Foreword, by J. T. Sunderland vii
Preface to the Second Edition xxvii
Introduction 1
I. The General Viewpoint of the Indian Nationalist 67
First Invasion of India 68
Chandra Gupta and Asoka 69
India Practically Independent Up to the Twelfth Century 70
Muslim Rule 71
Muslim Rule in India not Foreign 73
India Under the British 76
Political Disqualification of the Indians 78
Indians May not Carry Arms 80
Loyalty of Ruling Chiefs 90
Middle Class Desires Political Freedom 92
II. India from 1757 to 1857 95
Conflict of French and English in India 96
How British Rule in India Was Established 96
Methods of Consolidation of British India 97
British Public Ignorant of Facts 98
Conquest of India Diplomatic, not Military 100
The Great Indian Mutiny of 1857 101
How the Mutiny Was Put Down 102
III. India from 1857 to 1905 109
Part I. From 1857 to 1885.
The Bengalee Babu 109
Forces Resisting Denationalisation 114
Political Disappointments 115
Lord Ripon 118
Lord Dufferin 121
Part II. The Birth of the Indian National Congress.
Indian National Congress an English Product 122
Hume, a Lover of Liberty 124
Congress to Save British Empire from Danger 126
The Congress Lacked Essentials of a National Movement 138
Hume’s Political Movement 141
Congress Overawed 253


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