“At another time, the Count de L, a Flemish nobleman, introduced himself to me, in what way, it does not now occur to me. I had not the least suspicion of him; and even when my French friends cautioned me, I thought they were only angry with him, because he spoke so much against that people and government. Even this circumstance gave me no distrust, because it was common with the Flemings. However, he was so ultra in his remarks, saying that they had scarcely a human countenance, and things equally absurd, that I inclined to the opposite side of the question, and never said anything that could be laid hold of, not from suspicion, but from a cautiousness, which had become habitual.” At another time, I was laughing with a very sensible officer, who had been in the English army, at ignorant persons, who thought that any thing which had touched a certain image in that neighbourhood, was a preservative against the bite of a mad dog; when he took a silver ring from his finger, and said, ‘how then do you think I have been preserved from being bit all these years, but by this ring, which has been rubbed against the image?’ “Paris le 10. xbre. 1806. “Je tous annonce avec plaisir Monsieur que vous venez d’obtenir votre Échange contre Le Capitaine Infirmet cidevant Commandant le Vaisseau de sa MajestÉ L’Intrepide. “Votre passeport pour vous, votre famille et le Docteur GrÈs vous sera remis par Mr. Le General Commandant la 22 Division militaire, et je donne des ordres Á Morlaix pour que vous soyez antorisÈ Á y freter un Parlementaire qui vous conduira dans votre Patrie. “Je sais le plaisir que cette nouvelle vous causera, et il m’est agrÉable d’avoir  vous lÁnnoncer. “Recevez Monsieur L’assurance de ma considÉration distinguÉe. “DECRES. “M. Brenton, Capne. de Vaisseau a Tours.” F. B. F. B. F. B. F. B. T. THOMAS, PRINTER, EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER. |