- St. Lawrence River 7, 12, 28, 31, 35, 68, 86, 101, 105, 121, 135, 184, 230, 232
- St. Lawrence Steamboats 73
- St. Lawrence Sunset 78
- St. Lawrence System 8
- St. Leonard’s 113
- St. Louis 200
- St. Margaret’s Bay 256, 258
- St. Martin’s 193
- St. Mary’s River 265
- St. Maurice 31
- St. Maurice River 8
- St. Modeste 94
- St. Moise 105
- St. Octave 101
- St. Paschal 80
- St. Paul’s Island 293
- St. Peter’s 274, 278, 288, 297
- St. Peter’s Bay 218
- St. Romuald 62
- St. Simeon 78
- T
- Table Head 282
- Tabusintac 143
- Tadousac 8, 68, 73, 80, 81, 83, 84, 94
- Tantramar River 229
- Tapley Bar 158
- Tatamagouche 261
- Taxis River 145
- Tay River 145
- Temiscouata Lake 80
- Tennis 66, 71, 75,